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Is there a valid argument against DNA recording at birth.

No a new idea by any standard but I can't understand why this isn't mandatory in the western world at least.

It would surely drop crime rates as catching people would be easier. Rapists would be massively detered because I assume the act leaves some DNA transfer.

I can't see why anyone other than a criminal would be against it


Would you trust a government like the US to have complete access to everyone's dna? Because I sure as hell wouldn't.

MC Safety

Would you trust a government like the US to have complete access to everyone's dna? Because I sure as hell wouldn't.

I'm not sure why you're singling out the United States government. But I agree with the sentiment.

Your DNA is intimate information that could be used against you.
If things took a wrong turn and went towards a "final solution" scenario, DNA would make it very easy to target people with certain heritage or other genetic markers.

That's seems stupid.

Because the possibility might exist at some unspecified point that humanity forgets the past 1000 years and decide to erridicate a large % of the population we shouldn't track people's DNA because it makes it easier.


Would you trust a government like the US to have complete access to everyone's dna? Because I sure as hell wouldn't.
It's coming whether you like it or not.

If we ever get another 9/11 style attack or worse (which if you ask me is inevitable), everything's going to change.
If it's private i/e only accessible by the government, it would be fine, if somewhat useless at this time.
If it was public, oooh boy, we would be reading of people getting denied jobs because they have a higher % of having alzheimer or other genetic diseases.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
No a new idea by any standard but I can't understand why this isn't mandatory in the western world at least.

It would surely drop crime rates as catching people would be easier. Rapists would be massively detered because I assume the act leaves some DNA transfer.

I can't see why anyone other than a criminal would be against it

First off, this thread is in community. Second, DNA doesn't tell you anything other than your DNA is there. Its a massive misconception that DNA records solve all crimes.

Moreover, the government has no preemptive right to know where you are at any given point. If you just trust the government implicitly, then sure. I honestly don't know why, given the history of mankind, you'd trust the government implicitly.

You understand that fingerprinting is not mandatory either, right?

It's coming whether you like it or not.

If we ever get another 9/11 style attack or worse (which if you ask me is inevitable), everything's going to change.

Before you guys start believing this, just as an FYI, "Diablosing" is a PoliGAF verb meaning "baseless panicking."


Before you guys start believing this, just as an FYI, "Diablosing" is a PoliGAF verb meaning "baseless panicking."
I'm really not panicking. I'm merely saying that if we encounter an attack like 9/11 (especially if it's worse, i.e. nuclear), I would be shocked if the Government didn't pass extreme legislation that chips away at our civil liberties in ways that would make the Patriot Act look good. I would fully anticipate a complete gutting of our civil liberties at that point. I'm not telling anyone to believe anything.
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