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late to the party....secret window and phonebooth

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rented these two movies the other day...liked em both but phoneboth was really good IMO.

i had a few questions about secret window...might be spoilers:

the ending is basically the revelation that there is no stalker and that its just depp who has a split personality which he developed over the trauma of his cheating wife and divorce. but what was that whole story thing in the begining...for which the normal depp goes to the publisher of the mag to get the date of print? and the name of the story he gets handed is a psuedo name right? is it me or didnt it seem like the story didnt add up in the end...like im sure there were some plot holes.


Johnny Depp can look in my secret window anyday.

PS I hear Colin Farrell is too big for my phone booth.


Any movie in which the ending reveals that a key character is an imaginary person or split personality or whatever is just lame. Especially in 2004, that's a hackneyed ending, done way too many times to be satisfying.
Only thing that really bugged me about Phone Booth was.... The special effects for the laser scope on Keifer's gun. It looked like a 12 year old made it with a red crayon and paper, and then they imported it into the film.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Teddman said:
Any movie in which the ending reveals that a key character is an imaginary person or split personality or whatever is just lame. Especially in 2004, that's a hackneyed ending, done way too many times to be satisfying.

yeah.. the ending sucked.. but the rest of the movie was actually pretty good.
Teddman said:
Any movie in which the ending reveals that a key character is an imaginary person or split personality or whatever is just lame. Especially in 2004, that's a hackneyed ending, done way too many times to be satisfying.

Fight Club isn't lame.
Secret Window ending was indeed hackeneyed and cheesy. Maybe circa 1975 that ending would have flew, but as of now, post-Usual Suspects, Memento, and Scream, it just seemed like a big cop out. Almost too easy to write IMO and too easy to skirt around until the inevitable crescendo. There were virtually no clues that Depp had any sort of pyschosis beyond post-marital depression, yet all of the sudden he's a multiple personality pyscho come the last 20 minutes of the film. Come on..

Phone Booth was pretty well done and acted IMO, but it just wasn't quite as tense as it could have been. Maybe we're just so overkilled nowadays with triple crosses and mind-boggling plot twists, but for me it just seemed a little to stagnant of a scenario to really build to anything cinematically groundbreaking. The acting was superb (Sutherland, Farrell), and the movie seemed well directed, but by the last 20+ minutes you were just waiting for a conclusion. Good, but worth waiting for a rental/cable. Great movie for Farrell at the time to add to his acting chops while still being a lead role..


Cerebral Palsy said:
Fight Club isn't lame.
But it's in spite of that revelation. I mean, I saw that coming, but Fight Club had other things going for it besides that easy to predict "twist." It wasn't the climactic event of the movie either, Fight Club had more to its ending...
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