Yeah but even then, most of the times they get the pixel count wrong.......Their FPS analysis is never accurate either.....The dips to resolution and framerate you see on other channels, you never see that on DF. Then there's quite a few cases like Farcry 4; they showed a comparison that was not 1:1 (one to one), they highlighted an explosion, but the PS4 version was closer to the impact than the Xbone version, they used this to show how the XBOX version had a better framerate, till NX blew that out of the water by showing the XBONE version had a deficit of up to 10 fps in certain sections, anytime you traversed on foliage the Xbox version tanked.....The digital foundry guys only care about pixel count, shaders and FPS most of the time, thats it. They should start paying more attention to other details of the game. Their analysis are getting real lazy.
Take away the N word and the video is only 30 secondsHis analysis might be on point, but I just can't listen to that guy. It's so grating I'd rather sandpaper my butthole.
Holy shit, he's unsufferable.His analysis might be on point, but I just can't listen to that guy. It's so grating I'd rather sandpaper my butthole.
I take it you didn't notice the extremely heavy motion interpolation slapped on the slow-mo BL2 grenade footage toward the start, then? As opposed to the BL3 equivalent which has none.Yeah but even then, most of the times they get the pixel count wrong.......Their FPS analysis is never accurate either.....The dips to resolution and framerate you see on other channels, you never see that on DF. Then there's quite a few cases like Farcry 4; they showed a comparison that was not 1:1 (one to one), they highlighted an explosion, but the PS4 version was closer to the impact than the Xbone version, they used this to show how the XBOX version had a better framerate, till NX blew that out of the water by showing the XBONE version had a deficit of up to 10 fps in certain sections, anytime you traversed on foliage the Xbox version tanked.....
Nitpicking design-level problems like bullet decals and inconsistent particle effects isn't hard, and doesn't require any specific know-how outside of basic video game competence. The same is not true of actual technical analyses made by people with specialized equipment and tools.You can't go all over the internet saying analyzing games are hard, when persons who dont even do analyses, who don't even have equipment and tools, can put up a more detailed and informative analysis than you.....That reflects on you......
When are you gonna change your name back?didn't knowMiyazakiHatesKojima had a youtube channel
Never because it bothers you.
I'm losing my patience with you, buddy. Change it now or else.....Never because it bothers you.
Yeah. pretty much all basic details you saw in games in the early 2000's, it's like we're regressing......The shadow pop-up, the lod issues, the abysmal texture bitmaps on the ground.....Jumping in water creates dust-plumes…...The sun-moon thing was hilarious, but just shows how bad things have become......Then you could not shoot cameras in Gears......These are little features that was standard playing games even before 2000...….Anybody played No One Lives Forever or Soldier of Fortune? You know how old these games are? The worse thing is when people accept this and some want to crucify the guy because of the way he speaks rather than the message he conveys....Thank him for bring these things up and taking the time to look into how our games are getting worse instead of better....That shadow pop in was pretty bad.
I'm just glad that they don't talk about texture resolutions when it comes to Borderlands 3 and talk about it for 5 minutes. I mean, come on. It's a borderlands title. Any disucssion on it would be this. "The Textures in borderlands 3. It's like the other two. Low resolution and ugly. And now onto tessilation." It would be 5 seconds of video and a few sentences. Or it could just be, "Borderlands 3 textures. Come on guys. You know I don't have to say anything about it. It's borderlands. "The digital foundry guys only care about pixel count, shaders and FPS most of the time, thats it. They should start paying more attention to other details of the game. Their analysis are getting real lazy.
Change it. This is final warningNever because it bothers you.
You hold no power over me Konami alt.Change it. This is final warning