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Just finished watching Berserk... (SPOILER alert)

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$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
I think I'm going to go sob into my pillow for about a week. Jesus, I can't think of any way that they could've made that ending more depressing. It's not often that a show can invoke much emotion in me, but I think I literally felt sick watching that last episode. Then again, I suppose that was the point. So anime fans, there any other series out that meet this level of sheer emotional drain, as I think I may need some warning...


That ending ruled. Best anime series ever imo. My friend watched it after me and got pissed off...he didn't like how it never wrapped up into the first episode.

I'm reading the manga right now for back filler in the story. Dark Horse has only released 3 volumes so far though...

I've been talking about Berserk since I saw a HK bootleg of it back in 2000. Nobody would listen to me...and it only had a cult following outside of Japan. Thank God('s Hand) that they released a region 1 version. I haven't seen it...I wonder if the ENG dub is any good?


i dont know about all that emotional draining stuff, but berserk is intense, fantastic, and cool as hell. and my favorite anime, nothing else touches it IMO. trigun evoked lots of emotion in me, and so did bebop...but berserk, with the music, the characters, the story line...was just something else.


tedtropy said:
I think I'm going to go sob into my pillow for about a week. Jesus, I can't think of any way that they could've made that ending more depressing. It's not often that a show can invoke much emotion in me, but I think I literally felt sick watching that last episode. Then again, I suppose that was the point. So anime fans, there any other series out that meet this level of sheer emotional drain, as I think I may need some warning...

Saikano. It really rox tho :):(
I wonder if the ENG dub is any good?

It is. In fact, for once I actually preferred the dub. As a bonus, media blasters put in a dub outtakes video on most of the volumes. They get funnier and funnier, including some freestyle rap that is very wrong given the scene it's played against.

And you need a laugh after some of those episodes.
The outtakes had me crying. When you spend that long getting attached to the characters and the voices behind them, hearing Caska's VA screw up and start cussing every other word is hilarious.

But yeah, greatest anime ever, blah blah, definitely something everyone, even non-anime fans, should take the time to watch. Now if only Media Blasters would get this damn audio track screw up sorted out. :mad:

How good would you say Saikano is? Worth purchasing? I've been really interested in it ever since reading the premise for the show, and it's definitely on my to-watch list right now.
Gen.Wedge said:
The outtakes had me crying. When you spend that long getting attached to the characters and the voices behind them, hearing Caska's VA screw up and start cussing every other word is hilarious.

Everything about the outtakes is brilliant. From the OP announcer screwing up his only line to Caska making fun of her womanly problems, the gamut is covered.

Now if only Media Blasters would get this damn audio track screw up sorted out. :mad:

What happened? I played the entire series on my home theater and never noticed a problem?

How good would you say Saikano is? Worth purchasing? I've been really interested in it ever since reading the premise for the show, and it's definitely on my to-watch list right now.

Saikano is very much a "Love it or hate it" kind of show. It's basically a teen love drama in which the girl is also the world's most lethal weapon. The final episode ends on such a downer that the fansubs ask the easily impressionable to stop on episode 12 (which is basically a happy ending of sorts).

I don't rate the show very highly because of that final episode - some people really got caught up in the drama but it struck me like the middle episode of 'Memories' - people making mistakes just for the sake of making mistakes. If you want a well written end of the world story, I would instantly recommend Texhnolyze instead.

That being said, I had similar problems (the mistake issue I mentioned above) with Now and Then, Here and There, so if you ate that up and begged for more this might be up your alley.
Crazymoogle said:
What happened? I played the entire series on my home theater and never noticed a problem?
Basically it just means the exact same audio track would be coming from each speaker. Not the worst of problems, but irritating, especially after putting down money on the series as it was released. Some more data can be found on the subject at these sites:


Supposedly they'll be offering replacement discs by the end of the summer, but who knows.

If you want a well written end of the world story, I would instantly recommend Texhnolyze instead.

That being said, I had similar problems (the mistake issue I mentioned above) with Now and Then, Here and There, so if you ate that up and begged for more this might be up your alley.
That's funny, because I have NTHT and will be starting it soon as one of my next series, so I guess I can partly base my interest in Saikano off of that. :)

I've been really interested in Texhnolyze, too, as the dark storyline and great art are pretty compelling. Plus, it's a shorter series so the investment isn't as big. Thanks for the help.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
I may have to check into the manga. I certainly feel for Guts, and as a character, I just can't understand how the guy keeps going after all his loss and betryal. To have the woman you love more or less raped in front of you by the man (though at that point not really a man) you had total trust in while you're helpless to do anything about it. Geez...that absolutely gut-wrenching. Presently, I'm switching to some more upbeat stuff and starting to watch 'Miami Guns'. So far, it's fricken' comedic genius. Also going to give Ghost In The Shell: SAC a try and see what a ton of money dumped into an anime can accomplish.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Uh, ted, I wouldn't consider your last post to be a "semi-spoiler." Your thread title has been edited to reflect that.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Go get the manga volume 1-27, NOW! As much as i love the anime, the manga is on a whole other level, it gets a LOT more fucked up for Guts after the eclipse. Download it or whatever, darkhorse has only 4 volumes out and at the rate they're releasing them we wont even catch up to where the anime left until a good year and a half. Do like i did, read the manga illegaly, and buy the official manga to support berserk :)


Woo, second best anime ever. EVERYONE should buy it since the boxset is so damn cheap. You wont find a better deal in many DVDs (except the Kare Kano boxset for like 60 bucks on TRSI's site).
Crazymoogle said:
I don't rate the show very highly because of that final episode - some people really got caught up in the drama but it struck me like the middle episode of 'Memories' - people making mistakes just for the sake of making mistakes. If you want a well written end of the world story, I would instantly recommend Texhnolyze instead.

That being said, I had similar problems (the mistake issue I mentioned above) with Now and Then, Here and There, so if you ate that up and begged for more this might be up your alley.

I loved NTHT... didn't like Saikano as much, too melodramatic for my taste. The ended also didn't make sense to me (didn't help that I was half asleep when I watched it).

Does Texhnolyze have a manga? I haven't heard too many good things about the anime.
Luscious LeftFoot said:
Does Texhnolyze have a manga? I haven't heard too many good things about the anime.

I haven't heard anything negative about the show, except perhaps that the first episode has like one sentence of dialogue. Give it a try - the OP by Juno Reactor should at least get you to watch a couple eps.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
EviLore said:
Uh, ted, I wouldn't consider your last post to be a "semi-spoiler." Your thread title has been edited to reflect that.

Yeah, sorry about that one, the thread title was more for the original post and I really should've put part of that second post in spoiler tags. For anyone that may have read that unexpectantly, I was just joshing, Guts and Caska go on to get married and have happy little uber-musclear kids that like to hang out with 'ole unc-ey Griffin. ;)

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Buggy Loop said:
Go get the manga volume 1-27, NOW! As much as i love the anime, the manga is on a whole other level, it gets a LOT more fucked up for Guts after the eclipse. Download it or whatever, darkhorse has only 4 volumes out and at the rate they're releasing them we wont even catch up to where the anime left until a good year and a half. Do like i did, read the manga illegaly, and buy the official manga to support berserk :)

Blah. I dont see where the manga is much better. And it gets pretty shitty after the point where the Anime stops.
I saw the first episode online back in 1999 and immediately ordered the entire series on fansubbed tapes. I screened it at the local anime club and got many others hooked. Got the Dreamcast game on day one and picked up each DVD as Media Blaster's released them.

I had never bothered with the manga until last night when I grabbed volumes one through four at Borders. I really enjoyed the storyline leading up to where the anime picks up, hell, I even liked Puck. How many months in between is it taking Dark Horse to release each volume?
Meier said:
Woo, second best anime ever. EVERYONE should buy it since the boxset is so damn cheap. You wont find a better deal in many DVDs (except the Kare Kano boxset for like 60 bucks on TRSI's site).
I just found out about the Kare Kano deal and will be placing an order accordingly. :) Such a steal, considering I came close to paying $70 for it earlier in the year.
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