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Just got back from Curiosa, AKA FUCK YOU MUSE

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goddamit, Griese!
So yeah, Curiosa had a pretty good line-up. But Muse is the only reason I actually went. With Muse it made a very good line-up. If they weren't playing, I wouldn't have gone.

But hey, god hates me, and after the first 3 bands play they announce Muse won't be playing tonight, because of an "injury". I call bullshit on this one. Some people I was talking with over there said they heard of Muse doing this more than a few times before. So I'm pissed as hell. Completely destoyed a lot of my faith in the band. But whatever.

As far as the other bands:

Head Automatica - Really dancy, rockin' band. Make you wanna move. Never heard them before today, and they were very enjoyable.

Mogwai - Some songs were ok, but too much loud noise. It didn't sound like music. It was loud, obnoxious noise. They had two songs I liked.

The Cooper Temple Clause - Fucking rocked. These Brits know how to play. Great set list, and a great performance. Band of the night, no doubt. I was expecting awesomeness, and what I got was awesomeness X 2. The guitarist was playing with a violin bow. Rock. This where the "Hey Eric, the only band you really wanted to see won't be playing! Eat shit!" announcement came.

The Rapture - Gotta love these guys. They WILL make you want to dance and tap your feet. Just as pure rockin' as you can get. And they accomplished something I have never, EVER seen before in my life. The middle of the lawn, where people mosh during Ozzfest, turned into an ENORMOUS dance party. At least 500 people actually got up, went to the center lawn and just started dancing. It was easily one of the coolest things I have ever seen. Something I won't forget for a loooooooong time. It's like something you would stage for a shitty music video, but it was all real. It was an awesome experience.

Melissa Auf Der Maur - Eh, ok. Mediocre rock. But Melissa and her bassist are fine as hell. Melissa has a simply beautiful ass.

Interpol - Surprise of the night. I wasn't expected much, but they blew me away. Sounded just excellent, and played a lot of older stuff. I was expecting nearly all new stuff, but they mixed it up well. That singer has such a different voice...it's refreshing. A total surprise, and nice way to end the night.

The Cure - The Cure sucks. We left after Interpol.

So, a good show, but Muse would have made it just great. I need to get more of Interpol's stuff.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Bummer dude.

Muse really fuckin rocks live, one of those bands that sounds like they do on their records. And they look so Professional, Was one of the best acts at the last music festival I went to.


goddamit, Griese!
catfish said:
Bummer dude.

Muse really fuckin rocks live, one of those bands that sounds like they do on their records. And they look so Professional, Was one of the best acts at the last music festival I went to.


you make me cry


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Best show of Curiosa by far. My diehard Cure friends even said so.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Eminem said:
STFU. You got Muse AND Thursday you cunt.



...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Coen said:
You left just before the greatest band that night was supposed to play.

No, actually...the greatest band of the night couldn't make it. Didn't you read the fuckin' thread, dude? :\
Eminem said:
But hey, god hates me, and after the first 3 bands play they announce Muse won't be playing tonight, because of an "injury". I call bullshit on this one. Some people I was talking with over there said they heard of Muse doing this more than a few times before. So I'm pissed as hell. Completely destoyed a lot of my faith in the band. But whatever.
What if one of the band members actually was hurt?


goddamit, Griese!
I was looking forward to Muse, not the concert, just Muse for two months.

He better be dead. That's the only excuse I'll accept.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Mike Works said:
What if one of the band members actually was hurt?

It's very likely. They (Matthew mostly) tend to act *reaaaallly* crazy on stage sometimes. Matthew would throw his guitar, whip it around his body, just into the drum set, jump off of the speakers...he can get nuts sometimes. At my show, he was pretty tame. It was the crowd that was just beyond fucked up. \m/


muse really rocked the NJ show. short set, but sweet as hell. glad to see you liked rapture as well, i thought they were fantastic. interestingly enough, their studio albums arent as danceable as their live stuff.
i agree with you about auf der maur.
i vehemently disagree with you about the cure.


goddamit, Griese!
nitewulf said:
muse really rocked the NJ show. short set, but sweet as hell. glad to see you liked rapture as well, i thought they were fantastic. interestingly enough, their studio albums arent as danceable as their live stuff.
i agree with you about auf der maur.
i vehemently disagree with you about the cure.

I like the cut of your jib. that's the way criticizing posts should be. nicely done. no flaming or anything =)

I don't hate the cure's music or anything. I mean, I can see why people like it. It just isn't my thing. Some songs everyone likes, but I can's sit there for two hours listening to them.
definitely don't bash anyone who likes the cure though. that's for sure.


Has problems recognising girls
I haven't seen Muse in yonks.. last time I saw them was when their first album came out back in 2000 or 2001, can't remember as it was at a festival.

They're playing just up the road from my place in Sep, both shows sold out. I wasn't really intending on going since I haven't even heard their third album, and taste for them have severely dropped.


Mogwai makes "just loud noise," so does Thursday. What's your point?

Ha. I'd say something, but I'm tired of getting banned for making fun of a bunch of tools, so I'll just shut my damn mouth. Sorry to hear you didn't get to see Muse, they rock live.


Mogwai is about waves of sound. Thrashing guitars, steady drums, and music just washing over you. They can be more intricate too. But they're my third favourite band of all-time, so I'm a little biased. I think they're completely amazing.
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