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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Sejuani's great on ARAM from what I can see. Wait until the opposite side groups together and then toss your ult. If your teammates are competent to follow through, you just took out a chunk of their fighting power.

On that note, one more win until I join #TeamLizzy.


Had an opposing Lissandra rage on me mid because it was their 1st time playing her and I was Talon.

Apparently not a fun match-up for her ... well I don't think Talon is fun for ANY AP mid ... but I straight abused her.


1 item 4/26/0 ARAM damage carry


Nidalee is really strong on ARAM. I just bought the recommended items at the start and leveled my Q twice. I didn't die and didn't even use my health pots.

Am I a bad person for playing Nid in ARAM?


Nidalee is really strong on ARAM. I just bought the recommended items at the start and leveled my Q twice. I didn't die and didn't even use my health pots.

Am I a bad person for play Nid in ARAM?
no, nid is ok. ap yi is where the evil's at

also cass free this week

gonna try her out, hopefully like ori she'll click with me right away


no, nid is ok. ap yi is where the evil's at

also cass free this week

gonna try her out, hopefully like ori she'll click with me right away

I've tried Cass a few times. I liked her but didn't really do well with her. Phenomenal sustained damage but hard to compete with the modern assassin meta.


Tiger Udyr's not shit. Phoenix is just way better in the jungle. Tiger Udyr's perfectly fine top.

As for Muramana, idk. Try it.

I was just being a douche. :p

Love the Quinn avatar. CAW CAW. I think people are getting used to her, though. The element of surprise with her level one burst isn't working as often as it did.
People do not choose their champions in ARAM so no. Nidalee also has nothing on champs like Jayce and Heimer.

and none of those three have anything on sivir :).

Nidalee herself isn't all that great on aram. It's the combination of teammates landing their CC and Nidalee taking advantage of it. Her spears are easy to dodge. Lux on the other hand is straight OP on aram. I've never had a loss when playing as her on Aram.


OT Hard Carry
tried syndra against heimer

championselect is shit

last time I had that match I would just rush chalice for infinite mana and kept chucking his turrets at the river

then /L


also you get to lay down a free Q everytime he so obviously tries to get closer for rockets



This is my life, up and down constantly, I've been demoted twice and climbed back up to now hit the same problems again. Afkers from the first minute, intentional feeding, constant flaming, insta-locking, no lobby trading and most commonly people playing with their elbows.

I'm by no means a good player but damn I wish people would at least try to have a proper full game paying attention and playing as a team.


How do you use Jax or any bruiser in ARAM? It seems kind of difficult.

random all out fights notwithstanding,

You have to wait until your team is at their best all in point. (usually this is at level 6)

If you have a team of pokers who dont ever want to all in, you just have to wait until the enemy tries to all in you and counter engage.

if your team has no pokers, you most likely have a bunch of all in fighters, so try to stall until 6 - clear waves, avoid taking too much damage (even letting them hit your tower) then as soon as everybody is 6, just engage their sorry asses


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
and none of those three have anything on sivir :).

Nidalee herself isn't all that great on aram. It's the combination of teammates landing their CC and Nidalee taking advantage of it. Her spears are easy to dodge. Lux on the other hand is straight OP on aram. I've never had a loss when playing as her on Aram.

Thing I hate about Lux is I feel her beam has such a massive hit box.

In general though I think healz are OP on ARAM. Just makes lane sustain so easy which is OP in this mode.

Nid can be OP, but it's all on how good you are with the spears. The potential is there if you are good at throwing and/or the other team isn't great at dodging. She falls off big time if she can't spear land though.


Nunu > Heimer, true story. Just eat all the turrets.
yeah I've had that experience in aram.

also against malzahar

Just throw his turrets back at him.
last time I had that match I would just rush chalice for infinite mana and kept chucking his turrets at the river

then /L


also you get to lay down a free Q everytime he so obviously tries to get closer for rockets
tbh the guy was a pretty good player, checked him out and he mains heimer, and I don't nearly ever see him, so I didn't know his turret cooldowns or his W range (which is insane).

he started doran's ring, which is the bane of every one of my matchups and just kept pushing me to tower. I kept trying to throw his towers to the river but that'd be a free w for him and I just got outplayed overall.

I dunno how you're supposed to beat his w with syndra, all your damage spells are outranged by his w and using your w to take away his towers just leaves you unable to clear waves really fast. by the time he was placing two turrets I just couldn't keep up.

probably should've gone chalice instead of tear and just farm under tower (and overall just play better), but I don't see how it's a favorable matchup for syndra.

How do you use Jax or any bruiser in ARAM? It seems kind of difficult.
with a lot of patience. wait and bore yourself to death until you hit 6 and then get good all-ins. time your gapcloser right, watch out for their cc, etc.


Cya shyvanna
aww that shy's super cute
Is the new thing in ARAM to go afk? I've played four games today where either people on my team just went afk at the start or the other team had afk people at the start and never come back or just come back when they see theyre winning.
Thing I hate about Lux is I feel her beam has such a massive hit box.

In general though I think healz are OP on ARAM. Just makes lane sustain so easy which is OP in this mode.

Nid can be OP, but it's all on how good you are with the spears. The potential is there if you are good at throwing and/or the other team isn't great at dodging. She falls off big time if she can't spear land though.

I don't think the hitbox is that big. Landing her Q is what makes the laser so easy to pull off. The laser by itself is easy enough to dodge(however I have run straight backwards from the laser like an idiot many times so I really shouldn't be talking).

As for heals I find champions that provide good peel/seperation skills to be more overpowered than champs with lots of sustain(soraka being the exception).

I find the most broken champs on aram are
Fiddle, Janna, Lux, Syndra, Anivia and Soraka.
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