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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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Shook and IWDominate cleared for Season 4 competetive play, Rayt3ch and Linak suspended for another year.

they're also not lifting any of the indefinite suspensions/permabans, so looks like that incarnati0n guy is still banned for good.
I don't understand why they don't just have you check a box for what lane/role you want when queuing for Ranked. You want a popular lane like mid and top, you'll wait. Hell, make it so that whatever the most desired role is gets like 10% more IP if you want.

The way it is now is broken and dumb.
That's coming in a future update. Saw something about it in the LoL launcher last night.


That's coming in a future update. Saw something about it in the LoL launcher last night.
The Team Builder is what's coming and it's stupid, that's what I'm talking about.

Basically a team captain looks through people that want to play certain champions and either moves on or adds them to the team. That's dumb.
Not really. Note the difference in the spell description ("lobs"). I believe it's a delayed AoE effect now, similar to Varus' E, although I'm assuming slower because of the buffed ranged and mana costs. It's a change to Corki that's been a long time coming.
Well, I think it's safe to assume Corki is now dead



Carried myself mid to Gold 3. Ziggs / Brand / Ahri powerrrrr. With a good Nidalee game in there.


Well, looks like gold isn't happening for me this season. My threes team bailed on our planned grind and I left myself in silver 3. I can't play at all on the weekend so looks like this is it. Monday is the last day?

I still remember when I first started playing(the first split) and holy crap have I come a long way. Feel pretty good about each role and I'm proud of my jungling skill and decision making. I'm sure if I can devote some decent time to the game in season 4 I'll be a much higher rank.
Lose 7 in a row and drop to 0 LP.

Win 4 in a row and go back to 72 LP.

Maybe there is hope for Silver. Also I finally got a skin I like from mystery gifts: Warring Kingdoms J4. I straight up bought the Diana skin because whatever, but I will refund it one day if there is a sale or a new Diana skin most likely.

And did I really just buy $50 worth of RP..... Riot is laughing straight to the bank.
So close...

(Still reported Kayle and Jax, Jax wanted adc or mid, and he was going to "troll", luckily he didn't. And Kayle was just yelling all the game.

I'm surprised we won. We were losing 1-12, everybody was raging, I don't really know when we started the comeback. These waves...
Nami carrying more gaffers to Soraka's Cavaliers.


Is it just me or is there a delay on Sona's power chord right now? Like, I'll be in my W stance. I Q then to Q chord attack someone only to end up using a W chord. I only noticed this in the last 2 weeks or so.


Meh, I get dumpstered by Veigar as Karthus.

What sort of mid champs (and top?) have very few bad matchups and don't suck? And are ranged?

I can't believe how much time you have to spend on this game to just gain a passable amount of skill.


Everything is moe to me
I don't think people struggle believing in themselves.

It's those 4 other sham-ass mothafuckas we have to worry about.
drag them to a victory no matter how hard they protest. i just had a game where jungle mid and top gave up 7 kills in 10 minutes. didnt matter, Ashe and I ground their bot lane into a paste and came to their rescue.

1/1/15 sona. after my one death my jungler said 'stop getting caught'. -_-
Meh, I get dumpstered by Veigar as Karthus.

What sort of mid champs (and top?) have very few bad matchups and don't suck? And are ranged?

I can't believe how much time you have to spend on this game to just gain a passable amount of skill.

Lux, Ahri...(not sure after the nerfs), ehhh, Zed... ehh, Gragas? Orianna ?(mid)

Top I'm not sure. Garen? Nasus? Maybe Lissandra(if played well)?

But I am just happy its not recolor, urgot or poppy skin.



I got annie in wonderland from cracky. Mix blessing since I actually want to get panda Annie when it goes on sale. I have a rule of not buying two skins for the same champ. So not getting panda Annie.

But I am just happy its not recolor, urgot or poppy skin.
Meh, I get dumpstered by Veigar as Karthus.

What sort of mid champs (and top?) have very few bad matchups and don't suck? And are ranged?

I can't believe how much time you have to spend on this game to just gain a passable amount of skill.
Elise for top. Only Kennen and Yorick are troublesome for her. She's also a perfect pick against Zed and Fizz when mid.

Karma is great in either lane too, and you have the advantage of your enemy usually not quite knowing what she's capable of.


It had to end sometime. A great streak of great games with great people who were nice, fun and understanding.

Then today. Ragers, afkers, disconnecters, trolls, the works. Two ADCs instalock, then proceed to flame each other and bring out some of the worst language I've ever read in my life. I really don't want to solo q anymore. Anyone Bronze want to queue up? Currently Bronze 2... but if I keep getting these people I'm going to fall back down faaaaaast.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
well I want to spend times with competitive champs for now. I have enough fun champs.
the perception by the community that only certain champs are competitive at the standard level of play is what hurts this game most.

olaf has the potential to be very strong in the hands of competent players.


I finally realized why I'm so frustrated at my rate of progress.

There's no way to create custom scenarios to practice specific skills efficiently. Like in starcraft, if I wanted to practice muta vs mnm, or ling vs zealot, or macro'ing off 3 different bases, I could find a ums map and simply focus on rapidly training a particular skill. And if there was nothing that suited what I wanted to practice, I could create my own.

But in league, if I want to practice my champ's burst combo, dodging Lux's skillshots, or even just flashing across impassable terrain, there's no way to set up a custom scenario to just focus on something efficiently. The best you can do is find a friend to be your practice bitch, and even then, you have to spend time getting your characters up to a certain level, and will face mana and cooldown limitations. Want to practice your combo with your ultimate to really get it into your muscle memory? Yeah, you get one chance every minute or two to do so.

Now I understand why it makes sense to take stupid risks even when playing games that "matter" - because doing so gives you more chances to practice your mechanics and various skills while playing it safe means you'll have less chances.

Hrm. In light of this epiphany (heh), I really don't feel like playing this game seriously anymore. Maybe I'll just remain a spectator? Go SKT?


I've won 5 ranked in a row. Getting 25 LP a win.

I'm afraid to queue again. I know this will all come crashing down and then streak in the negative direction.

And then I will be saddened.
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