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Its that time of the year


Junior Member
Halloween is comming up and movies are not cutting it anymore. I havent touched a scary game since RE1 and I need to know which game is the best psychological thriller. Thanks.
Fatal Frame II should be out close to the end of this month for Xbox. Fatal Frame is one of my favorite games and is well worth checking out if your into horror games.

It's all you need.

aoi tsuki

AniHawk said:
Eternal Darkness is another game. Wario 64 recommended it to me and I loved it.
Ed isn't scary. There's some things that'll make you say WTF?, but that's about it. It's a great game though.


REmake was scary, but you've already played RE1.

Just those damn zombies, and their affinity for windows...

Dogs too.


SolidSnakex said:

It's all you need.

I played that last Halloween and got BORED.

This Halloween I'm playing Fatal Frame 2. I got it for $10 the other week. I promised myself I wouldn't play it until then.


Tag of Excellence
The original Silent Hill has the best thrills of the series! Fatal Frame II was also extremely fun and unique.

While Thief is an excellent game it isn't really scary. At times you'll be on the edge but never scared (well maybe but I won't ruin it). It's mostly about the anxiety and rush of being caught.

Ranger X

Just a thought...

Hopefully someday there will be a TRUE horror movie (or a game that is), very psycho, sadistic and totally immoral but in realistic settings to get to really disturb the audience.
Silent Hill 2, to a much lesser extent SH3

Fatal Frame, haven't played 2 but expect the same

Fatal Frame made me much more uneasy, and nearly made me shit myself once, but SH2 is far and away the best game in this thread.

Never found Resident Evil scary, 2 and REmake are the only ones that have a shot, IMO.

System Shock 2 is only scary if you can really get immersed in it (the sound is awesome). Even Doom3 can make you jump a bit if you really get into it; but honestly I'm mentioning that mostly because I played a big chunk over last night
No game is scary unless it sucks you in. no game is scary with your buddy sitting on the couch next to with with the Cheetos. A game is only scary when you become so immersed in it, that everything else melts away. I feel that SH2 does a great job of immersion, and making you care about whats going on with the character, which is why it successfully put me on edge nearly throughout the entire game.

If you allow yourself to be succeptable to this kind of immersion, you will get much better experiences out of horror games. It's not that you forget that it's a game, you forget that it's just a game.


Tag of Excellence
You have been provided the answer System Shock 2, now go forth and play said game.

I don't know how scary it'd be by today's standards though.

It's very rare that I get scared in games and that annoys me greatly. Anyone else a survival horror fan and suffers from this horrible disease? I keep playing the games hoping I'll get a good freight or supreme uneasiness but it rarely happens and I am sad man because of that. SH2 for example, it did nothing for me but damn was it fun. Same with the FF series. I mean the lazy "BOO I LUNGE AT YOU FROM THE DARKNESS" bullshit gets me occasionally but that's not out of fear. It's just a reaction from the fact that shit came out of nowhere really fast.
The very last parts of SH2 are probably the most terrified I've ever been playing a game, or watching a movie even for that matter. It was just absolutely surreal how drawn I was into the world at that point.

SS2 is a good choice as well.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
JackFrost2012 said:
The very last parts of SH2 are probably the most terrified I've ever been playing a game, or watching a movie even for that matter. It was just absolutely surreal how drawn I was into the world at that point.

SS2 is a good choice as well.

Yes, the hotel was just incredible.

From above...


Thief III is generally not very scary (great atmosphere, though), but the cradle left quite an impact on me. VERY f*cking scary place. If you play Thief, do so on PC.


Scariest game ever...that would be Fatal Frame/Project Zero (never played the sequel, unfortunately). You rarely feel safe in that game, since you know ghosts can appear at any time, and almost any place...AND follow you around through walls, with no loading times. Constant tension, and ghosts are generally more scary than zombies for example.

I also consider Silent Hill to be scary, especially back when it was new and I played it for the first time. That was the scariest gaming experience I've ever had.

I also remember Blood to be damn scary, the atmosphere is so screwed up and the enemies freaked me out.

ArcadeStickMonk said:
That game is not scary in the least.

I agree, with ONE exception. :p


ArcadeStickMonk said:
That game is not scary in the least. It has an awesome story, but there just is zero tension.
Yeah thats true. I didn't find it scary at all but still, the experience is unique. I pimp it ever chance I get. I just love the game. It's so fuckin-fantastic. The story is so good and Pious Augustus is probably the best villain ever. Everyone should play it.

Silent Hill 2 is the scariest game I've ever played though. The prison is probably the worst place I have been in a game. When you get there you'll know what I mean :O


Tag of Excellence
ArcadeStickMonk said:
I laughed at that actually, it was just so obscure to me. It scared the shit out of the girlie though and that was completely worth it. Initially a few of the Insanity effects made me a bit nervous simply because I wasn't expecting them.


not an idiot
although not scary at all, but still in the haloween theme, i am having a great time and getting into the spirit of this holiday with the game "Haunted Mansion". great graphics, fun, easy gameplay that is just really cool haloween time game.
Eternal Darkness can get REALLY freakin' scary if you never use the magick that replenishes your insanity meter. Just running around in the mansion with those screams in the background was crazy.

And make sure you play it in the dark with the volume turned way up.
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