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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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How could you not like any mid-laners? You can play almost anything mid. You can play Riven mid in a lot of match-ups, or even Ezreal. You could probably even still run Malphite mid, even though no one really does it anymore. Try some Kha'Zix or some Heimerdonger, maybe some LeBlanc. The world is your oyster in mid, man!


Pld Thresh support again had a game, purple (opposing) got double kill before by jumping our blue and then going straight to their own blue. They ignored my dangers, retreats as we saw 3 people coming to their blue through mid to my sight ward at dragon and straight up.

By the time corki got into lane to CS we were level 1 and they were level 3. We ended up at one point at 1 kill to their 10. Throughout the mid game they had double our kills. We started roaming as 2s and 3s to get them alone which worked for like 5 minutes. My team thought we would win assuming like they would keep pushing lanes on their own.

Then they grouped up as a 5 and destroyed us. They pushed right to our inhib and took it.

I got fed up and started directing when to B, when to go push and which lane and when to engage. We had a decent jarvin and the opposing team play wasn't as good as ours when we initiated. Which was generally me on morgana or sivir and then ignited renek and ulted their team. Which let us to come out on top of most team fights when they pushed to take our base 3 times.

Eventually we pushed out all the lanes to river with a back and forth game and then pushed mid all the way. We kept catching one or two of them out and since I had reverie + ionion boots with alacrity. There escapes meant nothing.

We won the game, ended up with more kills than them. I can't believe it that we came back from it. I got the whole thing on replay. I will upload it at some point.

lolreplay file:


Pld Thresh support again had a game, purple (opposing) got double kill before by jumping our blue and then going straight to their own blue. They ignored my dangers, retreats as we saw 3 people coming to their blue through mid to my sight ward at dragon and straight up.

By the time corki got into lane to CS we were level 1 and they were level 3. We ended up at one point at 1 kill to their 10. Throughout the mid game they had double our kills. We started roaming as 2s and 3s to get them alone which worked for like 5 minutes. My team thought we would win assuming like they would keep pushing lanes on their own.

Then they grouped up as a 5 and destroyed us. They pushed right to our inhib and took it.

I got fed up and started directing when to B, when to go push and which lane and when to engage. We had a decent jarvin and the opposing team play wasn't as good as ours when we initiated. Which was generally me on morgana or sivir and then ignited renek and ulted their team. Which let us to come out on top of most team fights when they pushed to take our base 3 times.

Eventually we pushed out all the lanes to river with a back and forth game and then pushed mid all the way. We kept catching one or two of them out and since I had reverie + ionion boots with alacrity. There escapes meant nothing.

We won the game, ended up with more kills than them. I can't believe it that we came back from it. I got the whole thing on replay. I will upload it at some point.
i wont lie - i was expecting a matchmaking whine post after the first three paragraphs.

nice turnaround bro
Are you trying to force a square peg into a round hole, here? Leona isn't really the kind of support you want to take into all match-ups, all the time. There's a lot to be said for being an expert at a champion, and I'm certainly not recommending you to become the sort of doof who uses community-recommended counterpicks off Champion Select without having ever played the champion in question, but you do have to give some consideration to both your team's overall composition and the opposing lane.

Maybe play the field a bit, come back to Leona next season when supports have enough money for people to very quickly learn the hard way that a Leona with actual tank items is completely fucking nuts.

I definitely don't take Leona into all match-ups, she's just the go to support that I end up playing a lot alongside Nami, Lulu and Sona, I'm just slowly losing interest playing supports in general. I'm probably just going to wait for the first major pre-Season 4 patch.
A month ago: LOL wow shyvana really? Awful champ

Now: wow such broken, very op
Reminds me of how Riven is right now



Same goes for Sivir. HER DAMAGE IN LANE IS TOO HIGH... which has been the same for over a year now


Reminds me of how Riven is right now



Same goes for Sivir. HER DAMAGE IN LANE IS TOO HIGH... which has been the same for over a year now

I've always thought riven was stupid op. Oh well, lol.


The new defense tree is just sooo good. Legendary Guardian will be nerfed a 100%. Ridiculous OP. Can't make up how to spec my jungle champs T___T

Anyone already through about that?
So far I'm thinking about

Jarvan: 9/21
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/50690216/Season 4 Mastery Calculator/index.html#7aTan7CH3T7vd

Shen: 4/23/3
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/50690216/Season 4 Mastery Calculator/index.html#Ma57xH3T7v3V

Pantheon: 19/11
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/50690216/Season 4 Mastery Calculator/index.html#7aT0B37CHUwd
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/50690216/Season 4 Mastery Calculator/index.html#7bT0Bz7UHQd
or like Jarvan 9/21 like I run him currently. Missing out % Ar Pen seems to kill that idea for him tho.

3% more damage and 2 more damage vs minions (or 1.25% attack speed) or 2 less damage from champions and 2 armor. Mhhhhh....


Reminds me of how Riven is right now



Same goes for Sivir. HER DAMAGE IN LANE IS TOO HIGH... which has been the same for over a year now

Did anyone actually cry that she was going to be useless with the knockup? Knockback was better in some cases but in most cases, the knockup is an improvement. Smoothing out her wall hop was also amazing.

I think people forgot about Riven since she was relatively niche during the LCS season. Now that it's just yolo queue grinding, there's a lot of Riven snowballs reminding people that she's pretty absurd.

Shyvana is similar in the sense that the jungle/mid dynamic shifted with the assassin nerfs. Plus, she's just really strong when your team is aggressive. Her top lane is actually pretty good too since it's hard to try fighting Burnout, lane pushing be damned.
ice princess barbie skin go on sale now so I can play her more pls


Did anyone actually cry that she was going to be useless with the knockup? Knockback was better in some cases but in most cases, the knockup is an improvement. Smoothing out her wall hop was also amazing.

I think people forgot about Riven since she was relatively niche during the LCS season. Now that it's just yolo queue grinding, there's a lot of Riven snowballs reminding people that she's pretty absurd.

Shyvana is similar in the sense that the jungle/mid dynamic shifted with the assassin nerfs. Plus, she's just really strong when your team is aggressive. Her top lane is actually pretty good too since it's hard to try fighting Burnout, lane pushing be damned.
ice princess barbie skin go on sale now so I can play her more pls
But that skin sucks.
Did anyone actually cry that she was going to be useless with the knockup? Knockback was better in some cases but in most cases, the knockup is an improvement. Smoothing out her wall hop was also amazing.
Lots of Riven players - BoxBox included - were complaining that the knockup was a big hit on her trading and overall lane power.

Which I never understood because she now has a fucking knockup which is the strongest form of CC in the whole game. Fuck trading, go all in.


That was a game we should have lost, by all rights. We lost an early top inhib, then lost it again when our Shen jungle afk'ed in base for a few minutes. The only reason we came back was because I noticed that NOBODY on their team was warding, so I warded up the entire goddamn map so we could see everything. That was probably the most I've ever spent on wards, and I usually spam them constantly.

What got us the win was, we unintentionally made the Aatrox ragequit by targeting him in every teamfight and then immediately disengaging for the luls. After that it was a 5v4, and we came back. Unintentional strats! Four ranked games today, four wins, 3 as Nami and 1 as Vlad. 22 LP into Bronze 2, I'm almost scared to keep playing. This streak is going to rubberband hard...

Edit: According to that MMR site, my MMR is 1096. That sounds about right for where I am.

Edit #2: Scratch that, 1097. Says I'm beyond the league I'm in :T


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Dimb pls. It has purple effects, how ya gonna betray ya purple waifu you have as your avatar.
cos darkflame is asymmetrical and lacks visual clarity. i give it an "even bone claw is better" out of ten.


Black/purple dragon rocks that sissy icicle.

I don't like her splash art. I like pretty girl Shyvana.

Wow that PBE jax nerf is going to destroy him. Mana, damage AND health?


On the other hand, his <6 is slightly better than before and will it really matter that his Empower is slightly more expensive? I really don't think it's a relevant amount all things considered. The damage is arguable but the -40 may not even matter in the end compared to the fact it's a reset.

And, of course, other bruiser changes in general anyway.


ot5 soraka's cav bringing nami to gold carrying players in neogaf oct. 2013, 2014 ot6 soraka nami season 4 nerf riot no new map maga chamber everyone together peace and love bindww xbox does riot just want our money do u agree with their business practices skins look awful no it looks beautiful you are beautiful i love you haha yeah rob ford smokes crack how do you feel about this canadians, or maybe it is the ones who live in toronto who have a more urgent and relevant opinion
4 straight ranked wins.

1 top Jayce
1 adc Jayce
1 top Garen
1 supp Nami

Lost my first 2 Jayce ranked matches today in the kinds of matches you just shrug and move on from. First loss (top Jayce), the bot lane tanedm manages to feed 11 kills to the enemy bot lane in 12 minutes, after which the adc (0/8 Cait) quits. Second loss another cait puts up damn near the exact same numbers in the early game (0/5). Both times I won or drew even top, but just couldn't compete with their itemized enemies and starved allies.

No suprise, in the 4 straight wins, all the other lanes more or less split even kills/deaths.

1 promo series win down, one to go.
Any general tips for when you find yourself having a losing streak with a champion? I just can't find myself playing well with Leona anymore. I used to be amazing with her, but I just can't stand her or support these days.

I'm probably just going to go on a break from support entirely for now and just start jungle maining.
Just wait 'til the next pre-season. Support has gotten so terribly dull after the role got demoted to "24/7 warding and nothing else" duty.

Lots of Riven players - BoxBox included - were complaining that the knockup was a big hit on her trading and overall lane power.

Which I never understood because she now has a fucking knockup which is the strongest form of CC in the whole game. Fuck trading, go all in.
Die-hard champion mains tend to talk out of their ass anyways. I remember when every single Katarina expert was crying foul about her looming remake, calling her weak no matter the PBE buffs yadda yadda... We all know what happened to that by the time she hit live servers. Or the time when pro players deemed Kennen unviable - this was during the height of popularity - for months over a 25 auto-attack range reduction.

It's usually them disliking changes falling outside their comfort zone than anything else.

Wow that PBE jax nerf is going to destroy him. Mana, damage AND health?

Slaps on the wrist.


ot5 soraka's cav bringing nami to gold carrying players in neogaf oct. 2013, 2014 ot6 soraka nami season 4 nerf riot no new map maga chamber everyone together peace and love bindww xbox does riot just want our money do u agree with their business practices skins look awful no it looks beautiful you are beautiful i love you haha yeah rob ford smokes crack how do you feel about this canadians, or maybe it is the ones who live in toronto who have a more urgent and relevant opinion

Truer words have never been spoken.


Really just need to dodge every game that has infighting at champ select. It's always going to be a loss and is more stress than it's worth.
How is Elise top? She seems very strong and shes been stagnant in my roster forever.
Her only bad match-ups top (in terms of common picks) are Kennen and Yorick. The latter kind of forces you to max W first if he goes for a proper build (very unlikely), but if he buys Tear you still have a chance of killing him with Q harrass (albeit risky) before you run out of mana.

Everyone else you either stomp if played correctly, or at worst fair game.

9/21/0 masteries since you have no need for more in Offense to bully virtually anyone, and her rune set-up is nothing special. I do go for armor / MR quints depending on the match-up, with flat mana regen yellows or blues (despite them being subpar) based on what type of resist I need the most. Flask + 2 health potions + 2 mana potions is a solid opening, and you want to start persistently harrassing after two points in Q (level 3). Last-hitting with her is awkward at first, as Boken already mentioned.

In terms of itemization I prefer:

  • Magic penetration boots
  • Haunting Guise (into eventual Liandry's),
  • Seeker's Armguard (for Zhonya's)
  • Glacial Shroud (usually for Iceborn Gauntlet, Frozen Heart is fine)
  • Giant's Belt (into Warmog's or Randuin's. Rylai's is alright-ish)
  • Negatron Cloak (for Abyssal Scepter)
  • Morellonomicon (maybe) or Guardian's Angel are also up for consideration
  • Wish it was pre-season 4 already, because 'new' Banner of Command sounds so good on her
In no particular order. Just go with what seems the most appropriate on a game-to-game basis. PS: you're part of the problem if you ever get Sunfire Cape on her.


Just watched the most amazing Shaco game ever. He was like everywhere he needed to be turn a losing situation into kills for his team.
MPen quints are optimal for elise
They're good, but not needed. It's silly how high her damage potential still is with primarily defensive speccing for runes and masteries. Personal preference though as mentioned, as I tend to prioritize trading / harrassing (even in melee range) over CS'ing to a degree.

Plus they removed her bonus resists from her spider form a while back anyways.

I'm laughin straight to the bank with this


9/21/0 masteries since you have no need for more in Offense to bully virtually anyone, and her rune set-up is nothing special. I do go for armor / MR quints depending on the match-up, with flat mana regen yellows or blues (despite them being subpar) based on what type of resist I need the most. Flask + 2 health potions + 2 mana potions is a solid opening, and you want to start persistently harrassing after two points in Q (level 3). Last-hitting with her is awkward at first, as Boken already mentioned.

I find most that unnecessary. Either a standard AP page (MPen Reds, Armor Yellows, AP Quints with MR blues or scaling AP blues if vs AD top) or just straight MPen on your quints. You don't really need a lot of defensive stats, or regen, to really do much. Doran's Ring + 2x Health Pots is fine for an aggressive start as the Flask isn't really that big of a deal. 21/9/0 for masteries helps get you a little more AD (2/1/1 for the AD/AP/Spellblade tier) for harassing/CS and Executioner isn't that bad to have for her kit. It's not like most of the 10-21 Defensive tree is really that helpful for her.

Also, I dislike leveling her ult if I'm going for bully status. The extra W points help you remove your lane opponent far more than bonus ult points will. Especially with a build that's more situated towards going into damage items (e.g., early Guise + Sorc Shoes).

Edit: Of course, if it's someone I CAN just sit on them in spider form (and/or I'm forced into more tank itemization for whatever reason), I'll definitely go for her ult when applicable. Just that the damage bonus from it, on average, is less than what an extra point in W will do early on. I just prefer more outright damage when I play Elise since her kill potential is there so I might as well take further advantage of it.
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