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Larry and his suit (or lack of it) banned in Oz



Unconfirmed Member
There'll be a piece explaining up later but have a scout round - it's surfacing.

"...obscured and/or implied sexual activity and obscured and partial nudity involving stylised, animated characters" are the problem.

In a country with legal prostitution (no comment) this seems a little harsh


Unconfirmed Member
john2kx said:
we should invade and bring them true democracy.
There's no point in being American if you don't invade places to bring them democracy.


"...obscured and/or implied sexual activity and obscured and partial nudity involving stylised, animated characters" are the problem.

There's also something about players being rewarded sexually in the game. And lucky us having three more years of conservative liberal government who don't want an 18+ rating for videogames.
ManDudeChild said:
Pretty sure this has been posted about a long while back. Course I'm too lazy to dig up the thread.

Yeah I bumped up an oldish thread regarding ManHunt being banned in Australia and mentioned this was the latest game to be banned in Australia. It was during all the DS craze so the topic quickly disappeared ;p

Mr Gump

Ok i wanted to get this game, but it turns out it is nothing like the prequels so i dont really want it anymore, but if i did, its not as if u couldnt get it easy. ARGGHHH


This thread is useless without screens!





Yeah, for some reason the news just started making the rounds yesterday, but I looked it up in the OFLC database and it said they handed down the decision a month ago.

Interesting: Love For Sail, the last PC Larry, not only made it onto the Oz market, it didn't even get the highest rating. It was 15+, not even 18+.



Porn is illegal in australia as well.

It's ok to buy porn, but not to peruse it. But we have privacy laws that protect police from ramming down our doors and busting us with our hands on our pud.

That said, I guess it's aok to just torrent this sucker for us aussies :p


Zaptruder said:
But we have privacy laws that protect police from ramming down our doors and busting us with our hands on our pud.

I bet those guys who got busted for child pr0n a few weeks ago were thinking that.
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