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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Support nocturne who stole all our adc's farm

Next game, jungle ashe with no wards shaco support.

Tell me how I can reach plat with teams like this.

Edit: Now jungle Vayne. Sigh...
Support nocturne who stole all our adc's farm

Next game, jungle ashe with no wards shaco support.

Tell me how I can reach plat with teams like this.


To be honest I do think is a matter of time for you to reach plat.
Then again, I tend to be optimistic.

Eventually, you will be paired with teammates that will be more in sync with you.
(Edit: But it seems, tonight isn't really the day)


Oh for fuck sake. I wait 15minutes between the games to avoid the shitty adc jungler.

Guess what? I get him again. Plus the trash talking top laner. Looks like they friended each other in the last game.

I take his jungle this time since I have first pick. He QQs all game while I carry the shit out of it. We win and now his trying to queue snipe me to troll again. sighh


almost got my first penta ever, and it was gonna be with lux.

ended in triple since I missed a snare :(

Oh for fuck sake. I wait 15minutes between the games to avoid the shitty adc jungler.

Guess what? I get him again. Plus the trash talking top laner. Looks like they friended each other in the last game.

I take his jungle this time since I have first pick. He QQs all game while I carry the shit out of it. We win and now his trying to queue snipe me to troll again. sighh
lol by this time you should just accept the universe doesn't want it today

give it a while, laugh (cry) it up and play some fairy solitaire or something :p

Fixed for the truth
so true

I mind bad decisionmaking or the old "eh, I'll just do wraiths" a lot more than bad players.

game is so much easier if:
a) you never chase into fog of war
b) after you get a gank+kill you take tower/dragon

if only people would learn


Tragic victim of fan death
I'm surprised there's no tiered surrendering. Sorry about that stupid game with Ahri btw. I would've been super upset if that had happened to me. =/ Laaaaaaame.


Oh for fuck sake. I wait 15minutes between the games to avoid the shitty adc jungler.

Guess what? I get him again. Plus the trash talking top laner. Looks like they friended each other in the last game.

I take his jungle this time since I have first pick. He QQs all game while I carry the shit out of it. We win and now his trying to queue snipe me to troll again. sighh
Hey so cj entus pro players are vacationing in Sydney. We should ask them for coaching
This is a bit offtopic but was completely unexpected.

I just returned from an oxxo store in the corner of my street, (is like a 7-eleven) I was buying some RP, to try out the fact that I can buy RP from there.

And well... this:

Typical. That you see the Brotherhood eating some hot dogs. lol. Well, at least I was able to buy some RP, or so I guess, it should be accredited in 24 hours.
I cant play SR on NA anymore. I'm CSing like I'm in Vegetable IV league.

I can get around 70-80 at 12 minutes if I really try. If I get a kill or two, I think it makes up for the 30 or so creeps I failed to last hit. The mythical 90-100 CS still eludes me.

Also, I've seen very few people call Support or Jungle in blind pick.
I can get around 70-80 at 12 minutes if I really try. If I get a kill or two, I think it makes up for the 30 or so creeps I failed to last hit. The mythical 90-100 CS still eludes me.

Also, I've seen very few people call Support or Jungle in blind pick.

I think people plays Blind when they want to try out a champ or play "x" role.

At least that is what I do when I want to play something in specific, since 90% of the cases I'm the first one to load, so I almost always "call" what I want to play.


Kinda disappointed in the CLG documentary. I expected more behind-the-scenes action, like Saint and Hotshot fighting or the team blowing up on Voyboy (like that arcade scene). Also, I feel like they tried to create a story instead of telling the one that happened - like the documentary makes it seem like OGN summer with Voyboy was the first time they went to Korea when they had already participated in two OGNs prior to that.


fuck ryze, so broken

can't believe he exists in his current state

every time I play against him I hate him a little more

it kinda fits perfectly that the trailer showed that kind of thing but the actual product didn't
it's really sad how the documentary is all about how clg tried a lot of shit to get better but they didn't, and they still believe to be the very best in the world (while the only time they were relevant was when the scene was barely existing).

their solution to sucking now? the same they always did. roster changes.

we're better than the other team, we're the best, it's just that I don't know why we didn't actually choose to beat them and played like shit instead

they sound like solo queuers, so sad

I don't like you any more
Why does Riot don't do an ultimate skin for Ahri?, it has potential.

If it was up to me, I don't know how she will look like but she would start with one tail and every other level (3,5,7,9,etc) she whould gain another tail until she had 9 at level 18.

When she died it would be similar but her tails would become fire foxes that would run in every direction until disappearing.

And other cool stuff.

If it was up to me this would the next champions to get ultimate skin: Ahri, Lux, Fizz and then... whoever Riot want, even Teemo if they want, I don't own it, but I gues it has a lot of [troll] potential too.


is anybody their!, I wanna play a game but I have nobody to play with! or a clan! or a guild! or a family! or a life!



My penis is strangely aroused.


This is almost exactly how I build my Sona. I like 1/13/16 though for Summoner's Wrath. The name of the guide is "Tig ol' Bitties" so the guide wins by default.

Thanks for the link!
But I forgot to mention that I was looking for videos. I have found that I can learn and improve my game a lot after watching someone play the champion in question (specially if there is commentary)




try it, it works

Guys, I'm looking for good guides to play support Sona and Janna, ideas?
don't really have a guide but...


get qwe, max order r>q>w>e. sometimes I'll put two or three points in w if I see it's gonna be a sustain lane or something

gp10 quints, double pen reds, armor yellows, mr blues

0 13 17 masteries, get block in defense, and pickpocket in utility


get eqw, then max r>e>w/q. I usually max w second for the extra movement speed so I don't buy boots until very late in the game, but it depends on the matchup

2 gp10 quints, 1 ms quint, armor reds and yellows, mr blues

0 9 21 for masteries usually. 4 5 21 for the 10% cdr wouldn't be so bad on janna either


with either of them I usually just rush philo, then ward thingie. coordinate who's getting aegis and if no one is, then you get it. if you're not getting aegis, get locket. I like going mobility boots on sona but if you don't like those merc treads or cdr boots are fine. with janna I'll usually play without boots for most of the match. turn philo into shurelyas eventually, and get kages into morello/twin shadows if match feels like it

My penis is strangely aroused.
my penis and your penis agree


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD

Octopus Ahri...

I'm okay with this.

just went 26-7-50 with nami in ARAM.

feels good

You really can't miss the ult lol.

Ah right the troll I played with last night was plat 5...

I hate this league system so much...

I can somewhat understand the division 5 syndrome. Not good enough to climb higher so they just stop giving a fuck. Riot should implement some sort of division drop based on reports and tribunals.


I can somewhat understand the division 5 syndrome. Not good enough to climb higher so they just stop giving a fuck. Riot should implement some sort of division drop based on reports and tribunals.
They could make a new system without the point clamping, one with consistent point gains and losses per game, one that does not require as many games to get from one tier to another.

They could call it like, "elo" or something.


Isn't it possible to keep steamrolling but lose tier promotions to bump your MMR up, making it even harder to get promoted?
Wouldn't surprise me, which is yet another reason I wish tiers were based on elo again instead.

And about percentages, I don't know why since I used to think Draven was one of the most bothersome champions for me to play trying to catch the axes, but now I'm like 9-2 with him in ranked.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I was jungling him but he seems very strong top. Almost unkillable and super fast lategame.
I've been jungling him too but I could imagine him being a really killer top. Once you pass a certain item threshold on him he will simply live forever. Only needs BotRK for damage too, which is nice. He has really good counter dive potential actually. It's funny watching tanks come in on turrets and stealing their stats to make them super vulnerable. Also really easy to come in and out of fights with that much sustain, or dive super deep.


Isn't it possible to keep steamrolling but lose tier promotions to bump your MMR up, making it even harder to get promoted?

i dont see how you can steam roll but lose tier promotions other than on purpose

also, if your mmr is so high, itd be easier to reach promo again afterwards


at your promo, 3/5 is basically 50% win rate, which is what your win rate should be at your actual MMR

so itll happen eventually, even if youre not steamrolling


Patch Preview 3.8

Russian team accidentally "leaked" it before the patch was ready.

Patch 3.8 is not coming out today. Unfortunately the patch preview came up a little earlier than expected but we can't deploy today. I'll see if I can get more information beyond that, but to reiterate: no patch today.


Patch Preview 3.8

Russian team accidentally "leaked" it before the patch was ready.

Boo. I was going to post about it. But "GAF down for maint" OP. :)

A short version of my thoughts:

Yay nerfs for Kha'zix and Hecarim. I like the Hecarim jump over wall now though. That'll be real cool to play as.

The jungle changes are awesome. Counter jungling is going to be a lot stronger early with the blue and red golems getting more xp. I LOVE the small camp not spawning till 155 change. Will make the lanes more balanced and eliminate the blue side 1:35 jungle invade strat. And for pro games we may see more 2v2s instead of the 1v2 lanes. That will be much more entertaining. Small camps respawning quicker will bring some more farm to the carry jungler.

Jungle item change is great too. Consistent damage > RNG.

Overall fantastic patch.


I said at the start of season 3 that I was surprised they didn't just shift camp timers forward. Good to see that changed now.

...though now we get to see how the meta shifts around this.


yah its too bad it never translated outside of pro play though
like too much effort for people to think about swapping lanes im kinda interested in why those lines of thought were never normalized
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