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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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After months of hard work and sacrifice, I finally got my first ever promotion after losing down to Silver V! I was so excited to escape from Teemo's Patriots...only to realize that Silver IV through I will also be called Teemo's Patriots. Come on, give me some different names here.

I seem to have less fun if I get basically any melee.
Plus Heimer even heals towers! Yes melee tend to be the most frustrating to play in aram. The secret (not really a secret) is to stay behind the tower, try to clear waves, and wait until you have enough gold and levels to become tanky. Somewhere around level 12-18 if not earlier, especially if they did not feed too hard early, the melee team should start becoming able to engage on the ranged team and kill them since they will probably be squishy. Ranged wins short term, tanky can win longterm even if they don't have a lot of range. Achtius and I won a game like that earlier today (only Vayne ranged) though it was really irritating waiting long enough to get tanky and coordinating with 4 melee.
Group comp is such a headache, everyone refuses to do anything out of accepted meta. I like playing mages dammit, but everyone seems to insta-lock middle lane. Usually as Katarina or Akali too :(


Plus Heimer even heals towers! Yes melee tend to be the most frustrating to play in aram. The secret (not really a secret) is to stay behind the tower, try to clear waves, and wait until you have enough gold and levels to become tanky. Somewhere around level 12-18 if not earlier, especially if they did not feed too hard early, the melee team should start becoming able to engage on the ranged team and kill them since they will probably be squishy. Ranged wins short term, tanky can win longterm even if they don't have a lot of range. Achtius and I won a game like that earlier today (only Vayne ranged) though it was really irritating waiting long enough to get tanky and coordinating with 4 melee.

Yea, there's a few melee I don't mind if they have a good poke, but I feel like I am circling towers dodging enemy poke otherwise. Going after minion farm is also usually a scramble, everyone worth mentioning is trying to do the same. I did win as Riven though just now, that was something. Our comp was solid though (Rumble/Anvivia/Twitch/Soraka). I would just run in and stun and run out and spent a lot of time pacing in the bush. Not the most fun ever but we won so I won't complain too much. Made it my business for the other team to know I was crazy (bored) and would rush them if I thought I could get away with it. I'd like to think their Draven/Vayne was a bit less effective thanks to me, since they ran if they saw me getting close: they knew I'd make a beeline for them every time. It's worse if no one on the other team is squishy, though.

Edit: "I knew your father, Orianna. He was a good man." So neat, need to find more.


Group comp is such a headache, everyone refuses to do anything out of accepted meta. I like playing mages dammit, but everyone seems to insta-lock middle lane. Usually as Katarina or Akali too :(

A lot of mages can make it in the top lane these days, if you have had some practise
Started to play again a few weeks ago with a more relaxed approach. Basically play less and ignore the constant insults thrown about. Enjoying it again now.

I also bought karma in the sale and god damn she is a fun class. Especially as support. Been doing really well as her.
The icon without the timer symbol is a separate icon that you have to select.

Ohhhhhhh. Do they tell you this in the client anywhere? I had no idea.

why won't everyone just leave Fiora alone? -_-

Fuck that guy.

Dear god I got so rolled by a Fiora last night as Jayce. It was pretty appalling. Brought it back somehow with farm and some dodgy kills on other enemies, still ended 8/10/13 or something.

I am pretty bad as Jayce, but should top Jayce really be harder than ADC Jayce? Or is Fiora just a matchup I have to learn? (Also would Cold Steel be a good counter to her early?)

After months of hard work and sacrifice, I finally got my first ever promotion after losing down to Silver V! I was so excited to escape from Teemo's Patriots...only to realize that Silver IV through I will also be called Teemo's Patriots. Come on, give me some different names here.

I'm afraid this will be me, eventually. Had the wooorst ranked game yesterday. One half of a premade mid/AD just flamed for the whole time, even though teamfights showed we were clearly better. Not sure I'm gonna stay in Silver IV for long.


Group comp is such a headache, everyone refuses to do anything out of accepted meta. I like playing mages dammit, but everyone seems to insta-lock middle lane. Usually as Katarina or Akali too :(
it stings the worst not only that they instalock, but they instalock a zero-cc-build-the-team-around-me kind of champion.

lock-in is such a dumb option to have when playing with strangers...
Dear god I got so rolled by a Fiora last night as Jayce. It was pretty appalling. Brought it back somehow with farm and some dodgy kills on other enemies, still ended 8/10/13 or something.

I am pretty bad as Jayce, but should top Jayce really be harder than ADC Jayce? Or is Fiora just a matchup I have to learn? (Also would Cold Steel be a good counter to her early?)

Fiora beats Jayce pretty easy tbh. Her double gap closer means your defensive spell is pretty much useless and she's super sticky, something Jayce hates. It's one of Fiora's favourable matches.
Fiora beats Jayce pretty easy tbh. Her double gap closer means your defensive spell is pretty much useless and she's super sticky, something Jayce hates. It's one of Fiora's favourable matches.

Ah, okay. Still need to improve my mechanics with him, but at least I wasn't playing GP I guess. >.>


First Outside LCS qualifiers is starting guys,

ATN v GIANTS bo5, winners gets a place in the spring LCS

will forellenlord finally legitimise his solo queue terror and make it into the LCS?
will giants make it back into the LCS to hang with the big boys?


LCS thread: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=512106&page=10

SIJ vs CW tmrw, ouch. Poor SIJ, they were playing pretty well... but CW are just too good.
First Outside LCS qualifiers is starting guys,

ATN v GIANTS bo5, winners gets a place in the spring LCS

will forellenlord finally legitimise his solo queue terror and make it into the LCS?
will giants make it back into the LCS to hang with the big boys?


LCS thread: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=512106&page=10

SIJ vs CW tmrw, ouch. Poor SIJ, they were playing pretty well... but CW are just too good.

Thread lin-

Oh, never mind. It works. How did I not notice.


Who's your guys favorite support? Personally, Nunu is my favorite. Great harass, great damage, and great ultimate. I'm starting to respect Soraka a lot more, but I also hate seeing Taric now. Taric is pretty much the de facto support now so there's a big chance they'll be terrible.
Who's your guys favorite support? Personally, Nunu is my favorite. Great harass, great damage, and great ultimate. I'm starting to respect Soraka a lot more, but I also hate seeing Taric now. Taric is pretty much the de facto support now so there's a big chance they'll be terrible.

How do you play Nunu as a support champion?


you make your guy attack and move faster and make their guy move and attack slower and then you make people who want to be next to your guy go slower or go away. you do this without needing items to do it ok


How do you play Nunu as a support champion?

The main aspect of support Nunu is blood boil. It's a great buff to ADCs because it gives them really good amounts of attack speed and movement speed for teamfights for a considerable duration of time. His snowballs deal a good amount of damage early game and reduce the target's movement and attack speed, so Nunu can use it to debuff the opposing ADC or use it to peel for his ADC. Finally, his ult also slows and applies an attack speed debuff too while dealing a very good amount of damage if he can get a full channel off. His ult is dangerous enough that if he gets several targets caught in it, it forces the other team to blow a hard CC ability on him as opposed to the damage dealers.

So, basically he buffs his carry, debuffs their carry, and has a decent amount of peel.


formerly sane
Who's your guys favorite support? Personally, Nunu is my favorite. Great harass, great damage, and great ultimate. I'm starting to respect Soraka a lot more, but I also hate seeing Taric now. Taric is pretty much the de facto support now so there's a big chance they'll be terrible.

Nunu was great till they started nerfing him again.


Who's your guys favorite support? Personally, Nunu is my favorite. Great harass, great damage, and great ultimate. I'm starting to respect Soraka a lot more, but I also hate seeing Taric now. Taric is pretty much the de facto support now so there's a big chance they'll be terrible.

Currently karma.

Shield + speed boost spell (mantra makes it effect all allies near by and damage enemies)

Aoe damage and slow spell

Tether spell that roots after a few seconds.

She can really mess up the enemy team /boost your team even without support items. This means you can actually take some ap to help hurt the other team all while buffing and debuffing.

Just having so much fun as her.


The way he edits the video is annoying. He cuts himself off every second.

I don't even understand what he's talking about. Why anime?

I like the song he did but yeah the anime video makes no sense and offends me as a person that lives his whole life as an anime

Who's your guys favorite support? Personally, Nunu is my favorite. Great harass, great damage, and great ultimate. I'm starting to respect Soraka a lot more, but I also hate seeing Taric now. Taric is pretty much the de facto support now so there's a big chance they'll be terrible.
sona I guess. I kinda love all my girls equally, leona is awesome, janna is awesome, everyone's awesome

and fuck nunu, I hate everything about him.


The main aspect of support Nunu is blood boil. It's a great buff to ADCs because it gives them really good amounts of attack speed and movement speed for teamfights for a considerable duration of time. His snowballs deal a good amount of damage early game and reduce the target's movement and attack speed, so Nunu can use it to debuff the opposing ADC or use it to peel for his ADC. Finally, his ult also slows and applies an attack speed debuff too while dealing a very good amount of damage if he can get a full channel off. His ult is dangerous enough that if he gets several targets caught in it, it forces the other team to blow a hard CC ability on him as opposed to the damage dealers.

So, basically he buffs his carry, debuffs their carry, and has a decent amount of peel.

that's what I said

I guess this is an example of what an annoying league video looks like to me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52BhRt7lY6Q or like anything this guy does ever
Just played with some idiot who complained the entire game about how much League sucks, and how HoN is the far superior game.


There were also many personal insults from him directed at the rest of the team. Seems like the miserable assholes are becoming more and more common at level 14. I'm sure it doesn't get any better.


Why is fizz considered balanced now.... my poor lux =[

He has a built in zhoyna's =[
Do you think it's inappropriate for champions to have counters? :p I used to think I did well with Fizz against Lux but I ran into one really good one that destroyed me. I still think Fizz is a good choice against her though.


Love me some Lux on ARAM



Just played with some idiot who complained the entire game about how much League sucks, and how HoN is the far superior game.


There were also many personal insults from him directed at the rest of the team. Seems like the miserable assholes are becoming more and more common at level 14. I'm sure it doesn't get any better.
just bait them into raging even harder then have your own satisfaction of reporting with plenty of evidence against him :D

Love me some Lux on ARAM

you do realize you bought three different cdr items and are basically wasting your boots? don't buy morellos and athenes on lux, get cdr boots+one of them, or both and sorc shoes


Just played with some idiot who complained the entire game about how much League sucks, and how HoN is the far superior game.


There were also many personal insults from him directed at the rest of the team. Seems like the miserable assholes are becoming more and more common at level 14. I'm sure it doesn't get any better.

u have to go back to those gold soundz
just bait them into raging even harder then have your own satisfaction of reporting with plenty of evidence against him :D

you do realize you bought three different cdr items and are basically wasting your boots? don't buy morellos and athenes on lux, get cdr boots+one of them, or both and sorc shoes

I did plenty of baiting. It's the only way to keep yourself from raging.
So Trundle's Pillar does 1 point of true damage. Huh.

Is a gank considered a success if I manage to get the enemy team to blow all their SS trying to run?


So Trundle's Pillar does 1 point of true damage. Huh.

Is a gank considered a success if I manage to get the enemy team to blow all their SS trying to run?
I consider it at least a partial success, especially if you can then come back and gank again in the next 3 minutes before their spells come back.


So Trundle's Pillar does 1 point of true damage. Huh.
so does anivia wall. I killed a diana with my wall once :D

Is a gank considered a success if I manage to get the enemy team to blow all their SS trying to run?
yeah but it didn't do any good unless you either gank them again and get a kill off them having no summoners, or the laners get a kill based on that, or you take enough pressure that the enemy laners have to play more safe because they don't have flash/ignite/exhaust (and your laners deny them cs and exp or get shots on their tower, etc.). or maybe that gives you enough pressure to get dragon.


but if you or your laners don't manage to take any sort of advantage off it then it was kind of a waste of your time
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