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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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bind confusing the masses

long live bind

RIP bind

you should find a way to be on mamble so you can tell us how awful Blizzcon is
I've been saying for a while, yeah. He's also a lot of fun. I don't care if The Culling isn't as "satisfying" as SMDR or Enchanted Crystal Arrow, run and gun is just more fun. Besides, it has to be kind of "meh" to make up for the amount of oomph on his passive.

Edit: I really like his build versatility, too. If you stomp early and base with a pile of gold you can start Bloodthirster, but if you don't you can just start buying piecemeal into a Trinity Force. Having a really adaptive build path is underrated.


I just don't like the changes they#re making to jungling full stop. Making it more passive is pretty boring, and the extra gold you get from items is minuscule, especially in comparison to supports. I'd be surprised if supports don't end up with more gold than junglers in a lot of games.

Honestly, I don't see the jungle become less aggressive. It'll just be delayed to level 4. Going by the leaked post match screenshots of the pros that were invited to test S4, the junglers made out great. The first few screenshots where Madlife had the most gold was from when supports could buy more than one gold generating item, that's been fixed.

I really don't get the fear of jungle Yi and Tryn either. The new jungle items require you to kill monsters to get bonus gold. If I see someone passively farming their melee carry champ in the jungle, I'm ganking lanes hard, I'm coming and stealing their shit with a teammate in tow to kill them too, and I'm forcing my team to take down towers ASAP. And now their jungle is my jungle, and they just blew ~2000g on a gold generating item that requires monsters they no longer have safe access to.
Has the client been horribly broken since either of the last two patches for anyone else? I'm getting "connection timed out" errors trying to connect to games fucking constantly and I never got them before a couple weeks ago.
As much as I would hate admit it, he does have some strengths.



Chair, comfort, costume to my right, nice. The scared one finds joy in wife's phone. Plants vs zombies saves another life this day
I like all these changes. Especially the no level 3 after double buffs. It will give the laners a little more room to play and reduce the necessity of a quick ganking jungler.

As much fun as it is to completely shut down an opposing jungler, it's not that fun to be the one shut down with no way to come back.
Counter-jungling is something that I liked doing considering I played Nunu - Cho'gath - Trundle at various points in time, but I understand Riot's reasoning to make the whole jungle experience less harsh than it should be. It's already a fairly demanding role to play efficiently and lowering the barrier of entry for when you get fucked over by allowing you to become useful again in due time (rather than not at all currently) is indeed healthy for the game. Especially when being screwed over an invade can sometimes happen over something as simple as "teammates didn't listen to my two-minutes-in-advance warning" if you laid out your plan before the match even started and hoped for them to react on time as a result.

That said, I'm worried about the state of Nunu in pre-season 4 as his strategic niche may have become much less valuable. We'll see.

I really looks like they are trying to keep the jungler in the jungle longer early game. Prevent the early ganks and the necessity of playing the early gank junglers to stay competitive. Also adding the ward totem is going to dissuade early ganks. I like that tbh. It will minimize an early gank from snowballing a lane. However I suspect there will be some level 2 ganks in coordinated games.
Can always grab the sweeper trinket as a jungler and pay attention to your gank target lane of choice, since killing camps is practically auto-pilot anyways. Provided that safely going through a different path to avoid said ward isn't an option for whatever reason. Plus the yellow wards only last 60 seconds, so it's easy to time them too if you spot a laner plonking one down during your monster killing.

I just don't like the changes they#re making to jungling full stop. Making it more passive is pretty boring, and the extra gold you get from items is minuscule, especially in comparison to supports. I'd be surprised if supports don't end up with more gold than junglers in a lot of games.
The role hasn't become significantly more passive than what it is right now; timely aggression still pays off. The extra gold income on the Spirit Stone items is fine - though it remains to be seen whether Spectral Wraith still only appeals to a very limited champion pool - and PBE Wriggles feels more like a snowball item. That's the impression I got with Trundle at least. Game not going too well? Better off sticking to Madred's and buying more relevant items. Pulled off a succesful gank (possibly multiple) early on, maybe even got first blood? You bet your ass I'm going to get an early Wriggles for much faster clearing (which'll also help for a quick trip into the enemy's jungle), the ability to sneak in a level 6 - 8 solo dragon while still being able to pressure the rest of the map in between my camp rotations. Oh, and I can still afford a ward or two.

Is it going to be as universal for junglers as the old Season 2 Wriggles used to be? Doubtful, but it appears quite alright as part of a dedicated strategy for a specific type of junglers. And we still haven't seen the finalized stats of its supposed late game upgrade.

Finally, I wouldn't say the gold increase is miniscule at all. Even when not performing too well in the grand scheme of it all, you still manage to get a better build (either offensively or defensively) on PBE than the items you'll end up having in your inventory after 50+ minutes on Live. What happens when I did my job right (taking down objectives included) and end up being fed? Wriggles, tier 2 boots of choice, Spirit Visage, Triforce, BoRK and both components for Randuin's in half an hour's time, while keeping up or slightly exceeding laners in both XP and gold! That's pretty fuckin' unreal if you compare to the jungle's state on Live servers. Literally the only time I saw someone get close to that in current-day Season 3 jungle was when a jungle Vi somehow accomplished a 12 - 0 - 7 score with two dragons and multiple towers in 20 minutes.

Supports are in the same spot in PBE too. Their gold / XP income got a massive spike, and matches feel more exciting / engaging for both roles because of it. It makes it hard for me to go back to Live servers, even if it means having to endure 'amateur hour blind pick' on PBE.

Also, that stylish grass swish.

Oh god. I hope Yi isn't extremely powerful now :(
Fuck Yi, I'm more scared of Tryndamere right now.
A jungler that willingly sets himself up for 20-minute long non-existant map presence is no thing to be worried about.

I've been saying for a while, yeah. He's also a lot of fun. I don't care if The Culling isn't as "satisfying" as SMDR or Enchanted Crystal Arrow, run and gun is just more fun. Besides, it has to be kind of "meh" to make up for the amount of oomph on his passive.

Edit: I really like his build versatility, too. If you stomp early and base with a pile of gold you can start Bloodthirster, but if you don't you can just start buying piecemeal into a Trinity Force. Having a really adaptive build path is underrated.
Lucian's ult is the epitome of taking a conceptually decent ult and screwing up its execution for the sake of artificial variety. It's so cumbersome (flimsy-looking with his 2nd skin too) for no logical reason even if its damage potential is fine.

Should a champion revolve around or be defined by his ult? No, but you better make sure as a designer that it's a fun skill to use instead of priding yourself that you only saw a whopping two players use it correctly in two weeks' time (which Riot's Zenon did 'brag' about post-release).
Should a champion revolve around or be defined by his ult? No, but you better make sure as a designer that it's a fun skill to use instead of priding yourself that you only saw a whopping two players use it correctly in two weeks' time (which Riot's Zenon did 'brag' about post-release).

He was mostly exaggerating. The intended use-case scenario is pretty obvious: it's called 'The Culling' and killing a target with it allows you to use Relentless Pursuit to catch up to targets, so it's reasonable to assume that Zenon wanted players to use it to gun down low-health targets escaping from a team fight in a Vayne-style clean-up pursuit.

And that's fine, but as a designer you sometimes have to accept that players find innovative or at least more practical uses for the things you create. The potentially very low cooldown makes it a useful sieging tool, and in general most players would prefer to use their ultimate for a relatively small amount of "safe" damage in the course of a team fight than for an easier clean-up after the team fight. That's the case with most 'execution' ultimates, really: winning the fight is more important than having a super-clean mop-up in the aftermath, so players will always prefer to use them earlier than their "optimal" designed conditions.

I mean, Ace in the Hole is similar - it's really just meant to clean-up a kill on an enemy escaping a fight, and is almost always a loss of DPS if used mid-fight - but players who use it as a harassment tool aren't wrong, they've just found a use for it outside of the intended design parameters that's potentially better.



After we cycle out a game mode, we'll go back to the workshop to tinker with it based on player feedback and, in the meantime, we'll deploy a few other game modes we've thought up over the past while. This lets us rotate any number of game modes in and out as we refine them, and it gives us the freedom to even take community votes for a "player's choice" month!

For the release of One For All, the matchmaking queue will be for Summoner's Rift, but you'll be able to play the mode via custom games on any map. Please let us know what you think of this mode and what changes you'd like to see to it when or if it comes back. Have fun with the mode when it is released, and I look forward to talking with you again about the response and what is coming in December!
Is that even real? That may be the biggest straight damage nerf I've ever seen of a live champion.
Statikk said he wasn't too fond of Boomerang Blade being so strong early and weak late, so I guess they'll buff the ratio later or something - though it's still a 220% bonus AD ratio if you hit both swings.


What ADC doesn't become an auto attack champion late game? Lucian? Ezreal?

Varus, Corki. There's a few. Why does every marksman half to be auto attackers. That's so boring.

ok, so realistically it's only like 30 less base damage but with less damage falloff.

That's fine.

What? no. Right now it's 60/105/150/195/240 each way.

From wiki: MAXIMUM PHYSICAL DAMAGE (SINGLE TARGET): 108 / 189 / 270 / 351 / 432

New numbers are cutting the damage into a third low levels and half higher levels. It's such a huge damage nerf.


Strangely, I felt the same way. Some of these modes are just plain silly.

Am I missing something? Only one mode is explained.

That Sivir nerf can't be right, even with the damage reduction per enemy hit reduced. Did that ability even change at all with the rework?

garath said:

Even a Legolas build Varus is going to be heavy on auto attacks.
What? no. Right now it's 60/105/150/195/240 each way.

From wiki: MAXIMUM PHYSICAL DAMAGE (SINGLE TARGET): 108 / 189 / 270 / 351 / 432

New numbers are cutting the damage into a third low levels and half higher levels. It's such a huge damage nerf.

Yeah, I thought it was them changing the tooltip to showing what it does each way rather than in total.

There's no way that can be right.


Am I missing something? Only one mode is explained.

That Sivir nerf can't be right, even with the damage reduction per enemy hit reduced. Did that ability even change at all with the rework?

I'm assuming the modes they are playing with are from the PBE leak earlier. 1v1s, all in one, etc. Frankly I think ARAM is a little silly too but I know people like it. I'll do it once in awhile when I don't have time for a real game.
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