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Kirby's Air Ride -- $20 Thoughts


(more a nerd than a geek)
Now that it's dropped to $20, I thought I'd buy Kirby's Air Ride. e3 2003 scared me away from this game, but as it is one of the few LAN games, I thought it might be worth having, anyway.

I noticed something interesting, however; the game -feels- like a snowboarding game with the tricks removed. If you ignore the "racing" concept, it really feels like a weird cousin of SSX or 1080... if you don't do anything, you glide "down the hill"; if you hold a button, you break... the whole game is about steering around obstacles and taking alternate paths to the ending. Once I realised that, I stopped getting irked about the controls and started playing it more like Kirby was boarding through the levels... and I actually started having some fun.

If viewed as a trickless "snowboard" game, it does seem a lot more fun. Still rather limited, but not as awful as I remember it being at e3.

What do the rest of you think?
DavidDayton said:
What do the rest of you think?
I'd like to offer up some of my thoughts but I can't seem to find this game now that it's dropped to $20. For such a shit game, it sure did sell out quick at all of my local TRU's. :(
The game is better than the haters think it is, and worse than the fans think it is. It also has the best music in a racing game.
One of the worst games I have ever played. It is so simplistic and boring. The only part of it I thought was ok was the city part where you drove around getting powerups, but even that was fairly boring. Racing 0/10, top down racing 0/10, city racing 5/10= 5/30, which is 1.6 something out of 10. Sounds about right. :D


Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
One of the worst games I have ever played. It is so simplistic and boring. The only part of it I thought was ok was the city part where you drove around getting powerups, but even that was fairly boring. Racing 0/10, top down racing 0/10, city racing 5/10= 5/30, which is 1.6 something out of 10. Sounds about right. :D



0G M3mbeR
If the TRU 3 for 2 deal included both GC and Xbox games at the same time I would buy this one when the deal hit (have my copy saved in back). As it is, I don't think $18 is going to be low enough to entice me :)
Hmm. was just thinking about picking this up recently. So what's the verdict? Still sounds like a terrible game.. Where's Olimario when you need him.

I have to say though; I didn't think Kirby on the GBA very fun. :(
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