Just Bought a Ps5, Anyone Experience Problems Trying to Use Ps4 Discs to Play?

Specifically I'm trying to play Ghost of Tsushima. I was interested in checking out the "free Ps5 upgrade" on several of my Ps4 games, but I'm actively playing Ghost of Tsushima right now so I thought I'd plug that in and start the download or whatever it is that's necessary. It gave me an error and said it couldn't read the disc! I want to say the first disc I put into the console was Miles Morales (Ps5 disc), it installed just fine and it reads the disc just fine. I tried Spiderman Ps4 and it reads that disc just fine. I put Tsushima back into the Ps4 to make sure the disc hadn't magically been killed, but it works fine in the Ps4.

Whenever I put it into the Ps5, it just loudly sounds like the drive is spinning with 3-4 attempts, then drops the error after maybe 20-30 seconds. Has anyone else had this problem with any Ps4 discs, especially Tsushima? Was really looking forward to trying this on Ps5. I tried wiping the disc off, tried powering down the Ps5 completely for restart, but not sure what else to do.. Have yet to bother trying other Ps4 discs at the moment. Does this just happen sometimes and I'm out of luck?

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Never encountered this issue before. But can't remember if I've played Ghost of Tsushima on PS5

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
You’ve downloaded all system updates and everything? That would be the first thing I’d check. Then, definitely try another PS4 disc. If that works, then you can at least narrow it down to that particular disc. My PS5 disc drive used to be very loud in the early days when I’d play any game on disc, updates have changed that. After that, if disc PS4 BC is important to you and it’s not working, I’d look into returning the unit if possible


I had disc issues with miles Morales. It got stuck in there. More reason to stick with my digital library. I only used miles cause it came in a bundle.

Mr Hyde

Put in roughly 60 hours on Ghost of Thushima and never experienced any issues with it. Most likely the disc that is at fault. Bummer.
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Have you tried buying some Diablo currency?

Seriously I haven’t had disc issues. The PS5 won’t recognize the disc at all? Maybe check it for deep scratches. What is the error?

There isn't an enumerated error or anything, it just says "unreadable disc" where the game icon would be and says that it may be "dirty, scratched" etc (the game is brand new, I only inserted it even one time and it hasn't left my Ps4 until just now trying this on Ps5). Trying other games now. Yeah, it's like a wrong format disc result basically.

You’ve downloaded all system updates and everything? That would be the first thing I’d check. Then, definitely try another PS4 disc. If that works, then you can at least narrow it down to that particular disc. My PS5 disc drive used to be very loud in the early days when I’d play any game on disc, updates have changed that. After that, if disc PS4 BC is important to you and it’s not working, I’d look into returning the unit if possible
Yeah, I updated to the most recent firmware and double checked just now sadly.

I did try another Ps4 disc right away - Spiderman and it worked fine. I will go try a few more Ps4 discs and see what happens, if it's just Ghost while that sucks, I can live with it. Though kind of lame to have to keep playing that on my Ps4 with the Ps5 sitting pretty right there (damn it's a huge console!). The BC is definitely somewhat of a big deal as I put off buying the Ps5 for a while and continued to buy Ps4 games with the intent of using those "free upgrades" for many of the games so returning the device is not out of the question.

Edit: Tossed in RE4 and FF VII R and both booted/recognized nearly instantly. Just Tsushima doesn't want to work.. If this were any other game I wouldn't mind so much, just in the middle of a playthrough and wanted to upgrade the experience! Ah well.. hopefully just a one off problem, doesn't seem like other posters are saying this is prevalent and couldn't find a lot about it with a search.
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Specifically I'm trying to play Ghost of Tsushima. I was interested in checking out the "free Ps5 upgrade" on several of my Ps4 games, but I'm actively playing Ghost of Tsushima right now so I thought I'd plug that in and start the download or whatever it is that's necessary. It gave me an error and said it couldn't read the disc! I want to say the first disc I put into the console was Miles Morales (Ps5 disc), it installed just fine and it reads the disc just fine. I tried Spiderman Ps4 and it reads that disc just fine. I put Tsushima back into the Ps4 to make sure the disc hadn't magically been killed, but it works fine in the Ps4.

Whenever I put it into the Ps5, it just loudly sounds like the drive is spinning with 3-4 attempts, then drops the error after maybe 20-30 seconds. Has anyone else had this problem with any Ps4 discs, especially Tsushima? Was really looking forward to trying this on Ps5. I tried wiping the disc off, tried powering down the Ps5 completely for restart, but not sure what else to do.. Have yet to bother trying other Ps4 discs at the moment. Does this just happen sometimes and I'm out of luck?


Had no probs with the GoT PS4 disc myself when installing the PS5 version. Seems like you have an iffy disc since other discs seem to work fine?


There isn't an enumerated error or anything, it just says "unreadable disc" where the game icon would be and says that it may be "dirty, scratched" etc. Trying other games now. Yeah, it's like a wrong format disc result basically.

Yeah, I updated to the most recent firmware and double checked just now sadly.

I did try another Ps4 disc right away - Spiderman and it worked fine. I will go try a few more Ps4 discs and see what happens, if it's just Ghost while that sucks, I can live with it. Though kind of lame to have to keep playing that on my Ps4 with the Ps5 sitting pretty right there (damn it's a huge console!). The BC is definitely somewhat of a big deal as I put off buying the Ps5 for a while and continued to buy Ps4 games with the intent of using those "free upgrades" for many of the games so returning the device is not out of the question.

Edit: Tossed in RE4 and FF VII R and both booted/recognized nearly instantly. Just Tsushima doesn't want to work.. If this were any other game I wouldn't mind so much, just in the middle of a playthrough and wanted to upgrade the experience! Ah well.. hopefully just a one off problem, doesn't seem like other posters are saying this is prevalent and couldn't find a lot about it with a search.
All my ps4 games work on my PS5 (i installed them all when I bought a second ssd for it)

Sadly I don't have GOT in disc to try but it might be an issue with that particular disc, not even got discs themselves.


My PS5 reads it just fine, but of all my PS4 games I've tried on PS5 GoT is by far the one that makes the most noise when the PS5 is reading it, it's kind of annoying. But I played it from start to finish and no problem.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Was playing Ghost of Tsushima Thursday, but I have upgraded my version to the PS5 version.


Are you inserting the BD in the right orientation? Because it can be confusing.
That’s what I was going to ask lol, I always have to remind myself the disk goes in the opposite to what I think is logical with it standing upright

Played Ghost PS4 disk on PS5 with no issues here
That’s what I was going to ask lol, I always have to remind myself the disk goes in the opposite to what I think is logical with it standing upright

Played Ghost PS4 disk on PS5 with no issues here
Glad I'm not the only one.. instinctively I feel like it should be the opposite of what it is!


Glad I'm not the only one.. instinctively I feel like it should be the opposite of what it is!
My guess is that ur game disk might have a problem that the PS4 laser can bypass while the PS5 laser drive detects and gives an error. Since you have both consoles you can try tranfer the game from the PS4 to the PS5 and see if the drive then recognizes the disk. With the few PS4 game disks i tried, they all worked fine.



Glad I'm not the only one.. instinctively I feel like it should be the opposite of what it is!
They must have designed it for the console to be sat horizontally so the disk goes in art side facing up. But seeing the console on its side looks incorrect.. very strange design
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My guess is that ur game disk might have a problem that the PS4 laser can bypass while the PS5 laser drive detects and gives an error. Since you have both consoles you can try tranfer the game from the PS4 to the PS5 and see if the drive then recognizes the disk. With the few PS4 game disks i tried, they all worked fine.


I'll give this a shot just to see if that somehow helps it recognize it - can't hurt! Thanks.


Your disc might have a small imperfection that the optical drive in the PS4 glosses right over but the different lens in PS5, for whatever reason, doesn't like.

Just a shot in the dark. It's a strange issue if the same game works on PS4 and all your other PS4 games work on PS5 just fine.
As someone who adopted ps5 on launch but had to kick it back to Sony because of crashing blue screen issues… my replacement ps5 had not had anything comparable to what you mentioned. This coming from someone who has a library of 50+ ps4 and ps5 discs and over 100 digital games available ps4/5.
This definitely sounds like a problem with the disc drive to me. Support is probably your best bet….your worst bet is probably Gaf 😂


Gold Member
I remember there being an issue for some people on reddit. But it was regarding downloading the digital version / updates.

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I had some textures, lighting and others problems with some Japanese game discs.

If you want to play ps4 games, play on ps4.

That's why i never sell old videogames. It always run better on the original hardware.
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I had some textures, lighting and others problems with some Japanese discs.

If you want to play ps4 games, play on ps4.

That's why i never sell old videogames. It always run better on the original hardware.
That's what I'm doing so far and trust me I never sell my old hardware, still have NES, but I was lured by the "free PS5 upgrade" that was solicited. If they hadn't promoted that I'd have bought a PS5 a lot sooner, but figured I could piggyback a good portion my PS4 games later via that route.


No problem here neither, maybe you got a capricious optical drive ?
It happens sometimes especially when they use different optical drives from different manufacturers like they did with the Xbox 360 where they used so many drives brand I can't recall, but somes where "better" than others.
However I don't know if Sony got supplies from others manufacturers to meet the demand or if they build all they own BD drives by themselves.
If you have a friend with a PS5, that might be a good idea to test the disc there, it will instantly answer you to the question: is your BD drive capricious or is the disc the problem ?

By the way, let's put that here, it may be useful for someone else someday.

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Did you buy the digital version? Are you having to take off the white casing to insert the disc?

Please leave a like and follow if this helped


Gold Member
If it was me, having problems right at the start, I would go ahead and exchange it for a new one. No reason to keep it if you can't trust that the problem will not show up with another disc even if you get this one working.


Specifically I'm trying to play Ghost of Tsushima. I was interested in checking out the "free Ps5 upgrade" on several of my Ps4 games, but I'm actively playing Ghost of Tsushima right now so I thought I'd plug that in and start the download or whatever it is that's necessary. It gave me an error and said it couldn't read the disc! I want to say the first disc I put into the console was Miles Morales (Ps5 disc), it installed just fine and it reads the disc just fine. I tried Spiderman Ps4 and it reads that disc just fine. I put Tsushima back into the Ps4 to make sure the disc hadn't magically been killed, but it works fine in the Ps4.

Whenever I put it into the Ps5, it just loudly sounds like the drive is spinning with 3-4 attempts, then drops the error after maybe 20-30 seconds. Has anyone else had this problem with any Ps4 discs, especially Tsushima? Was really looking forward to trying this on Ps5. I tried wiping the disc off, tried powering down the Ps5 completely for restart, but not sure what else to do.. Have yet to bother trying other Ps4 discs at the moment. Does this just happen sometimes and I'm out of luck?

When you tried it again on PS4, was it already installed and you just played the game or did you delete the previously installed files and then reinstalled 100% on PS4? If not then the disc might be problem as on PS4 it is spun only to verify and run from hdd.
I frequently get an "unsuppirted disc" error with my PS5. It happens with both PS4 and PS5 discs, but more often with PS4 ones. If I eject and reinsert the disc, it alwatys works just fine after that until I power off and on again. It has been working better lately though.

I did official troubleshooting with Sony and they said I need to send it in for repairs. I got my PS5 direct from Sony at launch. Their flat fee to fix/refurbish/replace an out-of-warranty PS5 is $250, so I've decided to just live with the inconvenience until the system just stops working--IMO its not worth spending $250 on this issue as long as an eject and reinsert resolves it.


Ghost of Tsushima was the first game I played on my PS5. Worked fine, but the only thing I can say is that, compared to other PS4 discs, it sounds like a chainsaw when its spinning in the drive.

Perhaps the way the disc has been mastered has something to do with it..?


Never had any issues playing ps4 game disks on my ps5, but I've also never bothered to upgrade any of my games either.

Giallo Corsa

Gold Member
I mean, that sounds weird since other PS4 disks work well...

If I was in your position and still within the return period/warranty I'd swap it just to be sure, IF the problem persists on a new/different PS5 then you'll know for sure that it's the Ghost of Tsushima disk.


All the PS4 discs I’ve used (Kingdom Hearts HD collection, Resident Evil 2 and 3 remakes and RE 7, Overwatch, Dark Pictures: Little Hope) on my PS5 so far never had this issue. The loud spinning happens briefly but apparently that happens to everyone, no need for concern on that aspect.

If it’s purely one disc causing the issue and none of the others, I would assume the issue lies there and not the PS5 itself unless you experience the issue with multiple other discs.


I have the same issue as you with Ratchet and Clank 2016 and Killzone Shadowfall,It installs it about halfway then gives an error that it can't read the disc.I still can't use these discs for playing them even though they are in perfect fucking condition.Cerny's magic jizz sauce must be the issue or who the fuck knows,ever since Jim Ryan came in as head of PlayStation I stopped trying to make sense of playstation's atrocious communication and support.

Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire
The only issue I ever had was with a heavily scratched CoD Advanced Warfare disc (bought it from a pawn shop for €2 to play the SP campaign). Other than that, no problems, and I think I've installed over 80 different PS4 and PS5 disc games on my PS5.
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If other PS4 games are working correctly, I'd say it's a disk problem. Even if you're saying the game looks like brand new, it could indeed have some defect and that could be tested if you're willing to do a thing. Backup your save, uninstall it from your PS4 and try to install it again while being offline. If you have some error during the install, then there's your answer. Maybe the check that the PS4 is doing in order to play an installed game is in a section of the disk that isn't damaged, and the PS5 is trying do do a further reading that reach a defective sector that maybe will be detected when you try to use the entire content of the disk (like in an installation, for instance). If the disk installs correctly, I'd contact support if I was you, regarding a possible defective PS5 optical unit. Sometimes, a defective optical unit (commonly known as laser lens) starts to show failure on a small group of disks, and then become worse with time. Hope you can solve it.
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