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Is there anyway to use my own sub with the Z680s?

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My sub has 5 speaker connection on the back the same as the Z680s but I'm totally screwed because of that serial plug thing right?

Anyone found a workaround?


Yep, and I've got a spare here with its own crossover and volume control and the same speaker wiring for the sats too.

I already stuffed the port in sub and wound the sub level all the way back on the amp too; eqing in my media player helps but for low-level late-night musical bass I cant find any settings that work.


How about turning surround and center all the way up and reducing bass to 1? That should do it.

I own a Z680 myself and yeah, that subwoofer is just brutal.


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>>How about turning surround and center all the way up and reducing bass to 1? That should do it.

I own a Z680 myself and yeah, that subwoofer is just brutal.<<<

I turn the bass below the default level, but because the sub is so WEAK it can't handle high volumes without rattling and buzzing. I wouldn't mind having an SVS sub at my computer desk...
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