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Koi Kaze is pretty good.... (Anime)

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Pedo/incest undertones aside (Ok, it's more like overtones lol), it has a great plot and cast. Only 2 more eps left and I'm really eager to see how it ends..

Just curious. Am I the only one who didn't immediately dump it after the first ep? o_O

PS: The music is awesome too :)
"Am I the only one who didn't immediately dump it after the first ep?"

I dumped it after 4 eps. The pacing was so slow and it didn't really seem like it was going anywhere.


OMG, ep 11 was just fucking wrong o_O

This is the best anime this season though. Can't wait for the final ep :O
"This is the best anime this season though. Can't wait for the final ep :O"

You *must* be on crack. Even after 4 episodes Champloo pisses on it.


I've only seen Champloo 1 and 2 but besides the fights, it's kinda blah. I'll check out ep 3 now though :)


Looked like every other generic high school romance series but with pedophaelia and incest thrown into the mix. What a winner! Watching this is as wrong as watching Yumeria.


Well, I haven't seen Yumeria so I dunno about that but Koi Kaze is anything but generic. Give it a chance cos it's a really good take on a touchy subject. And there is no fanservice or any perverted crap like that in it. Again, it's the best anime currently running IMO....


Check out reviews for it. I'll even write one when it's done and I've NEVER posted a review outside this forum before lol. It's that good IMO...
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