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Is there nothing more infuriating than group texts messages?


Group text messaging, why are you the way you are? Why do you torment me with the inability to remove myself from the situation? My phone constantly assaulted by random conversations and lols of which I have no control over unless i want to completely banish everyone from my texting. Of course i don't want to do that, i just don't want to be in group texting.

I have a Samsung Galaxy S3 and I've scoured the internet looking for a fix and read that there is no fix, it's just the way it is. Will there ever be a way to stop this? Is there an alternate phone i can get that stops this? Why is this a thing?

To add insult to injury, each and every text for some unkown reason is individually placed under each persons name and must be downloaded and then and only then does it end up in the group message area.


Well, this thread is a bit like a community text in a way.

Why not speak to your friends on the matter?

Ahh except here it's easily ignored and non-intrusive on your person, not so with phones unless you just blanket ignore everyone and everthing.

I have talked to them and yet still i get added to conversations totally unrelated to me. They just check everyone in the list and are on their merry way. Then i have to inform them how to uncheck and then they don't do it and well ultimately i don't understand why on my end i cant block it. Why can i block other things but not this and only this?
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