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Kinda cool Irish bare knuckle boxing video

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Musashi Wins!

Dude, that was not a good fight. The one fighter was sooo outclassed. Not that the other guy was some world class talent but come on.
I thought the guy who got killed showed some good heart, and the one who won showed some decent skill. I also liked how they looked better then your average street fighter. They had that old Irish boxing thing going on, kinda sorta.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
That one guy was pretty, uh, fat and slow, and looked like he tried to get some rabbit punches in during one clinch...tried to headbutt during another clinch...threw a punch during a clean ref breakup of another clinch...

But he still got his ass FUCKED UP. Truly a pathetic display by Mr. Paunch. *down* *down* *down* *down* *down* "I haven't had enough!" "Oh, I think you've had enough, son. There's no shame in it" Only thing he had going for him was that he was unnaturally tenacious about giving up.


Banstick Emeritus
On behalf of my significant other, I'd like to voice my protest at this racist display of Irish-on-Irish violence for onlookers' amusement!


Haha, yeah you could tell when they were standing there listening to the rules that the old bald dude was going to wipe the, er, asphalt, with the other guy. The overmatched guy didn't do much but back up, but he picked his ass off the ground about 5 times more than I would have. ;) Bonus marks for making me want to watch Snatch again tonight.

"No dirty ol' punches" is a pretty good rule.


Banstick Emeritus
@ the guy there with his kid
EviLore said:
That one guy was pretty, uh, fat and slow, and looked like he tried to get some rabbit punches in during one clinch...tried to headbutt during another clinch...threw a punch during a clean ref breakup of another clinch...

But he still got his ass FUCKED UP. Truly a pathetic display by Mr. Paunch. *down* *down* *down* *down* *down* "I haven't had enough!" "Oh, I think you've had enough, son. There's no shame in it" Only thing he had going for him was that he was unnaturally tenacious about giving up.

Yeah...the other guy really opened up on him later with some clean, clear shots. I think he also tried to bite the winner once, I heard something like that.

:lol @ the guy there with his kid

There were at least two kids there! That rocks! I'd take my kids to see the drunken Irish shoe salesman fight as well.
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