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Joe Biden: Americans decided health care is for all. The GOP wants to roll that back.


Former Vice President Joe Biden wrote a piece for the Washington Post about the ACA and Republicans rolling back of it.


As vice president, I met with Americans all across our country. What they told me over and over is that the Affordable Care Act gave them peace of mind — that if they got sick, or if their child got sick, they could get care and not have to worry about going broke as a result. They no longer had to lay awake at night wondering: Can I pay for this treatment? What happens if she gets cancer? How will I feed my family and afford the care?

They told me that because when the ACA became law and health-care coverage was extended to millions of people, it meant we had finally decided, as a nation, that health care is a right for all and not a privilege for the few.

Republican leaders in Congress believe the opposite. And if they take that peace of mind away, they’ll have to look Americans in the eye and explain to them that they have to start worrying again.

The ACA isn’t perfect, but the choices we made when designing the law flowed from a commitment to provide the best possible care to the most people. Compare that to Republican proposals, which the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has said will mean more than 20 million fewer people will have health coverage by 2026, and millions more will no longer have the same protections provided by the ACA.

Senator McConnell says there’s still time to make changes to the bill before it gets to the Senate floor. But it shouldn’t even get there, because his bill can’t be fixed. By denying that all Americans have a right to health care, it’s fundamentally flawed. And Republicans are underestimating the American people if they think a few changes to the bill here or there will convince us that this bill is anything but a big step backward.

In my 36 years as a senator, I saw my colleagues take plenty of hard votes. This just isn’t one of them. If Republican leadership wants to improve the ACA, let’s first come to an agreement that everyone should have health coverage. Then, based on that premise, let’s have a debate about how best to improve care and reduce costs. Let’s again make the commitment that in America, health care is a right for all, not a privilege for the wealthy.

Time Flashes

Neo Member
Joe Biden: Americans decided health care is for all.

I find it bizarre to read this considering there are people in the USA who die or get seriously injured because they are not able to afford a fucking ambulance.
Former VP should have run for president.

If only...

"Hillary's a centrist neoliberal shill."

"Hillary's too old."

Ladies and gentleman, I give you Joe Biden, 78-year-old author of the 1994 crime bill and borderline Blue Dog during his tenure in the Senate. Liberal Icon.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Look at the democrats suddenly trying to pretend to make noises in the direction of single payer because of progressive activism putting the thought in the citizen's heads.

The ACA is nowhere near health care for all and not a solution, its literally mitt romney's plan.

We're going to have to eventually scrap it anyway to put in a single payer implementation, Atena and other providers are pulling out of the ACA as of next year, and its going to collapse on itself inevitably, regardless of if Trump tries to make that happen faster or not


I thought the courts decided thar. 🤔🤔🤔🤔 and the American people voted against it by electing Republicans and Trump 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
"Hillary's a centrist neoliberal shill."

"Hillary's too old."

Ladies and gentleman, I give you Joe Biden, 78-year-old author of the 1994 crime bill and borderline Blue Dog during his tenure in the Senate. Liberal Icon.

Hillary was a huge proponent of that bill too though.
He pretty much has explicitly said he plans on running. Some people sort of wrote it off as Biden being Biden but I think he's serious.

I think he really regrets not running in 2016 and will run if he's healthy. It's less than two years from now when candidates announce so it's totally possible.
Hillary was a huge proponent of that bill too though.

No one said she wasn't. But you can't say, "Hillary's a centrist shill" and then in the next breath say, "We should run Joe Biden," who has always been to Hillary's right.

Frankly, some of the lefties who wanted Biden had no political justification for that desire. They just wanted someone with a penis.
"Hillary's a centrist neoliberal shill."

"Hillary's too old."

Ladies and gentleman, I give you Joe Biden, 78-year-old author of the 1994 crime bill and borderline Blue Dog during his tenure in the Senate. Liberal Icon.

If it comes down to Joe Biden and Donald Trump, the lot of you better drop the purity test schtick pronto.

Clinton should have been a cautionary tale: When realistically faced with getting 50% of what you want or 0% of what you want, you goddamn take the former option.

I'm open to more "liberal" people than Joe Biden, but if voting for him is the only thing that gets Trump or some other conservative cronie out of office, then that's what I'm going to do.

EDIT: Not accusing you of issuing a purity test, by the way. Just speaking in general. I agree with you that there might be some sexism at play in criticizing Hillary while letting Biden off the hook.
I mean that's an odd statement then for him to make. Since it's definitely going to be a point of contention for a lot of voters, regardless off if he thinks it's a non issue.
Primary voters will decide if it's an issue or not. Same with Bernie. I think they'll both run because it's not like there's some sort of age police that'll step in and force them out.

Even if they don't do well and most are turned off by age i think it would be a good thing for both to run even if they don't win or don't even come close. The purposeful lack of competition and choices in 2016 was terrible and should never happen again.
No one said she wasn't. But you can't say, "Hillary's a centrist shill" and then in the next breath say, "We should run Joe Biden," who has always been to Hillary's right.

Frankly, some of the lefties who wanted Biden had no political justification for that desire. They just wanted someone with a penis.

Fair enough, but I didn't see the poster call Clinton a centrist shill.


"Hillary's a centrist neoliberal shill."

"Hillary's too old."

Ladies and gentleman, I give you Joe Biden, 78-year-old author of the 1994 crime bill and borderline Blue Dog during his tenure in the Senate. Liberal Icon.

You fools better not turn down Biden if he's who we get for the primaries.
Primary voters will decide if it's an issue or not. Same with Bernie. I think they'll both run because it's not like there's some sort of age police that'll step in and force them out.

Even if they don't do well and most are turned off by age i think it would be a good thing for both to run even if they don't win or don't even come close. The purposeful lack of competition and choices in 2016 was terrible and should never happen again.

I'm not disagreeing with any of this. My point was about the "age not being an issue" thing. But then again I haven't heard the whole quote. I do agree that the more people we have in the primary the better. I don't see Bernie running though, unless he also made vague statements about it that I also missed.
If it comes down to Joe Biden and Donald Trump, the lot of you better drop the purity test schtick pronto.

Clinton should have been a cautionary tale: When realistically faced with getting 50% of what you want or 0% of what you want, you goddamn take the former option.

I'm open to more "liberal" people than Joe Biden, but if voting for him is the only thing that gets Trump or some other conservative cronie out of office, then that's what I'm going to do.

EDIT: Not accusing you of issuing a purity test, by the way. Just speaking in general.

I would vote for Joe Biden without hesitation if he got the nomination.

I intended my post to highlight the hypocrisy from many on the left last year. They purity tested Hillary but then expressed their support for Biden. Again, for a contingent of the left last year - mainly the white, male, heterosexual variety - her lack of a penis, not her beliefs, soured them on her, as evidenced by their expressing favorable sentiments toward a man demonstrably less liberal than she.

EDIT: And no, carlsojo never called Hillary anything. His post just triggered my memories of some the rhetoric people used last year. Again, he didn't say anything. My mind just jumped there!


Former VP should have run for president.

If only...

If only... he lost the primary by a lot? Okay.

He wouldn't have won the primary. Hillary stomped him in 2008, and it would happen again.

Without a clear front runner in 2020, there's a chance he'll run. Maybe this will work out better than all the times he ran for president before.

But probably not.


I imagine lots of people on the left will not be happy with a white, male, establishment politician and instead championing a young, poc, possibly female rising star.

The infighting will be a bloodbath.
I imagine lots of people on the left will not be happy with a white, male, establishment politician and instead championing a young, poc, possibly female rising star.

The infighting will be a bloodbath.

But last year they wanted Bernie, a 25-year veteran of the United States Congress.
If only... he lost the primary by a lot? Okay.

He wouldn't have won the primary. Hillary stomped him in 2008, and it would happen again.

Without a clear front runner in 2020, there's a chance he'll run. Maybe this will work out better than all the times he ran for president before.

But probably not.

He would have beat her


Look at the democrats suddenly trying to pretend to make noises in the direction of single payer because of progressive activism putting the thought in the citizen's heads.

The ACA is nowhere near health care for all and not a solution, its literally mitt romney's plan.

We're going to have to eventually scrap it anyway to put in a single payer implementation, Atena and other providers are pulling out of the ACA as of next year, and its going to collapse on itself inevitably, regardless of if Trump tries to make that happen faster or not

If only the party in power were at least focused on preventing they collapse. Instead they're focused on creating their version that crash even worse.
I would vote for Joe Biden without hesitation if he got the nomination.

I intended my post to highlight the hypocrisy from many on the left last year. They purity tested Hillary but then expressed their support for Biden. Again, for a contingent of the left last year - mainly the white, male, heterosexual variety - her lack of a penis, not her beliefs, soured them on her, as evidenced by their expressing favorable sentiments toward a man demonstrably less liberal than she.

EDIT: And no, carlsojo never called Hillary anything. His post just triggered my memories of some the rhetoric people used last year. Again, he didn't say anything. My mind just jumped there!

Yeah, I feel you. This is why I'm not sure when we'll see a female president. Obama might have been black-skinned, but at least he had a penis, and that safeguarded him from some of people's toxic schemas about women in leadership roles. I mean, America gave Black men the right to vote nearly 50 years before women, and many of the former were literal slaves. That's a tall wall of misogyny.

I'd personally love to see a viable woman run in 2020, but I'm not sure when we're going to encounter someone with Hillary's clout and resources again. And given that women have to often work twice as hard to be considered as good as a man, that's a really high bar to meet.

I'd be glad to be proven wrong.


"Hillary's a centrist neoliberal shill."

"Hillary's too old."

Ladies and gentleman, I give you Joe Biden, 78-year-old author of the 1994 crime bill and borderline Blue Dog during his tenure in the Senate. Liberal Icon.

i'd agree that biden is probably worse than hillary


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
If only the party in power were at least focused on preventing they collapse. Instead they're focused on creating their version that crash even worse.

That goes without saying, the GOP are going to do all they can to kill as many people as they possibly can.


Look at the democrats suddenly trying to pretend to make noises in the direction of single payer because of progressive activism putting the thought in the citizen's heads.

The ACA is nowhere near health care for all and not a solution, its literally mitt romney's plan.

We're going to have to eventually scrap it anyway to put in a single payer implementation, Atena and other providers are pulling out of the ACA as of next year, and its going to collapse on itself inevitably, regardless of if Trump tries to make that happen faster or not

When healthcare reform passed in Massachusetts, it went through a liberal supermajority of the legislature in one of the most liberal states in the union, and they amended every change that Mitt Romney made in the process, making it [you guessed it] more liberal along the way. It was not Mitt Romney's plan. Mitt Romney vetoed most of the major parts of the legislation and the MA legislature overrode his vetoes. What passed was not his plan, he merely put a positive face on things for a few years since he had no choice. To be able to pass legislation similar to that of Massachusetts' at the federal level (knowing America's history with resistance to far-reaching federal law), across vast swaths of the country that are overwhelmingly, entirely conservative, is one of the biggest ever legislative accomplishments in the history of the United States.

If the Supreme Court had not made the Medicaid expansion optional for states (a huge blow to the legislation), we would have, by definition, near-universal healthcare. Regardless of the millions of people who suffered because of the Supreme Court's decision, the Affordable Care Act still featured a massive expansion of free healthcare for millions of low income Americans. To ignore this in favor of useless posturing about single payer is empty rhetoric. To pretend that there's an irresistible thirst for throwing out the entirety of the ACA in favor of some idealized version of a national single payer program that will upend and eliminate our employer-provided healthcare system overnight is ludicrous. To think that it will be easy to start from scratch and get such legislation passed the Supreme Court is nonsense (another consequence of voting for Trump over Clinton).

If Democrats had control of congress they could easily add a single-payer(!) public option to the exchanges that were established by the ACA, and could make Medicare infinitely more accessible for millions of more Americans. None of that requires tearing down what was already accomplished.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
I'd personally love to see a viable woman run in 2020, but I'm not sure when we're going to encounter someone with Hillary's clout and resources again. And given that women have to often work twice as hard to be considered as good as a man, that's a really high bar to meet.

I'd be glad to be proven wrong.

If Nina Turner or Elizabeth Warren decide to run in 2020 as stand ins for Sanders, they will automatically be the favorites, that's just my feeling.

I think Hillary's clout and resources were exactly the problem with her, so i think starting from a lower position without that stigma would actually help in this case


If Nina Turner or Elizabeth Warren decide to run in 2020 as stand ins for Sanders, they will automatically be the favorites, that's just my feeling.

I think Hillary's clout and resources were exactly the problem with her, so i think starting from a lower position without that stigma would actually help in this case

Nina Turner heaux?


He would have beat her

Would have? He didn't.

Are people forgetting that Joe Biden has run for President twice before?

We can acknowledge the flaws in Hillary Clinton as a candidate. But if we kneel down for a Biden run, we have learned nothing.

The calls for someone younger, someone fresher, someone open to bolder ideas, someone more in tune with the diversity of the United States...

Nope! Let's go with pushing-80-ass, blue-dog ass, third-times-the-charm ass Joe Biden.


EDIT: Not accusing you of issuing a purity test, by the way. Just speaking in general. I agree with you that there might be some sexism at play in criticizing Hillary while letting Biden off the hook.

Biden will play well because his meme game is strong.


You guys are missing the point. The Democratic Party's 2020 Presidential Nominee is almost guarenteed to come from Mueller's team that is currently investigating Donald Trump.


Junior Member
"Hillary's a centrist neoliberal shill."

"Hillary's too old."

Ladies and gentleman, I give you Joe Biden, 78-year-old author of the 1994 crime bill and borderline Blue Dog during his tenure in the Senate. Liberal Icon.
I mean if he's who wins the nomination I'd definitely vote for him, but yea.... no fcking thank you.

I feel like the only reason I've seen for wanting Biden is because he "talks tough" and would win over "moderates".
He's the best shot for Dems in 2020 IMHO
ugh, no.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
When healthcare reform passed in Massachusetts, it went through a liberal supermajority of the legislature in one of the most liberal states in the union, and they amended every change that Mitt Romney made in the process, making it [you guessed it] more liberal along the way. It was not Mitt Romney's plan. Mitt Romney vetoed most of the major parts of the legislation and the MA legislature overrode his vetoes. What passed was not his plan, he merely put a positive face on things for a few years since he had no choice.

The concept of both plans come from the same place and generally are identical, regardless of slightly differing provisions. Generally speaking, Massachusetts being a democratic state with a democratic majority is even more damning to the outcome.



To be able to pass legislation similar to that of Massachusetts' at the federal level (knowing America's history with resistance to far-reaching federal law), across vast swaths of the country that are overwhelmingly, entirely conservative, is one of the biggest ever legislative accomplishments in the history of the United States.

Its not much of an accomplishment if we're comparing it to actual changes in healthcare policy like the actual invention of medicare or social security. We're talking about expanding the role of the private insurance monopoly after all and hoping the expansion of people on medical insurance is enough to offset the flawed underpinnings of the plan.

If the Supreme Court had not made the Medicaid expansion optional for states (a huge blow to the legislation), we would have, by definition, near-universal healthcare. Regardless of the millions of people who suffered because of the Supreme Court's decision, the Affordable Care Act still featured a massive expansion of free healthcare for millions of low income Americans.

Half right and half wrong. Its undeniable that that the ACA provided healthcare to millions of more people, however your wrong in the notion that the medicaid expansion would have given people universal healthcare, as only an estimated 17 million people would actually be applied to said medicaid expansion by 2020, as opposed to 11 million under the current plan. Its more people, but its nowhere near the concept of 'universal coverage'.


To ignore this in favor of useless posturing about single payer is empty rhetoric. To pretend that there's an irresistible thirst for throwing out the entirety of the ACA in favor of some idealized version of a national single payer program that will upend and eliminate our employer-provided healthcare system overnight is ludicrous.

To think that it will be easy to start from scratch and get such legislation passed the Supreme Court is nonsense (another consequence of voting for Trump over Clinton).

No one is arguing for the immediate scrapping of the ACA besides the GOP. My only point of contention is the notion that the ACA as it is now, is in any way 'universal coverage'.

The ACA should be expanded in a variety of ways in the path to an eventual single payer system. However, the fact remains that eliminating the employer based health insurance monopoly in favor of a full single payer system, or at the very least a unrestricted public insurance option is the inevitable solution to health insurance costs in the future.

If Democrats had control of congress they could easily add a single-payer(!) public option to the exchanges that were established by the ACA, and could make Medicare infinitely more accessible for millions of more Americans. None of that requires tearing down what was already accomplished.

The democrats already had a supermajority when they passed the ACA, they only passed it with Dem votes after all, and they had the option of including a public option in that bill from the start. They scrapped the public option when push came to shove without any debate about it because of Obama putting Ben Nelson and Joe Libermann in charge of the fate of the bill. Coincidentally being two of the most insurance lobbyist friendly congresspeople at that time.

With this in mind, i sincerely doubt any movement on the public option will move unless the Democrats have pressure put on them to enact a proposal in that vein.


Is there a rule the VP has been born in America because if it's just a technicality, make Arnold a D and the VP nominee.

He throws the president off a cliff accidentally, and he's the new Galaxy President.


If Democrats had control of congress they could easily add a single-payer(!) public option to the exchanges that were established by the ACA, and could make Medicare infinitely more accessible for millions of more Americans. None of that requires tearing down what was already accomplished.

so first off they didn't pass the public option before when they had the chance and the push back against single payer now leads me to believe the party will continue to fight against the expansion of government-run healthcare.

second, the public option by definition exists in a market with private options, thus it is not single payer. the reason one would use the term "single payer" as opposed to the more general "universal healthcare" is because of the particular qualities that a single payer system would have, namely that the sole remaining player in the insurance gig (the government) would be able to easily set prices for the entire industry and implement cost controls in a way that multiple payer systems inherently cannot.


Is there a rule the VP has been born in America because if it's just a technicality, make Arnold a D and the VP nominee.

He throws the president off a cliff accidentally, and he's the new Galaxy President.

If the Democrats wants a celebrity to run, they'd just ask Oprah.
so first off they didn't pass the public option before when they had the chance and the push back against single payer now leads me to believe the party will continue to fight against the expansion of government-run healthcare.

I cannot believe how much misinformation has been allowed to fester over seven years.

The House passed the public option even with an abundance of Blue Dogs. Pelosi knows her shit and knows her caucus. She can pass anything, which is why we should keep her as leader and (fingers crossed) Speaker. She will get us a public option.

It failed in the Blue Dog Senate because of Joe Lieberman, Blanche Lincoln, Max Baucus et. al. They lost their jobs and/or died. The next Democratic Senate will be more liberal. Problem solved.
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