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Katamari Damacy - where can I preorder?


works for Gamestop (lol)
Gamestop.com has a page up for the game, but no details about the game besides release date and price. I preordered it at my Software Etc., but they didn't really have any more info on the game except for what was on the website. I have a feeling not many stores will carry this game. I didn't want to take any chances so I preordered it last week


i think it has more to do with the fact that this game didn't get a regular marketing plan because namco didn't decide to publish it until after E3. stores like EB and gamestop seem to move at a glacial pace sometimes, as do marketing departments of publishers. i imagine EB will carry it, but they probably just haven't filtered it into their database yet. buyers pay attention to press, and it's been getting good press. once they see the review scores, they'll put in orders for units if they hadn't done it by then.

as for the title, it's not super rare. pokemon. suikoden. bujingai. just depends on what kind of 'feel' the companies want to give the games (and how lazy they are.) since the marketing for katamari will probably be centered around its wacky japanese-ness, i assume they figured on keeping the title. plus, it got a lot of free press based on the import under that title, so they probably decided that keeping it was a good idea.


Wario64 said:
What's it suppose to translate in English?
something like "clump of souls" or "soul of a clump" ... it's not really very grammatical as titles go (in japanese, i mean) because it looks cool in kanji and they didn't want to fuck that up.

katamari tamashii

so i guess it's more like a compound word "clumpsoul" =P


Running off of Custom Firmware
Actually, isn't Pokemon unique to the US/EU? I thought the Japanese games were called Pocket Monsters. If so, that's just plain odd, as the Japanese games sound like they're English based, and the English ones, Japanese based.


I was just thinking about this game somehow getting a lot of preorders, there being a line up, and me having to roll them all up into a large ball to get them out of my way.

So yeah, I think I need this game.


Mejilan said:
Actually, isn't Pokemon unique to the US/EU? I thought the Japanese games were called Pocket Monsters. If so, that's just plain odd, as the Japanese games sound like they're English based, and the English ones, Japanese based.

Poketto Monsutaa

Pocket Monster is the full name, but the Japanese shorten it to Pokemon as well, like they do with lots of other words.


Yep, Pokemon is the official name for certain games, such as Pokemon Colosseum ( ポケモンコロシアム ) and not Pocket Monsters Colosseum ( ポケットモンスターコロシアム ). Other titles use the longer version, such as Pocket Monsters Leaf Green ( ポケットモンスターリーフグリーン ) or Pocket Monsters Kin ( ポケットモンスター金 ).

A few years ago, the Japanese would spell it like "Pockemon" which would technically be the American way of combining them but the American branch went with the phonetic Japanese spelling instead. :)


Running off of Custom Firmware
Yeah, I knew that Pokemon was derived from Pocket Monsters. What I didn't realize is that (apparently) Pocket Monsters naturally truncates to Pokemon in Japan.


shoplifter said:
Poketto Monsutaa

Pocket Monster is the full name, but the Japanese shorten it to Pokemon as well, like they do with lots of other words.

Yeah, it's pretty commonplace. Having the first english Crazy Taxi site, I remember all the guys in Japan referring to that game as "CraTa".


Unconfirmed Member
Bowser said:
Can someone give me a heads up on this game? $20 doesn't seem like a bad price.
Roll a ball around a stage using the analog sticks. Pick up anything and everything and make a really huge trash ball. Objects can be erasers, paper clips, shogi pieces, people, cars, buildings, islands, whatever. You name it, you can roll over it and make it your own. That's pretty much the whole game.

And it has one of the best soundtracks I think I've ever heard in a game. Brilliance is the only word that comes to mind.

Buy it!


How can you possibly say no to that?


$20 is a steal.
Pre-order it, play it, enjoy it and tell your friends how cool it is. IT IS WORTH EVERY CENT!!!

Anyone who doesn't buy a retail copy of Katamari Damacy AND doesn't recommend it to their friends will never EVER get to complain about crap games that publishers put out.

Support good games by purchasing them 1st hand!



Went to GameStop today, tried to pre-order. The game was in the system, but apparently the computer wouldn't allow the employees to file a pre-order. The manager was in a conference call, so they told me to come back tomorrow. -_-

Went to EB Games just to see if they would have it. The chick working there couldn't find it in the system, so I described it to her. She was like, "OH! That game! I want that game and I've been waiting for it to show up in our system, but it hasn't yet. I don't know if we're going to carry it." -_-


I want this game, I'm trying to give the game my money, but it won't accept it :(
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