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Jack Black as The Green Lantern

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Doth Togo

Jack Black has closed his deal. He will be playing Green Lantern in a film that has been described as a “zany comedy version a la THE MASK.” All rights to the DC comic have been worked out as well, so you can expect to start hearing more about this project in the months ahead.

As I understand it, DC Comics tried desperately to dodge this bullet, but ultimately, they don’t have the right to veto something if Warner Bros. really wants to make it happen. This is the problem with the way DC’s deal with their corporate overlords is structured. Their hands are tied. As much as they are aware of the problem with this approach to the material, they just have to sit back and watch it happen along with fans of the character and the rich mythology that has been established over the long run of the various GREEN LANTERN titles.

Edit: This was sent to me by someone in the industry. No URL was provided. This disclaimer is for those anal retentive types who thrive on details.

evil ways

What a load of fucking crap. No Hal Jordan or even Kyle Rayner and even worst, a comedy?

What's next, a teen comedy Superman movie where Supes powers are always kicking in at the wrong time everytime he tries to score with a girl?

Warner Bros., you better not fuck Batman up.


My mind is exploding right now.

I love Jack Black.

I love the Green Latern.

I absolutely detest the idea of Jack Black being the Green Latern.

Warner Bros. needs some real comic book afficionados working with them on these projects. I can't think of a worst combination/interpetation of a comic book.


force push the doodoo rock
knowing that this is a comedy, i really hope the main bad guy is some dude in a banana suit.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Way to give the comic fans what they what Warner Bros. Jackasses.


Doth Togo said:
Jack Black has closed his deal. He will be playing Green Lantern in a film that has been described as a “zany comedy version a la THE MASK.” All rights to the DC comic have been worked out as well, so you can expect to start hearing more about this project in the months ahead.

As I understand it, DC Comics tried desperately to dodge this bullet, but ultimately, they don’t have the right to veto something if Warner Bros. really wants to make it happen. This is the problem with the way DC’s deal with their corporate overlords is structured. Their hands are tied. As much as they are aware of the problem with this approach to the material, they just have to sit back and watch it happen along with fans of the character and the rich mythology that has been established over the long run of the various GREEN LANTERN titles.

If you are going to cut and paste someone elses words, you should give them credit.


tedtropy said:
Way to give the comic fans what they what Warner Bros. Jackasses.

They don't care for the fans, though. Comic book based films equal easy merhandise tie-ins. All I ask is that they at least make choices that make sense.


Haha, awesome. If more comic book movies start sucking, there will be fewer coming out and less frothing Federmans. Sounds good to me!


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Raoul Duke said:
Haha, awesome. If more comic book movies start sucking, there will be fewer coming out and less frothing Federmans. Sounds good to me!

I was thinking this would keep comic book movies from becoming stale... can't have two or three per year without people getting tired of it all.


So those are your words or you have no idea where they came from?


Seriously, I don't see how the outrage for Catwoman could be any LOUDER, and yet this still happens? I mean, come on! He [at least one of them] is already in cartoon form, along with the whole goddamn Lantern planet hyjinks. Spider-Man is selling, it takes itself seriously in adapting the comic to a degree, but it 'fun'. We don't need good heroes [or good villians] wasted on crap.


This is a travesty. Seriously. I'm disgusted and I haven't even read that much about Green Lantern. I guess the film COULD be fun and stupid but it's just not what the character is about.


What the fuck? Why the hell would they make a comedy out of one of DC's coolest heros?

I was thinking to myself for years how cool a Green Lantern movie would be, but a COMEDY starring that annoying JACK BLACK?

What the fuck?
ge-man said:
My mind is exploding right now.

I love Jack Black.

I love the Green Latern.

I absolutely detest the idea of Jack Black being the Green Latern.

Warner Bros. needs some real comic book afficionados working with them on these projects. I can't think of a worst combination/interpetation of a comic book.
this sums up just about everything that i wanted to say


force push the doodoo rock
i dont understand how people can actually like the green lantern. he has the worst super power and most hilarious weakness. A comedy would be perfect. Which is why i was saying his arch nemesis needs to be a giant banana throwing bananaman.
sp0rsk said:
i dont understand how people can actually like the green lantern. he has the worst super power and most hilarious weakness. A comedy would be perfect. Which is why i was saying his arch nemesis needs to be a giant banana throwing bananaman.

He's not weak against yellow anymore. Get with the times.

(Unless they base it on the old mythos)


I signed the petition for all the good it will do. Maybe whoever it is at the WB that has their head up their ass will at least come up for air long enough to read the petition before they disregard it. Bastards.


force push the doodoo rock
Felidae_Khrall said:
He's not weak against yellow anymore. Get with the times.

(Unless they base it on the old mythos)

I'll see Jack Black in anything, and I could give a rat's ass about Green Lantern, and even I think this is a fucking retarded idea which makes Halle Berry as a Catwoman seem decent by comparison.


ConfusingJazz said:
Does WB own all the rights to the DC characters?

They own DC...so by extension I guess they own the characters as well.

Having bought the Justice League: Starcrossed DVD today, which is comprised of three of the best episodes I've seen on any TV show in YEARS and features Green Latern in a prominent role, it's almost fitting that I'd come home to see this shit. Latern is a great character in the series, which I didn't think was possible. So sure, why not make some comedy version that has no ties to the soure material. Sheesh. Fuck WB once again.

Oh, and for those who want to see Bananaman in this movie, you're probably out of luck...he existed a looooong time ago.



I'd like to watch the conference meeting that churned out this gem...

"Say, you guys remember that zany movie about the guy and the wooden mask?"


First tragedy, then farce.
God damnit.. I just got done deciding to get back into comics now that Hal is coming back..

AND THEY PULL THIS SHIT. Now, instead of one of my friends says 'green lanterns, who's that?' they will say 'oh, thats the funny comic right'.

Mother. Fucker.

Really, DC comics deserves to never make another penny again and AOL Time warner can just die. Catwoman? bomb bomb. Superman? going to bomb. This? See catwoman.

Batman looks like the only hope right now, but Im sure scarecrow will be played by Will Ferrel.

Bottom Line: Green Lantern is a charachter that non comic fans have heard of before.. but not like spiderman, superman, batman or even Hulk. With those charachters joe schmoe sorta knows what they are about and what powers/gadgets they use. the Green Lantern isnt going to pull people in by name alone outside of the comic fanbase. However, they are pissing off the comics fanbase, so they we wont go see it.. which means they could have made up a brand new fucking charachter and had Jack Black play a zany off the wall charachter in a comedy without dragging the good name of a great comic series through the mud.


Kyle Raynor doesn't have the weakness of wood (Alan Scott) or the color yellow (Damn near everyone else) but he does have an art degree.

What good that did him.


Haven't there been, like, a million Green Lanterns?

What does it matter that the ring happens to fall into the hands of a semi-funny fat guy?

It's not like the movie is saying the there were never any dully serious guys who became The Green Latern.

And really, it's not like The Green Lantern's origins and story contribute all that much to contemporary pop-culture legend. After Spider-man, Superman, Batman and The X-Men we've pretty much tapped out all the original things the superhero story has had to say.

From here on out it's just more of the same.


Ahh shit... -_-

I like Jack Black, and the Green lantern is a cool character, but together, it's just lunacy :\.



Unconfirmed Member
This is a travesty!

Again, I like Jack Black, I also liked GL as a kid, but this... this... argh!

It's like somebody at WB has been watching the "Orange" commercials where studio execs ruin & "mainstreamify" classic ideas and went "Oh shit, what a great fucking idea".

Damn the dumbasses to hell and back. (Oh wait, this is studio execs we're talking about, that is already covered, cool.)

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