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I've realized I don't watch full game trailers anymore. Do you?


In concordance with what I've already expressed in other thread.

I just realized I don't watch a full trailer of a videogame anymore. And let me explain why: Just because I got tired of the neverending cycle of the eternal marketing the gaming companies are so attached to.

95% of the trailers are some CGI that's non-representative of the game itself. Teasers are not teasers anymore, they're just a logo presentation. Gameplay trailers do not have gameplay in it anymore. And we can go on and on.

So, like it's become a new reflex, whenever I start a videogame trailer that I know nothing of, I just go straight to the bar and forward the video to see if there's any gameplay in it or if I can get a grasp at what the videogame is and if I'd be interested in it.

So, how do you do with videogame trailers as of lately?
In concordance with what I've already expressed in other thread.

I just realized I don't watch a full trailer of a videogame anymore. And let me explain why: Just because I got tired of the neverending cycle of the eternal marketing the gaming companies are so attached to.

95% of the trailers are some CGI that's non-representative of the game itself. Teasers are not teasers anymore, they're just a logo presentation. Gameplay trailers do not have gameplay in it anymore. And we can go on and on.

So, like it's become a new reflex, whenever I start a videogame trailer that I know nothing of, I just go straight to the bar and forward the video to see if there's any gameplay in it or if I can get a grasp at what the videogame is and if I'd be interested in it.

So, how do you do with videogame trailers as of lately?

I instinctively want to put my foot through the TV when I see this. It's fucking infuriating.

Remember that God Of War Ragnarok logo reveal? Yeah, I had the urge to billy club something.
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Ask me about my Stream Deck
I definitely avoid trailers that are only cg. I'm only really interested in the gameplay or developers taking about the game (or some combination). If the trailer has cg and gameplay I actually will usually skip ahead to the in game sections.

Only in the case of a game I'm already planning to play will I watch the cinematic trailers.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I think the last one I really watched in earnest was this.

Mostly don't watch at all these days or skip around to see if there's any gameplay footage.


I definitely avoid trailers that are only cg. I'm only really interested in the gameplay or developers taking about the game (or some combination). If the trailer has cg and gameplay I actually will usually skip ahead to the in game sections.

Only in the case of a game I'm already planning to play will I watch the cinematic trailers.
Same , I don't mind watching gameplay trailer that gives hints of intrinsic game elements but never CG trailer .

There's exception though like Blizzard CG trailers , for example I've watched this a few times already eventho I don't play WOW

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I only watch actual gameplay videos. CGI trailers don't cut it for me anymore, they're not representative of the final product at all. I wish more companies would realize this and stop doing CGI trailers. Its a waste of their time and resources. A few minutes of the actual product you're working is a way more effective marketing tool than some pretty CGI trailer that most of the time does not even translate into the game itself.


Yep, everything feels samesy likes it's from a set script even if games are in totally different genres!

CGI or pre render tells me very little about what I will potentially put 80 bucks down on! Although saying that I was always hype for E3, so...hmmmm


It depends really, but overall i'll say no, i don't watch as much then before because the CGI kinda "sucks" and really don't show any aspect of the game. I won't say that i am avoiding it, but i am not that interested in trailers anymore.


It depends how long it is, if it’s only a minute or two then it seems more bother skipping through it than to just let it play.
I still watch trailers. I even look forward to the announcements at E3 and the VGAs. I‘ll always prefer gameplay trailers, but that won’t stop me from avoiding everything else altogether.

15-second logo splashes aren’t trailers though... That shit is unacceptable for videogames AND movies.


Most of the time I watch a trailer it’s on the Steam page to get a sense of how the game plays. I don’t mind cgi trailers if they’re cool. it’s rare that I would buy on launch day before reviews and Steam has a return policy so it’s whatever


Targeting terrorists with a D-Pad
In concordance with what I've already expressed in other thread.

I just realized I don't watch a full trailer of a videogame anymore. And let me explain why: Just because I got tired of the neverending cycle of the eternal marketing the gaming companies are so attached to.

95% of the trailers are some CGI that's non-representative of the game itself. Teasers are not teasers anymore, they're just a logo presentation. Gameplay trailers do not have gameplay in it anymore. And we can go on and on.

So, like it's become a new reflex, whenever I start a videogame trailer that I know nothing of, I just go straight to the bar and forward the video to see if there's any gameplay in it or if I can get a grasp at what the videogame is and if I'd be interested in it.

So, how do you do with videogame trailers as of lately?

Well, you pretty much nailed it. I almost always go for the images when browsing Steam for new games. Can't be brothered with trying to find one trailer among 20 clips that actually contains gameplay and represent the game in a fair way.


I still watch the reveal trailers for big games sometimes, but rarely get excited.

Couldn't care less for all the CGI and "in-engine" stuff....


I personally don't mind a good cinematic trailer, especially if it comes from Blizz, Ubi or Square Enix. It usually gives you a first glimpse of the universe, main characters, plot etc. But I do hate when the publishers release a "gameplay" trailer and there's barely any actual gameplay in it, if at all.
I watch Nintendo Directs and Sony's state of play for the game announcments, which are filled with trailers. Outside of that I generally don't watch any game trailers, because even the gameplay trailers have no real purpose, because even the greatest trailer does not mean the game is good.


Why would I avoid trailers when I already know they don't represent jack shit. They are good to see and creates hype while functional people wait for gameplay vids and reviews parallely.


I am the kind of guy who want to play a game as much 'blind' as possible.
So watching a lot of gameplay trailers for a game I want for sure to play is a big no for me.


It's all CG and cutscenes to make the game look movie-like. Waste of time, I'd watch it on an event stream if the timezone make it suitable for me to do so. If it's the next day I just scrub through see what games are there and look for gameplay footage if there even is any.


I definitely avoid trailers that are only cg. I'm only really interested in the gameplay or developers taking about the game (or some combination). If the trailer has cg and gameplay I actually will usually skip ahead to the in game sections.

Only in the case of a game I'm already planning to play will I watch the cinematic trailers.
Nice to see I'm not alone in this boat. It happens the exact same tome. If I'm not interested in the trailer before hand, I'd just skip through it to see if there's something that catch my eye.


Marlboro: Other M
Of course I do, all the time, why would I not? Like, do you skip cutscenes on the games because they aren't gameplay?

It's just a question of having the maturity to understand that trailer are a piece of marketing, and that the trailer in itself can just be one more artistic piece of that ip, like a poster from your favorite band.


I've watched this one probably 30 times or so. It's a perfect trailer. All in-game footage, explains what in it perfectly. Also, the editing is kick ass.



always chasing the next thrill
95% of the trailers are some CGI that's non-representative of the game itself. Teasers are not teasers anymore, they're just a logo presentation. Gameplay trailers do not have gameplay in it anymore. And we can go on and on.


I like the cg trailers but I also like gameplay trailers. I also watch the full game trailer. I do get not liking a trailer if it is full cg if you want to know what the game will actually look like when you play but cg trailers don't really bother me since I use to be heavy in to jrpgs.
I love trailers, CG or not. I just know which developers are typically full of shit and which aren't so it's not too hard to reign in my expectations for future releases.


I still believe CG trailers are a net loss for the advertised game.
They cost a lot and only serve to make the users feel lied to. Especially when you discover the awesome cinematic trailer is for some indie isometric mobile-style crap.
I aggressively avoid them and hate them a lot.

Gameplay trailers or systems explanations though? Yeah, give me them all day.


I also dont watch full trailers especially if they are longer than 2 mins. But for some reason i still watch with full attentions events like days of play or nintendo direct or E3/gamescom.
Trailers have lost the charm they had back in PS1-PS2 era as well as intros.
I still remember every frame from F1 97, FFVIII, MGS1-2-3 intros but almost nothing in the last 15 years.
I can't really stand trailers.

They seem to serve the ego of the animators and storytellers. It would be much better if they just made a gameplay clip so you know what you will be buying.

Fare thee well

It's the same problem with movie trailers. Nothing stands out and you don't learn anything about the content of a game from trailers. As Outerworlds so painfully reminded us, it's all a boring formula that suits are terrified to abandon. Props to anyone that does.

I usually wait to see reviews and playthroughs from smallscale trusted youtubers tbh.


I instantly skip to about 1/3 the way through most trailers to get straight to gameplay. If the gameplay looks interesting I go back and watch the whole thing.

Only exception is trailers for big AAA releases like God of War, Ghost of Tsushima, Mario, Zelda, etc. Those I treat with a little more reverence and I'll watch the whole thing start to finish. It is worth noting that for most of these big games I like to watch them as they are first announced/streamed, so skipping isn't an option.
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I don't watch game trailers anymore at all.

Same goes for movie trailers.

They are all the same. Same direction, same structure, same "epic" choir music, same cliches like the intimidating roars (if there are monsters in it) and super hero landings. They have been the same boring lowest common denominator, mainstream shit since forever.

That one single individual who makes them must be stupidly rich.
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Nope, never. I skip through them to see if there's any actual gameplay. The only time I watch a full trailer is during live online events such as State of Play, but only because I'm too impatient to wait until after the show, when I could skip and fast-forward.

Nowadays I have very little interest in game trailers, movie trailers and music videos. I just don't get it.


Sorry, but that Battlefield 2042 reveal trailer is KICKASS, even if I've NEVER played a BF game before.

Of course it doesn't represent the actually gameplay experience, but it was so well done that it even got me hyped.

EDIT: To directly answer the question yes I do watch them fully, but I don't watch them often. Only the games I find interesting.
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Gold Member
The only trailers i skip are those full of CG.

The more i'm interested in a game, the less i skip.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
nah, I love trailers as long as they don't spoil anything.

Was always into Easy Allies trailer Jones reviews as well. Fun to actually critique the trailers alone, not the game, but actually judge it as a piece of marketing and editing.
I don't either, same with movies.

They show too damn much. RE: Village for instance, I didn't need to see Chris shooting Mia. That would have been such a great intro going in blind.


I rarely watch trailers, unless if it's something I'm really looking forward to. Usually I just watch proper gameplay vids once gaming outlets get their hands on the game.
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