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Journalists' brains function at a lower level than average, study says

Journalists’ brains apparently show a lower level of executive functioning, which means a below average ability to regulate their emotions, suppress biases, solve complex problems, switch between tasks, and show creative and flexible thinking.

This is according to a new study led by neuroscientist and leadership coach Dr Tara Swart, who selected 40 journalists from newspaper, magazine, broadcast, and online platforms to analyse.

The research was conducted over seven months, where the participants took part in simple tests relating to their lifestyle, health, and behaviour.

It was launched in association with the London Press Club, and the main objective was to determine how journalists are wired to be able to thrive under stress.

Each subject completed a blood test, wore a heart-rate monitor for three days, kept a food and drink diary for a week, and completed a brain profile questionnaire.

The results showed that journalists’ brains were operating at a lower level than the average population, particularly due to dehydration and their tendency to self-medicate with alcohol, caffeine, and high-sugar foods.

41% of the subjects said they drank 18 or more units of alcohol a week, which is four units above the recommended weekly allowance. Less than 5% of them drank enough water, and some admitted to drinking none at all.

However, in interviews conducted in combination with the brain profile results, the participants indicated they felt their jobs had a lot of meaning and purpose, and they showed high mental resilience. Swart suggested this gave them an advantage over people in other professions to deal with the work pressure of tight deadlines.


You don't say...


Fingerlickin' Good!
It used to be ‘lol games journalists’ , but now it’s just ‘lol journalists’


This is funny, but 40 isn't a huge sample size.

Speculating, however:
The modern journalism industry pushes low-hanging clickbait, controversy and political editorialization over critical, well-researched quality content.
Given that humans adapt to tasks and environments through extended exposure, it wouldn't be a huge surprise to find out that working such a job would drag down your level of mental functioning.


Gold Member
Probably makes sense as a whole.

Building burns down and tons of people hurt.......

Normal person: Shit, someone call the fire dept. Hopefully, nobody is hurt. If it's safe, let try to help people evacuate

Journalist: Lots of fire and policemen trying to control the scene........ Hey Bob, is my hair and make up ok? Let me jam this microphone in his face for a statement. After the police chief, let's ask that guy with a bloody leg and burnt skin for a reaction........... ok Bob, scene is over. Send the info to the editors and let's hit a bar.
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Probably makes sense as a whole.

Building burns down and tons of people hurt.......

Normal person: Shit, someone call the fire dept. Hopefully, nobody is hurt. If it's safe, let try to help people evacuate

Journalist: Lots of fire and policemen trying to control the scene........ Hey Bob, is my hair and make up ok? Let me jam this microphone in his face for a statement. After the police chief, let's ask that guy with a bloody leg and burnt skin for a reaction........... ok Bob, scene is over. Send the info to the editors and let's hit a bar.

I'm desperately searching for a "Dislike" button.


I'm a journalist :messenger_loudly_crying:

Even though I'm not a proud one. I don't identify at all with it and I work with communications because I need to work. I would have studied IT if I could go back in time. I was too young when I got to college and I thought it would be the best choice. Clearly it wasn't.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I'm a journalist :messenger_loudly_crying:

Even though I'm not a proud one. I don't identify at all with it and I work with communications because I need to work. I would have studied IT if I could go back in time. I was too young when I got to college and I thought it would be the best choice. Clearly it wasn't.

There's still time. ;b


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
Interesting conclusions. The main researcher, Tara Swart is a leader on subject.

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Journalism is one of those things where anybody who wants to do it should automatically be disqualified from doing it. So, like, the CIA, for example.

Super Mario

What peer reviewed journal was this published in?

As much as I don't completely buy this article, I always chuckle at these statements. "You can't argue this! It was peer-reviewed!"

And hey, the Liberals will tell you how much more "educated" journalists are because they have a college education. This is what education looks like



And priests.

I’d say that would include other denominations than just catholic priests. Anyone who wants to be a religious leader is suspicious in my book.

Except for warrior monks. They are cool.
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