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Is the YPbPr VGA Box from Sagestar any good?


I've been wanting to find a good VGA adaptor for the Xbox for quite some time now, and this seems like a good deal. Does anyone have any experience with it? Is it good? Can anyone recomend some other VGA box that works on a PAL Xbox?

Thanks! :)


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
my bad, I misread your post
Pal system?

Well.. I can't help you there. :(



I got a VGA box for PS2/GC/XB, IMO all these VGA boxes suck unless you like having a filtered blurry looking image. I have no other choice since I can't play on any TV in the house so I have to resort to my monitor. Looking back, it'd have been smarter to get a capture card and play through that. Or a Monitor with RCA jacks/S-video.

In conclusion: No native VGA support = shit image.
Neo_ZX said:
I got a VGA box for PS2/GC/XB, IMO all these VGA boxes suck unless you like having a filtered blurry looking image. I have no other choice since I can't play on any TV in the house so I have to resort to my monitor. Looking back, it'd have been smarter to get a capture card and play through that. Or a Monitor with RCA jacks/S-video.

In conclusion: No native VGA support = shit image.
which one did you get?


I've been considering getting a VGA converter box, for both my PS2 and my soon-to-own GC. But I've been wondering if I'd get better image quality for a cheaper price by getting a capture card and using the free Dscaler software instead.


The Faceless Master said:
which one did you get?
i can almost guarantee that he got one of those shitty vga adapters you can find at eb and the like. they're horrid. they usually use only composite video, and it looks much worse than it would on a television.

as for the sagestar box, i've never seen it, but it looks very similar to the shitty adapters i mentioned before. i'd definately avoid it.

as i've said before, you can't go wrong with an xblaster, which can be found at copperbox. it doesn't work with an interlaced signal, though. if you want a good adapter that does, be prepared to spend much more than $50 on it.


Knows the Score
Templar Wizard said:
explain. i use it and find i get great results on my GC, Ps2 and xbox.
what settings do you use?

I think he means it doesn't work with every capture card. I thought it's support was limited to only a few types?


Yup. Won't work with my TV wonder pro ;_; Even tho I had warnings from before, it's still not a completely bad thing tho.


But this Sagestar box is supposed to convert component video signal (as opposed to composite os S-Video) to VGA. Isn't that a good thing? From what I read, there is no VGA box that supports native VGA... (ie. that does no conversion at all)


my guess is that it'll be decent (better than the composite-only models,) but nowhere near the quality of the adapters that only work with a progressive signal. in case you didn't know, they're just as good as the dreamcast vga adapter. they essentially output an undistorted vga signal. i don't see anything in the website you posted that suggests that this does the same. also, the second user review on the page practically confirms what i was saying earlier.

really though, check this thread.


Do PAL Xboxes support progressive signals? Or do they just produce interlaced signals?

Edit: You're right, it doesn't support progressive. It says so in their FAQ:

Does the vga adapter support 480p, 720p, and 1080i or just 480i? (2003-02-25)
Just 480i out of those you listed. (2003-04-20)

But still, if PAL xboxes don't output progressive signals, then this would be the best I could get, wouldn't it?


after a little research, i found out that pal xboxes do not support progressive scan. it's possible to get them to do so, but it requires a mod chip.

in related news, microsoft really sucks.

the box you mentioned is probably your best bet without a mod chip.


Yes, that's what I thought (and feared). :(

Now if only I could try this out, before I bought it. I already have an All-In-Wonder, and play Xbox on my monitor, but with crappy composite input. I just wanted to know if anyone can compare that with this VGA box, to see if it is MUCH better quality, or just a little better.

In their FAQ they say:

Is there any difference between the YPbPr and S-video input? (2002-09-19)
Yes. YPbPr is equivalent to "component video" and provides a VGA quality signal. This is much higher quality that S-Video. (2002-12-04)

But I wonder if this is really true...


since it does nothing with a progressive signal, it's going to look comparable to s-video. maybe slightly better colors. however, s-video/component through a monitor doesn't look as good as through a television. still, it'll be better than your composite thingy..

my advice: get a mod chip.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
I got a VGA box for PS2/GC/XB, IMO all these VGA boxes suck unless you like having a filtered blurry looking image. I have no other choice since I can't play on any TV in the house so I have to resort to my monitor. Looking back, it'd have been smarter to get a capture card and play through that. Or a Monitor with RCA jacks/S-video.


This person obviously has no idea what he's talking about. Upscan converters do yield a sh!tty image, but that's not what we're talking about...


Yusaku--It works with any progressive signal. The way they advertised the converter is confusing because they targeted it for Xbox gamers, a crowd that has a lot of videophiles among it's ranks. In reality, if something can pump out a progressive signal through component inputs, it will work fine with the Xblaster. I've been using my GC and Xbox with the Xblaster since Christmas--this is the best gaming related purchase I have made in recent memory.
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