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Is The Decade of 2020 Just Cursed?

I have no idea what is happening anymore in this world. A new decade started of with some shit ass pandemic that terrified the entire world and put everything on pause for 2 and a half years. Everything happend so fast thought that I almost felt like I didn't even live those 2 years of my life. Almost like it was some fever or fantasy dream that never happend. Anyone feels same way or at least understands what I mean here?

Then, Ukraine War breaks out and now there are terrorist attacks on the country of my people.

What is going on with this decade? What is going to happen next? I wouldn't be surprised if we get hit with an alien invasion at this rate. To be brutally honest, at least that would make things way more interesting.
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One thing that annoys me more than anything in the word is this notion millennials and Gen Zers have that they have experienced more hardship than previous generations because of things like 9-11, covid, and the great recession. Therefore millennials and Gen Zers are more messed up and have more emotional baggage than prior gens.

Please, get over yourself. The world has always been this way. We just didn't always have social media to self promote our misery.




I have no idea what is happening anymore in this world. A new decade started of with some shit ass pandemic that terrified the entire world and put everything on pause for 2 and a half years. Everything happend so fast thought that I almost felt like I didn't even live those 2 years of my life. Almost like it was some fever or fantasy dream that never happend. Anyone feels same way or at least understands what I mean here?

Then, Ukraine War breaks out and now there are terrorist attacks on the country of my people.

What is going on with this decade? What is going to happen next? I wouldn't be surprised if we get hit with an alien invasion at this rate. To be brutally honest, at least that would make things way more interesting.

Things are cyclical in nature. The world is really no worse now than at any point in our past. In fact, in most ways it's far better.
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Kings Field

I've seen so many people die during the pandemic at my hospital that I am desensitized to death anymore.

12-20 hour shifts of wearing respirators and other ppe made the days drag. It was slow motion for me and I can still remember those days like they happened five minutes ago.


Gold Member
One thing that annoys me more than anything in the word is this notion millennials and Gen Zers have that they have experienced more hardship than previous generations because of things like 9-11, covid, and the great recession. Therefore millennials and Gen Zers are more messed up and have more emotional baggage than prior gens.

Please, get over yourself. The world has always been this way. We just didn't always have social media to self promote our misery.
not wrong the big lebowski GIF

I can't hear that shit anymore. I wasn't alive when the plague hit in 12th fucking century. I didn't witness the Thirty Years War or The Great Depression but I'm sure it was awful.

I am living now. And now is shit. 10 or so years ago was less shit.

It must be ok to feel and say so.


Turn off your TV. Seriously, modern media is a curse. We get only catastrophes as they grab the viewers' attention.

At the university I had the semianr "catastrophe theory". The thesis of what a catastrophe is was put forward. And one of the most common answers involved the media: If no one reports on it, so you don't know anything about it - is it a disaster?


not wrong the big lebowski GIF

I can't hear that shit anymore. I wasn't alive when the plague hit in 12th fucking century. I didn't witness the Thirty Years War or The Great Depression but I'm sure it was awful.

I am living now. And now is shit. 10 or so years ago was less shit.

It must be ok to feel and say so.
It's fine to feel and say shit sucks because it does in many ways. I'm talking about people who specifically say and act like current generations have had it worse than previous generations. Because that's just delusional narcissistic thinking. Sorry if that offends you.


Reseterror Resettler
Shit sucks, and shit is better than ever. Same as basically all of Time. Peace creates progress, progress creates complacency, complacency creates strife, strife creates conflict, conflict eventually leads to peace, etc, etc, over and over.

If anything, it's just become easier to seek out information and be deceived if you look in the wrong places.


Neo Member
It's more like business as usual. Compared to the past, we are much better off today.

The difference is that we have dismantled all the "old toxic values," so all that is left is nihilism, which can no longer provide any real spiritual support.

So the world has remained the same, but our society has changed.


No, every generation is scared out of their wits when they first see how bad the world can be. In the 1970s, there were the ME and SE Asia atrocities. 80s, 90s, 2000s etc. all had their big moments.

When we come to realize what the world really is about, we see it's both beautiful and it's horrific what people do to each other. One solution I've found is to find peace in the small things in life, like having a good meal, having time where nobody is asking anything of us, reading a good book, playing a game (Cyberpunk 2077 aww yea), or a decent night's sleep.
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Neo Member
We are in the End Days.

Which is at the same time the beginning of something new. One only has to look into the past. New flourishing societies have always grown on the stems of other empires that have perished. Why should it be any different with us?

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
Which is at the same time the beginning of something new. One only has to look into the past. New flourishing societies have always grown on the stems of other empires that have perished. Why should it be any different with us?
It shouldn't be any different.
I just don't want to die.



Greed is human weakness, imperialist expansion is the direct result of the lack of strong men standing to do what is right. The meme is self proving the very one it’s trying to insult.

And actions that contribute to society well being and advancement means more than what group you belong to or what genitalia you have or believe you have
Throughout most of human history the majority of posters in this forum would have never made it to the age they are now. Malnutrition, famine, bad teeth, disease, war, etc.

Gotta enjoy your opportunities in life man. We all have easy access to resources, technology and food that most royalty in the past would have only dreamed of and the funny thing is we find most of it mundane.

If news and social media are getting ya down unplug for a while.


Shit was always happening around the world, we just lived in blissful ignorance to all of it. When I was a wee lad, there were American Apache choppers blasting Russians in Serbia, half my country was suffering from a massive flood, and terrorists were bombing shit left and right. And yet, we somehow made it through all that stuff and the world kept spinning. But if any of that would be happening today, everyone would be freaking out just as hard because there's much easier access to news, and news media always thrived on scaring the living shit out of the general population with sensational reporting. Plus people these days spend way too much time on social media talking about this stuff, which further exacerbates the issue. It's good to stay informed if you want, but spending too much time reading scary-sounding headlines and increasing your stress level over something that you can't control really isn't helping anyone, least of all you. It's okay to disconnect yourself from the news if it just gives you massive anxiety. The weight of the world isn't resting on your shoulders so you don't have to think about it 24/7 to prove to yourself that you care.

If you're living somewhere that's far, far away from any of the bad stuff, you should really focus on appreciating the luxury of being safe because there are people in the world who aren't that lucky. And if you really have an itch to do something about it then stop agonizing over it in your own head or talking about it on the internet, and go help a charity instead. If you can't do anything about what's going on halfway across the world, you can at least make a difference by helping those who were affected by it.
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Just wait for the 2030's when we're still postponing the emission reductions and actually rising every year.

It's all going to shit.


Gold Member
Conflict is as old as man himself. Instead of a 3-minute segment on the six o clock news, technology and social media give you a never-ending stream of raw, unfiltered front-row seats to every abhorrent event anywhere on the globe.

It's nice to be able to connect anyone from anywhere, but being confronted with footage of executions and beheadings while I'm scrolling the timeline with my Monday morning coffee just kinda puts a dent in my mood.
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We didn't start the fire :messenger_musical:

My generation woke to lunar landings and nuclear annihilation. Star Trek period episodes were like dramatized historical records. Later came aids and the ozone hole. Fall of the Soviets.

The 90s is shown as the peak of civilization in movies.

A lot changed when Internet started taking off.
In the past it took more effort to get information and put it together. Connect people and dots. To know what is happening and the meaning of it in greater context. The slow cookers.
With internet and education over the last few decades the global fog is lifting on a massive public scale.

Looking at the pandemic slowdown as a civic time to peel intellectual onions is intriguing viewed as part of a process of species development and evolutionary branching. Intellectual housecleaning, catching up, surveys, correction, uncovering values and expansion of thinking while participating in the crashing together of all the ancient human waves of migration as the global limit to human diversity wash into each other. At one time it was slow motion, but with tech accelerated and with internet exploded.

Revolt from the monolith come back to the village.


We have it easy.
A century ago we had a war that killed close to 15-20 million people. Followed by the Spanish Flu, that killed up to 100 Million.
stop calling it the spanish flu.
basically an invention of the americans, the same as trump tried to call it the china-virus.

but yeah, we are today more keen than ever.

everything is nowadays simply around the corner thanks to tiktok and IG.


Gold Member
stop calling it the spanish flu.
basically an invention of the americans, the same as trump tried to call it the china-virus.

but yeah, we are today more keen than ever.

everything is nowadays simply around the corner thanks to tiktok and IG.

It wasn't an invention of the Americans.
It got it's name, because all countries participating in the war were censoring the news about a new disease in the frontlines.
Spain was neutral and reported extensively on the disease. So it got associated with Spain.
It doesn't matter what you like. This is the common name for it, and has been for over a century.


Things are bad, but like a lot of people are saying, things have been bad before. I think the financial and credit institutions have been captured by activists, so everyone's gotta insert politics into their product if they want to keep the money coming in. So now every normie is being amped up to always be thinking about things that they really shouldn't be bothering with because they haven't been given anything else to pay attention to. It's very jarring for us who are old enough to remember when politics was its own separate arena and it was actually considered impolite to discuss political topics with people that hadn't already consented to doing so.
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