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Katamari Damacy UK Petition


Just got this in my inbox. I know we all laugh at petitions, but hey, it's better than nothing...right? Right?


I've been a regular reader of you site for a while now and it has to be one of the most kick ass gaming news sites about. You guys really do a great service for the gaming community.

Anyway, the reason I'm emailing you is to ask if you would like to help with getting Katamari Damacy a PAL release. I've started a petition and I'm asking any PAL gamers interested in the game to sign it, and hopefully get Namco to give it a PAL release.

If you could maybe give the petition a few words on your site I would be extremely grateful.


Thanks for your time,


Far as I'm concerned, the UK can go to hell. They got Vib-Ribbon and we didn't, we got Katamari Damacy and they aren't. That's entirely fair. ;) I'm going to start a petition against this petition.
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