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Latest bungie.net update : Halo 2 is done !


The Inside Track
I can't believe no one started a topic about this yet, what's wrong with you guys ?

Anyway, here it is :

For the lazy :
Septultimate: The Last Update

It isn't literally the last update of course, since there's lots to do and say between now and November 9th, but I can honestly say that there's no more updating on the progress of the game, since the game is done. Finished and shipped to a nebulous region known as RTC (Release To Certification) where it will be dumped from eight digital tapes onto a DVD and go through some final testing. Usually that's just a matter of routine, but we'll be watching our email carefully through next week…
whoa. about bloody time to. How many more weekly updates with screens ONLY from the multiplayer can anyone take?

HALO2.. on shelves soon



The Inside Track
Ghost said:
someone did last night.
Ok, my bad. I just searched the first forum page since I thought such a BIG NEWS would be a bit more discussed than I don't know... Yesterday's sales from Japan or something.
Ho well, GAF it is.

Lock and load !


I can't FREAKING wait!! Time to re-read the Halo books, re-play Halo: Combat Evolved, listen to the soundtrack and get prepared for that baby :D


It's done? Excellent, guys. That means that is time to stop stonewalling all the important questions that you fuckers have been ignoring. Everything is set in stone, so you can't keep pulling this bullshit "We're not sure yet" answer out of your ass.

Will there be online or LAN co-op?

What maps from Halo 1 (if any) will be included?


Awesome. So this is essentially a "Gone Gold" sort of announcement it seems...

Halo 2 is probably my most anticipated game of the year, easily.


Border, I have a feeling they want to keep the online co op or sys link co op a surprise.

I mean its not gonna sway any buyers, your gonna buy it no matter what.


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
nice to hear they finished early, means they weren't scrambling trying to finish the game. Should be good and polished.


open_mouth_ said:
Awesome. So this is essentially a "Gone Gold" sort of announcement it seems...

No... this is the announcement BEFORE the "gone gold". Right now Halo2 is going to be going through some HEAVY HEAVY QA at MS to make sure there are no gamebreaking bugs and it doesn't destroy your Xbox. Plus they'll try to find other bugs that may require fixing. Depending on how good Bungie's internal QA is (and I'm assuming it's top notch) the MS guys shouldn't find anything serious and the game will be good to go. But it'll still take a week, and then you'll hear that magical word: gold.


DopeyFish said:
it's pretty much gold, rarely does a game end up coming back from cert :p

Very wrong, very few games pass cert the first time.

On the other hand, Bungie/MS have devoted a HUGE amount of testing to Halo 2, so it is more likely than most games to pass on its first pass.
Well I particularly don't care about the "Gone Certification" news since it doesn't impact the release date at all... its not like Half Life 2 where when its gold it will be coming out in a week or two, not knowing exactly when. With Halo 2 its November 9th... which we have known for a few months now.
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