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isn't crisis zone out next week?


I think its out either this friday or next friday in the UK, but I've heard very little about it.

Does anyone know how it'll work with the gun? Is it just a guncon2 game, or will it come with a new gun? I just can't help thinking that screen flashing thing will fuck you up now that its a machine gun you are using. I think the arcade machine used a different method of tracking your aim


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Cool, good thing I've still got my trusty ole' Guncon 2 laying around. I'd like to say I'll be buying this game, but chances are I'll just rent it for a week. I get burned out on arcade shooter ports much too quickly for it to be worth plopping the $50 down. As great as the Time Crisis II port and extras were, I got tired of the game in a couple of days.
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