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Kagero II video from TGS show floor... Enjoy the gruesome killings...


GameFan Alumnus
Man, I can't wait for this game. It looks creepily like Kagero (i.e., like a PS One game), but this series was never about graphics. I'm glad Kikuchi was able to get another Deception game made. Looks like he has a lot of good ideas built up. That cannon was awesome, and the swing kicking the guy into traps is incredible.


D2M15 said:
I can't see this, but YAY
it will be slow if you try to stream it. but you can download it with a download tool like NetTransport. just use 5 threads and it should be pretty fast to download.
Looks like Kagero, all right...though a lot more extreme. Creepy the way the new character seems almost unaware of the violence that she causes.


lunlunqq said:
it will be slow if you try to stream it. but you can download it with a download tool like NetTransport. just use 5 threads and it should be pretty fast to download.

Cheers - that worked. Now I can amend my previous post to just YAY

And, OUCH.
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