Baron Aloha
A Shining Example
The last time I watched it I was like 5 years old. I used to watch tons of horror movies around that age and my uncle brought over one of those "new" VHS tapes so I could watch it.
I cannot believe how much of this film I completely forgot about. For one thing...the zombies in this one seem uber intelligent compared to the ones in Dawn and Day (except for Bub). They use tools tons of times throughout the movie... rocks, pieces of wood, knives. They also seem much more agressive. The first zombie in the movie is nuts. And did I see him running there?
There was so much stuff I forgot about that it was like watching it for the first time.
I actually watched Dawn for the first time just before the remake came out and now after watching this one *braces for impact* Dawn seems like a step backwards. I came away from Dawn thinking the zombies were a freaking joke. The ones in Night seem much more menacing to me.
Oh, and I had no idea that scene with Savini from the Dawn remake was taken from the original version of Night. Heh, nice touch.
I don't want to turn this into another rank the Romero zombie trilogy movies thread but Night > Day > Dawn for me.
I cannot believe how much of this film I completely forgot about. For one thing...the zombies in this one seem uber intelligent compared to the ones in Dawn and Day (except for Bub). They use tools tons of times throughout the movie... rocks, pieces of wood, knives. They also seem much more agressive. The first zombie in the movie is nuts. And did I see him running there?
There was so much stuff I forgot about that it was like watching it for the first time.
I actually watched Dawn for the first time just before the remake came out and now after watching this one *braces for impact* Dawn seems like a step backwards. I came away from Dawn thinking the zombies were a freaking joke. The ones in Night seem much more menacing to me.
Oh, and I had no idea that scene with Savini from the Dawn remake was taken from the original version of Night. Heh, nice touch.
I don't want to turn this into another rank the Romero zombie trilogy movies thread but Night > Day > Dawn for me.