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Just bought a Audigy 2 ZS Platinum...

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How much of a pain in the ass if this going to be to install?

I bought it today at Future Shop, it's normaly just a bit under $300, but it's on for $169.99, thought I was a little pissed to realize that it was $169.99 AFTER rebate (should have known) but it's none the less a deal, so I got it, I was planning on getting it for my new system when i build it, but it's a good deal, and if anyones intrested you should check it out. here's a link to the card on Future Shop's site, though it doesnt advertise the price for some reason, maybe you can only get the deal at the store.

Anyway, back to the topic, I figure I may as well utilize this now while I am waiting to get my new PC. but upon opening the box, it seems like this thing is going to be a bitch to install. my current sound card is an Audigy Gamer.

I also have in my PC 2 drives, one is a CD Rom and the other my new LG Dual Layer DVD burner.

My question is, am I going to have enough IDE cable left for this I/O drive hock up? Because I cant remember exactly but I think I used the last one on the DVD writer. I'll have to open the case to check, but does anyone have any tips for installing these things?

~Black Deatha
I'm not speaking as a ZS owner, but what's the problem? From what I understand with the XS platinum, you just connect a cable from the sound card itself to the drive bay device. The pro model has an external one, so again, hookup should be simple.

Trying to figure out what the concern is...
Mine isnt the Pro, it's the internal one, but it says on the instructions that it needs to be hooked up with an IDE cable, and the concern is if I have any free IDE connectors left on the cable.

Also, I just wanted to ask, before I install it, can someone suggect a good test to do now and again when it's installed so I can see the improvemnts? If any are noticable that is. I have some nice Logitech 5.1 Z5300. Should I be able to notice any actualy audio improvment here?

~Black Deatha


Anyone know which version comes with the Dell XPS? They don't allow you to change it, and they don't give very many details about which version of the Audigy 2 it is.


Setec Astronomer
Speaking as an Audigy 2 Platnum owner...

The cable connecting the audigy card with the audigy drive IS NOT AN IDE CABLE, DO NOT USE ANY CABLE BUT THE ONE PROVIDED.

Other than that, all you need is a floppy-sized power connector. It's really not hard to install.
Actually, if you take a look at the Platinum, it has an IDE-like port ON THE SOUND CARD. You're supposed to connect the drive bay device DIRECTLY to the sound card.

More to the point, it's supposed to include a special cable for doing so. The official Audigy 2 ZS Platinum manual (which you can easily download at soundblaster.com) says you very likely will short out the sound card if you use a standard IDE cable instead of the special variant they provide in the box.

[Edit: Hitokage beats me by mere seconds, heh]


Setec Astronomer
Hah, thought that would be more obvious... but yes, the drive and the card are to be directly connected, and when installed the drive will operate as part of the card.


Speaking as a original Audigy owner, where can i get the drivers or disc's for the Audigy? I'm gonna be upgrading and need those drivers. Great sound card. I almost got this card cause after rebates its only $79 and my case is black (original only came in beige, and external in black)


OK i want the black stuff for the audigy i think the first one is also removable if so is there anyway to get that? WOW i needed that all this time.

I hate Beige

Well they cost 20 bucks that sucks. I wonder how much they would be direct from Creative by telling them that it was cracked when it got here or something.
Hitokage said:
Speaking as an Audigy 2 Platnum owner...

The cable connecting the audigy card with the audigy drive IS NOT AN IDE CABLE, DO NOT USE ANY CABLE BUT THE ONE PROVIDED.

Other than that, all you need is a floppy-sized power connector. It's really not hard to install.

Crazymoogle said:
Actually, if you take a look at the Platinum, it has an IDE-like port ON THE SOUND CARD. You're supposed to connect the drive bay device DIRECTLY to the sound card.

More to the point, it's supposed to include a special cable for doing so. The official Audigy 2 ZS Platinum manual (which you can easily download at soundblaster.com) says you very likely will short out the sound card if you use a standard IDE cable instead of the special variant they provide in the box.

[Edit: Hitokage beats me by mere seconds, heh]

Yeah, thanks guys, I realized that after taking a closer look at it

I havent installed it just yet though, I had plans with a freind to go out for a while, we were gonna go check out AVP (yeah I know it's susposed to suck, but whatever) So I was going to try and put it in before he got here, but didnt have time, I am planning on doing it now though.

But before I do, I still want to do something to try and see the differences between the cards for when I put the Platinum in. So anything you guys can reccomend I try?

fobtastic said:
Black Deatha, did you by any chance see if the regular Audigy 2 ZS was on sale?

Yeah, it was normal price, $149.99, so that made $169.99 look all the better.

Also, does anyone know how to take off the knobs on the I/O drive? I need to take them off to swap the faceplate, it's black right now, and though I perfer black, my current case is white/beige, it's not a big deal I suspose, but I though for now maybe I would make it match. But I cant seem to figure out how to take off the knobs, and I couldent find instructions on the manual for it wither. Do you just pull them off?

~Black Deatha
Well, I installed this thing, had a nice bunch of retarded problems at first, like not having any sound output at all, but that went away after restarting about 5 times. But there still seems to be a problem with the I/O drive, basicly being that it doesnt seem to be responding to the volume controle on it, or it's remote controle. Can someone else who has this card please tell me how to set this thing up? I am going to double check to make sure I did in fact plug in the power to the I/O, but I though I did.

~Black Deatha
Aww damnit, I cant belive it, I DID forget to plug in the power, but now it's done. ANd I now realize it's not a master volume controle, but rather just mic and headphone controles.

~Black Deatha


Black if you decide to get rid of the Black Front mind calling me up on it. I would love to have some black knobs and faceplace for mine. Since i have a black case and its the only beige thing that stands out.
B'z-chan said:
Black if you decide to get rid of the Black Front mind calling me up on it. I would love to have some black knobs and faceplace for mine. Since i have a black case and its the only beige thing that stands out.

Sorry man, but I am actualy planning on using it on my new PC when I get a case I like, preferably black, however maybe you can order one from Creative? :)

~Black Deatha
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