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"JERKA55," "IPOOPD," "14CV88" and "HORNI1" (Vanity license plates,)

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Virginia's Department of Motor Vehicles is so accustomed to drivers trying to sneak lewd, gross, hateful or racist messages onto personalized license plates that it has a rigorous process to root them out.

A manager in the Personalized Plates Work Center reads through every application, putting any suspicious combination of letters and numbers into a computer program that analyzes the potential plate for hidden meaning. Questionable messages go to a 20-person Word Committee for review and a vote. Among the few printable examples of rejected license plates, according to Melanie Stokes, a member of the Word Committee, are "JERKA55," "IPOOPD," and "HORNI1."

But sometimes, the system doesn't quite work.

The owner of a Ford truck bearing the license plate 14CV88 will have to find a new message after the DMV on Wednesday canceled its earlier approval of that series of letters and numbers.

A photo of the truck hit the Web a few days ago, went viral on car and other blogs and finally came to the attention of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, an advocacy group for American Muslims. On Wednesday morning, the group complained to the DMV that the plate contained a white supremacist and neo-Nazi statement.

A few hours later, the DMV agreed that the plate contains a coded message: The number 88 stands for the eighth letter of the alphabet, H, doubled to signify "Heil Hitler," said CAIR's Ibrahim Hooper. "CV" stands for "Confederate veteran" -- the plate was a special model embossed with a Confederate flag, which Virginia makes available for a $10 fee to card-carrying members of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. And 14 is code for imprisoned white supremacist David Lane's 14-word motto: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."

The giveaway that something was amiss, Hooper said, was the truck itself. An enormous photo of the burning World Trade Center towers covers the entire tailgate, with the words: "Everything I ever needed to know about Islam I learned on 9/11."

Hooper at first thought the picture was a Photoshopped hoax. But when he called the DMV and discovered the plate was registered in 2005 to a Ford F-150 pickup truck, Hooper started to worry.

"If the license plate had been on a VW Beetle with nothing else on it, or a Volvo station wagon, no one would probably have noticed," said Hooper. "But when the Confederate flag is thrown in . . . it shows the convergence of anti-government and anti-Islamic sentiments that unfortunately seem to be growing."

The DMV would not release the identity or location of the vehicle owner, citing privacy laws. Virginia has the highest percentage of personalized plates in the nation.

"Even with our rigorous process, we miss a few," Stokes said. "And we missed this one."

No word on whether the truck, shown in the photo in a parking spot reserved for the handicapped, has the requisite disability tags.

Story Here

That truck is just disgusting. Still, I've never been a fan of censorship and that's what this is.

Dead Man

Meh, who are the DMV to decide what is reasonable? That plate may be horrible, but when the exterior of the car is fair game for swatikas and other hateful shit, why worry about a coded message on the plate?


KHarvey16 said:
It's censorship but no one has the right to a license plate.

That... is a fantastic point. Still would prefer the government wasn't involved in content based censorship on that level, but you're completely correct.


Black Canada Mafia
I kind of want to meet a really racist person, I mean I am African so I look kind of black, and I also have one of the most Muslim names I can think of, and my girlfriend is white as all hell - so I am assuming I would have a really racist person reeling!

At the same time, I don't know what I would do if someone started throwing racial slurs at me. I would probably just stand there with a half smirk on my face and a "Not sure if serious?" look in my eyes.


Gaborn said:
That truck is just disgusting. Still, I've never been a fan of censorship and that's what this is.

Not exactly. DMV has every right to print or not print anything they choose. If the DMV was to require that he remove the other material from his truck, that would be censorship, but the only people the DMV are censoring here are themselves.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
I'm pretty sure when I lived in Glasgow I saw a car that's registration number was "W11 GAF."


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Kinitari said:
At the same time, I don't know what I would do if someone started throwing racial slurs at me. I would probably just stand there with a half smirk on my face and a "Not sure if serious?" look in my eyes.

I've done that before. There's racist, and then there's RACIST. People like to try to hide their racism these days, so when you're confonted with someone about ten feet from you dropping the N Bomb all over your face, you're kind of stunned.


icarus-daedelus said:
Gaborn! Why do I feel like I haven't seen you and your awesome threads in forever? I need to check OT more these days.

Horrible as this person clearly is, I'd support his right to do it.

Support their right to express themselves, even if it's hate, but support our right to express kicking his ass for spreading hate. It balances out.


Gaborn said:
That... is a fantastic point. Still would prefer the government wasn't involved in content based censorship on that level, but you're completely correct.

Well sure, but look on the bright side...he's got a whole pickup truck that he can write anything he wants on :lol


idahoblue said:
Meh, who are the DMV to decide what is reasonable? That plate may be horrible, but when the exterior of the car is fair game for swatikas and other hateful shit, why worry about a coded message on the plate?
Probably because then it says the government is ok with whatever it says, which especially in this case they shouldn't be.

way more

First they took our salt then they took our vanity license plates. This is what was Shatner was warning us about when he wrote Tek Wars.
IPOOPD is god damned hilarious.

EDIT: The only two plates I've seen around my area that are questionable was LOCOMF and BQQBS, the latter of which is awesome.


All of that stuff is so self-referential that only white supremacists would read it and say, "Fuck yeah, Hitler!"

It'd be like me getting a GAF BLV vanity plate. You'd all know, but no one else would.

The tailgate decal is very offensive, however.


torontoml said:
Probably because then it says the government is ok with whatever it says, which especially in this case they shouldn't be.

Not quite. Under the first amendment the government is obligated to pass no law restricting the freedom of speech. Now, the difference here as KHarvey aptly pointed out is that the government is not required to issue you a license plate at all, however, I do think it would be interesting to litigate the issue based purely on content. Either way though, the government doesn't necessarily endorse any and every message on a license plate they allow anymore than they endorse messages on various designer vanity plates they allow.


No amount of license plate filtering will get rid of all offensive letter/number combinations. It isn't really worth doing.
As for the design on the truck... well I guess the 1st amendment covers it? He isn't threatening anyone, just being an ignorant bigot. If that revolutionmuslim.com stuff (which does mention killing, albeit indirectly) is allowed, this should be too.


Holepunch said:
And here I thought I was an idiot because I couldn't make out the vulgar word hidden in the plate.
Yeah I had to Google the 14cv88 thing. The others are pretty funny :lol 'IPOOPD' :lol


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
I should have read the article before I spent 10 minutes trying to figure exactly what the license plate was supposed to say.
Kinitari said:
I kind of want to meet a really racist person, I mean I am African so I look kind of black, and I also have one of the most Muslim names I can think of, and my girlfriend is white as all hell - so I am assuming I would have a really racist person reeling!

At the same time, I don't know what I would do if someone started throwing racial slurs at me. I would probably just stand there with a half smirk on my face and a "Not sure if serious?" look in my eyes.

Black Canada Mafia
(Today, 01:12 AM)
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Huh? I read on gaf that they already burned crosses and shit at your house...

Dead Man

torontoml said:
Probably because then it says the government is ok with whatever it says, which especially in this case they shouldn't be.
Meh, I don't think the government is okay with a lot of things they sanction. Been to the Library lately? If they allow the car to be registered with that paintjob, is that not the same thing?
viciouskillersquirrel said:
I saw a jeep with pink stickers on it once with the license plate "16LUT".

Took my a while to get it, but I lol'd.
I don't think I get it. 1 glut? some form of slut? I feel stupid.


It bothers me that I knew what was offensive about 14CV88.

industrian said:
I'm pretty sure when I lived in Glasgow I saw a car that's registration number was "W11 GAF."
Mrklaw rolls with the plate "N30 GAF". No kidding. I think I fancy him.


fastford58 said:
EDIT: The only two plates I've seen around my area that are questionable was LOCOMF and BQQBS, the latter of which is awesome.
Help me, I don't get LOCOMF one :<

I knew what 14CV88 meant (except for the CV part) because I had a few nationalist friends. Whatever. But that back print is disgusting.


SmokyDave said:
It bothers me that I knew what was offensive about 14CV88.

Mrklaw rolls with the plate "N30 GAF". No kidding. I think I fancy him.

you rang? :p I'm not generally a fan of obvious vanity plates, but nobody except us knows what mine means. And it helps people not realise my car is a 2006.



mrklaw said:
you rang? :p I'm not generally a fan of obvious vanity plates, but nobody except us knows what mine means. And it helps people not realise my car is a 2006.
:lol :lol Two thumbs up


KHarvey16 said:
It's censorship but no one has the right to a license plate.
Exactly. The government is producing these plates, and it's hard to justify them providing people with plates displaying offensive messages. The problem is, what's offensive?

I got rejected by the state of Florida when I tried to register P1MPWRX. It was available, but they're plenty wise to the use of numbers in place of letters. I was mad, because my actual company name was Pimpwerx Productions, but does anyone really need to see a car with P1MP on the back? Probably not.

Personally, I'm more offended by a state offering a plate with the confederate flag on it. Sons of the confederates? Oh, you mean the sons of those racist fucks that lost the war? Let them find their own country to fly their shitty flag.

The rest of that truck just speaks volumes of the retard that owns it. He probably thinks he's making a badass statement. He's just labeling himself as ignorant is all it is. PEACE.


SmokyDave said:
How did Pimpwerx miss the 'P3ACE' opportunity?

We'll never know.

That is honestly the first time I even thought of that. I think I'll try that or P3AC3 or some other variation next year. Then I can piss people off with my sig in real life. :lol PEACE.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Holepunch said:
And here I thought I was an idiot because I couldn't make out the vulgar word hidden in the plate.

Same. :lol

It's hard to find that offensive when it takes so much thought to understand it. Really that could mean anything.


Kinitari said:
I kind of want to meet a really racist person, I mean I am African so I look kind of black, and I also have one of the most Muslim names I can think of, and my girlfriend is white as all hell - so I am assuming I would have a really racist person reeling!

At the same time, I don't know what I would do if someone started throwing racial slurs at me. I would probably just stand there with a half smirk on my face and a "Not sure if serious?" look in my eyes.

The people who are white supremacists, who yell racial slurs, are not the ones to worry about. It is the ones who will let you rise in a company to a certain point and no further, keep you or your children out of certain fraternities,schools, clubs,etc.
Glass ceilings are not only for females.


I wanted to get N1N10D0 for the longest time, or a plate frame that read 'I <3 it when...You call me...B1GP0PA' :lol

Now I'm prolly just gonna get DEVIL Z or something for my 300zx


Saw someone yesterday in a Saab convertible with a plate reading ENNUI. I thought, "you must be a douchebag."


Unconfirmed Member
Gaborn said:
That truck is just disgusting. Still, I've never been a fan of censorship and that's what this is.

Yeah, I don't give a shit about censorship when it comes to Nazis. Fuck Nazis. Taking their licence plates away is the LEAST we should be doing to them. And when I say "we", I don't necessarily mean the government.
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