That OP was a real seat of the pants, nail biting experience man. Emotional, gripping, compelling stuff. Rollercoaster of intense emotions. Thanks so much for spilling your heart out OP, and sharing such a big part of yourself with us. I feel like we know you so much more deeply now. I kind of feel like I went inside of you now, and that our souls are intertwined in the complex tapestry of friendship and the web of unbridled sexuality that your prose has inspired in what I'm assuming is, and most assuredly must be, the vast majority of this board.
I guess what I'm saying is, and I think I speak for all of Gaf when I say this, but......thank you OP. Your words, your powerful words, they changed lives today. Thank you for gracing us with the energy, power, and the raw truth of your concise yet penetrating words of wisdom: wisdom beyond time, beyond love, ....beyond humanity.
We are ascendant now in the eyes of God thanks to OP.