Nixon himself has long since lost the power to shock us, even when we hear him proposing to drop nuclear weapons on Vietnam.
But this conversation with Billy Graham is something else again. Here is the most admired and influential religious leader in America complaining to the president of the United States about the Jews and their "stranglehold" on the media, and blaming them for "all the pornography."
Even when Nixon replies that he agrees but "can't say that" in public, Graham presses the point: Yes, right, but if you get elected to a second term, then we could do something about the problem.
Graham adds that while many Jews are friendly to him, "they don't know how I really feel about what they are doing to this country."
Today, Graham claims to have no memory of the conversation, as if to throw ever-so-slight a doubt on whether it actually occurred. Alas, we have the tapes. Advisers (and network news anchors bending over backward to sound respectful) point out that the old evangelist is in his eighties and suffering from Parkinson's disease, an argument similar to the one used to try to keep war criminals from being brought to trial.
What they might have pointed out instead is that Billy Graham, at a time when he was presenting himself as a moral leader and conducting "Crusades for Christ," was saying things no person with the slightest claim to moral stature could be imagined saying, under any circumstances.
Given nearly unfettered access to the highest halls of power, the minister used his influence to slander an entire people, to betray the trust of those who had by his own account been good to him, to urge the most powerful person in the world to act vigorously in the service of bigotry.
Closer in time to Dachau than to the present moment, the "preacher to the presidents" counseled the rankest, crudest, most heart-sickening anti-Semitism.
This news is especially painful to people who have revered Billy Graham, seeing him as a class act who operated on a much higher level than the Jerry Falwells, Pat Robertsons and Jimmy Swaggarts who came after him. I recall how some people who loathed and feared Nixon took comfort in the thought that "at least he's talking to Billy Graham."