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Katamari Damacy = the new Tetris ?


I picked this game up today. Man, I haven't had this much fun with a game since.. ehh... vice city(it was my first GTA game afterall).
Most games these days complicate things by throwing in all these dramatic camera angles, "upgrades" to your weapons, misplaced stealth elements, etc, etc. AND when the game is finished, you have a nice shiney game that plays like poopoo.

Katamari Damacy is the perfect example of what happens when a dev puts all that other bs on the backburner and concentrates on making the gameplay solid.

Sadly, even though the game retails at $20, I still see it selling poorly and someone choosing Spy Fiction instead. *sigh*

Buy this game! You owe it to yourself! :D
This and Wario Ware are fine examples of what you can do with very little.

(And now I've got the urge to play Crazy Taxi. Thanks guys.)
I think Katamari has more in common with Tetris in the fact that it uses a simple gameplay mechanic and hooks you. Katamari may not have the "lasting appeal" of tetris, but it is damned close.

Crazy Taxi, while also a great simple game, doesn't have the same broad-appeal that a game like Tetris and Katamari have.


Internet Batman
Katamari Damacy is really cool, but the new Tetris??? Naw. It's a quick gaming diversion and a very effective nausea-inducer, with an amazing sense of style.


Wouldn't the New Tetris be the New Tetris?


Even though it's old.


I agree with the crazy taxi analogy. Tetris is so simplistic that anyone from young to old can really grasp the idea and play it. Katamari though awesome requires some familiarity with 3D games and is not nearly as straight forward. I don't think it is complicated, I just think it is a bit odd and bizarre and not so user friendly as tetris.
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