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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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So you're only missing one of the funniest champions of the game and the only ADC that requires actual action skill apart from Urgot and real Dravens. Boy you're missing out.

Thats just like your opinion man. Ah i'm missing Draven too. Two of the shittiest champs in the game IMHO.


Man... all for one is really hard as melee....

Our guy with crs in his name, obviously not in crs just a douchebag, had to go eat so had to 4v5 for half of it. This mode....



Hey all

These codes are most likely all used in NA, as I gave a lot of them away on stream, but some of the international GAFers may get use out of them. They unlock the champion and the skin. The best way to say 'thanks' is to click 'like' on http://facebook.com/drawpdrawp/ and follow http://twitch.tv/drawpshow (or just say thanks in the thread) :-D

Arcade Hecarim
quote for codes

Riot Blitzcrank
quote for codes

Full Metal Rammus
quote for codes

Riot Graves
quote for codes
Thanks! I grabbed one Full Metal Rammus.
Why are they doing GAF Dota tournament but we're not? Is it because you like to spend more time watching random outdated build Korean events or discuss about pro teams/scene instead of playing the game?

How do you even do a GAF MOBA tournament? Throw random people together onto teams and then pair the teams off without any actual team practice or team identity and call it a day? I mean, it could still be fun, but it's not like it's something important.


How do you even do a GAF MOBA tournament? Throw random people together onto teams and then pair the teams off without any actual team practice or team identity and call it a day? I mean, it could still be fun, but it's not like it's something important.

We'd def have to start with inhouses, but I feel like there is a big skill difference between everyone.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Why are they doing GAF Dota tournament but we're not? Is it because you like to spend more time watching random outdated build Korean events or discuss about pro teams/scene instead of playing the game?
Our community is not very big. It's hard enough to get a five stack going a lot of the time.


Tragic victim of fan death
Why are they doing GAF Dota tournament but we're not? Is it because you like to spend more time watching random outdated build Korean events or discuss about pro teams/scene instead of playing the game?

Because DOTAGAF is much bigger than LoLGAF. The game got much more publicity and facetime with it being in the Gaming General section for a long time and the people just went to it. LoL never got the exposure and "special treatment" that DOTA2 did.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Because DOTAGAF is much bigger than LoLGAF. The game got much more publicity and facetime with it being in the Gaming General section for a long time and the people just went to it. LoL never got the exposure and "special treatment" that DOTA2 did.
League OTs have been in the same place.


Man... all for one is really hard as melee....

Our guy with crs in his name, obviously not in crs just a douchebag, had to go eat so had to 4v5 for half of it. This mode....
Depends on the champion. It often turns out very ARAMy, with tanks/bruisers steamrolling late game, except moreso in all for one because you only need to counter one damage type usually. Just gotta survive that initial ten minutes without feeding too hard. Even if you're a melee assassin, you can generally build tanky enough to survive the opening of a teamfight with the right items and tear it up from there.
Yeah, it's more just that the average demographic of GAF synchs up with DOTA2's demographic better than LoL's, not to mention that Valve is held in pretty exalted standing around here.

I'm not sure I particularly see the point of a DOTA-GAF tournament even if you could get like six or seven teams together, though. It's basically just unranked 5's with bad matchmaking?


Very easily taken down by ranged champs. No sustain. Mediocre engage. Still love my bear tho.

Good god. I HATE playing against him. There's nothing you can do when he ganks you. Flash? Haha, nope. Still slowed. I don't even want to know what it's like if he ganks you as a mage.
He was run as a jungler a lot, yeah. People responded to him in a similar way they do to Udyr jungles: mobility/zone control comps. He's pretty good if you're picking him later in the pick/ban phase and don't see anything on the enemy side that's going to give you major problems, just don't pick him early.

I've seen some people run him in top lane and do well, but he would be in particular danger of getting 2v1'd if you weren't careful.

Edit: Oh, as far as ganks go they ripped a lot of the Move Speed off Rolling Thunder if I remember right, especially early. It made his walk-up/lane ganks pretty unimpressive as a result.


Anyone try level 4 clears of the S4 jungle with Sejuani in a custom yet? Have any good paths? I'm just practicing in the event that my teammates don't give me a leash and I'm an getting absolutely beaten up.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Anyone try level 4 clears of the S4 jungle with Sejuani in a custom yet? Have any good paths? I'm just practicing the event that my teammates don't give me a leash and I'm an getting absolutely beaten up.
don't play sej right now.


Good god. I HATE playing against him. There's nothing you can do when he ganks you. Flash? Haha, nope. Still slowed. I don't even want to know what it's like if he ganks you as a mage.

ward? its not like you start with a free one now. his clear speed isnt that good either.


Darius was literally his first job at Riot, give him a break

And well, Darius is probably one of the most fun "bland" champions

well given that his list is:

Darius, the Hand of Noxus
Thresh, the Chain Warden
Zed, the Master of Shadows (partly with Samizul),.
Zyra, Rise of the Thorns (partly with Coronach and Morello)
Yasuo: The Unforgiven

I'm not sure, I like playing thresh and zyra (as mid) but all of those are annoying to some degree


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
i don't agree with stonewall all the time but his article on the jungle is at least interesting. i hope there is enough discussion about how bad it is so riot at least considers changing it.
Zyra was a reasonably fun mid before they decided to follow the meta and rebalance her for support play. Zed, for whatever balance issues he may have, is still a lot of fun to play and a generally very cool champion. Thresh was and remains enormously popular with support mains, and is one of the few supports who actually feels "supportive" rather than just a utility mage that got lost on their way to mid lane.

I'd say he's got a pretty good roster so far.
Got Riot Blitzcrank, thanks.

I agree with pretty much everything you say. Karma does have a bit of a weird laning phase for a mage though. Most other mages can harass her pretty easy since her Q is pretty easily blocked by minions. Her Q can also be cumbersome to use in teamfights since it requires really good aim to hit a particular target with if not empowered. As far as mages go her burst is pretty low on the tier pole too even if she still hits hard.

But her laning phase is cake against champs that most other mages would have trouble with, like Fizz/Kass/Kat type assassins. She roots and spams /lol while running away with shield movement speed from basically any melee champ, firing Qs as she does. The versatility and overall usefulness of her kit is second to none lategame as well, even if she lacks the instant hard CC to totally shut someone down. I've been trying her more duo bot now that supports can build more AP and I've been liking the results.
I feel her burst against squishies is pretty good, all things considering. You're right about her Empowered Q feeling a little weird though; there's some funky business going on with both versions of her Q having different hitboxes.

I think Kassadin might be a little iffy for her, but that may be my inexperience (thus far) speaking. Agreed about her performing well against the other typical assassins however, as long as you know Karma's boundaries and when said assassins have a power spike. I had some good experiences on support with her too, but I prefer maxing her shield and snare (increased duration) first if coupled with an aggressive ADC, as the potency of her Q isn't much to write home about when you're starved for gold (in Season 3 at least). Not sure about pre-season 4.


So you're only missing one of the funniest champions of the game and the only ADC that requires actual action skill apart from Urgot and real Dravens. Boy you're missing out.
What do you mean by this? Like what are fake Dravens?


I had some good experiences on support with her too, but I prefer maxing her shield and snare (increased duration) first if coupled with an aggressive ADC, as the potency of her Q isn't much to write home about when you're starved for gold (in Season 3 at least). Not sure about pre-season 4.

Being starved for gold simply isn't much an issue anymore since one Sightstone takes care of pretty much everything one person can do regarding wards. If you look at the last 10? pages or so you'll see a lot of us having so much gold that we aren't really sure what to do with it yet sometimes,

Not going to mention Targon's but Frostfang is pretty good on her and she fits pretty naturally into a tanky AP role. Mantra a Q to harass and then wittle down the Mantra timer while getting extra $ with Pickpocket + Frosfang is like a three for one deal, or bait them with low hp then E + mantra'd W it back while bush juking + your carry is autoattacking since they can't bushjuke themselves while linked, Both are fun and fairly effective too.

Of course part of the problem with her is that your lane buddy can be just as clueless about what Karma does as your opponents. Harassing and shielding are pretty cut and dry but the baiting thing, the root, the vision while linked and the mantra timer are all not so obvious.


Zyra was a reasonably fun mid before they decided to follow the meta and rebalance her for support play.

Bitter tears. I wish they'd take a look at some mid buffs for her or even redo her passive. It's complete garbage.

dimb said:
i don't agree with stonewall all the time but his article on the jungle is at least interesting. i hope there is enough discussion about how bad it is so riot at least considers changing it.

I think his evaluation of the harder jungle + harder ganks being an issue is mostly correct, but Riot won't be removing trinkets. I think the better idea is to reduce monster damage back to original PBE levels (hell, maybe a touch lower) and either re-evaluate the trinkets so that red>yellow>blue>red. Being able to essentially buy a consumable which performs a similar task to the red trinket - or changing pink wards (buy the item,has a few "sweeper" charges) to accomplish something similar could also help. I still don't understand the intent of visible pink ward to be honest. I get the need to differentiate them from green wards better, but I'm not sure what Riot is hoping to accomplish.
i don't agree with stonewall all the time but his article on the jungle is at least interesting. i hope there is enough discussion about how bad it is so riot at least considers changing it.
Three changes I'd personally like to see: have the increased gold gain from Wriggles be a part of Madred's Razor already (albeit at a lower percentage), have the Wight camp mean something and add a reward mechanic to the Sweeper trinket as it's aimed for junglers. What I'd like for it to do is shave seconds off its cooldown upon use if you locate a ward (how much exactly scales on whether you find a trinket or green ward), which in turn would help alleviate the ward problem somewhat.

Being starved for gold simply isn't much an issue anymore since one Sightstone takes care of pretty much everything one person can do regarding wards. If you look at the last 10? pages or so you'll see a lot of us having so much gold that we aren't really sure what to do with it yet sometimes,

Not going to mention Targon's but Frostfang is pretty good on her and she fits pretty naturally into a tanky AP role. Mantra a Q to harass and then wittle down the Mantra timer while getting extra $ with Pickpocket + Frosfang is like a three for one deal, or bait them with low hp then E + mantra'd W it back while bush juking + your carry is autoattacking since they can't bushjuke themselves while linked, Both are fun and fairly effective too.

Of course part of the problem with her is that your lane buddy can be just as clueless about what Karma does as your opponents. Harassing and shielding are pretty cut and dry but the baiting thing, the root, the vision while linked and the mantra timer are all not so obvious.
Oh, I should've been more clear.

My doubt doesn't lie with the higher gold income since it was already clear once the changes hit PBE that everyone'd be able to buy 6 items in a reasonable timespan, but as to whether you can get enough AP (soon-ish) to make Q-maxing poke more worthwhile (IMO) as support Karma. Only gotten around to play her top or mid ever since the new patch hit (5 - 0 thus far) so again, temporary general inexperience on my part.


My doubt doesn't lie with the higher gold income since it was already clear once the changes hit PBE that everyone'd be able to buy 6 items in a reasonable timespan, but as to whether you can get enough AP (soon-ish) to make Q-maxing poke more worthwhile (IMO) as support Karma. Only gotten around to play her top or mid ever since the new patch hit (5 - 0 thus far) so again, temporary general inexperience on my part.

Oh that makes much more sense. I have no written rule on which to cap first but it's usually shield also. It really depends on who I am facing in lane and/or my teammate though. Usually by the time I am lvl 4 I have a decent idea.

I find the thing about Q is that even if it's only lvl 1 the damage is not bad at all regarding harass, plus if you try to level it first it gets more expensive to use so you oom faster (bad) and you'll be pushing the lane too much and probably ruining some of your carry's CS with all the extra damage (also bad). Extra movement speed in the laning phase is so useful, whether you're saving your carry/yourself from an overextend or giving your ganker an extra little boost to drop in with. Plus a Mantra'd E in a bot lane scuffle is no joke.

I have not been playing karma support nearly as much as I want lately tho, there's so many different things I like to try when laning with/against enemy champions with various supports right now.


lol, we just did Sona vs Leona. Leona was tanky as hell. Whichever team get the ult first more or less win. At the end, we caught some of them out and we push to win. :)
Really loved my last ARAM game with Warwick. They only had 1 AD. I rushed Athene, Visage and Abyssal and ended up being able to tank 3 enemies. I still go OOM on prolonged fights. Dat mana cost on his Q.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I think his evaluation of the harder jungle + harder ganks being an issue is mostly correct, but Riot won't be removing trinkets. I think the better idea is to reduce monster damage back to original PBE levels (hell, maybe a touch lower) and either re-evaluate the trinkets so that red>yellow>blue>red. Being able to essentially buy a consumable which performs a similar task to the red trinket - or changing pink wards (buy the item,has a few "sweeper" charges) to accomplish something similar could also help. I still don't understand the intent of visible pink ward to be honest. I get the need to differentiate them from green wards better, but I'm not sure what Riot is hoping to accomplish.
The jungle isn't hard. Reducing monster damage would be a meaningless gesture, and would do nothing to improve the situation with ganking, or deal with the jungle items being AD focused and incapable of doing their job. Building items that are farm-centric in both their statistics and passive bonuses creates a situation where junglers aren't useful until the game is already decided. Junglers are even dissuaded from objectives with these items, with items ill-suited to team fights that typically arise. Because of this the role is marginalized, and its up to the laners to take control of the game.

Trinkets are an abominable tack on. A delusion Riot will be dedicated to chasing that ultimately drives players away, needlessly complicating things for experienced players while providing an immediate brick wall to new players. How do you even begin to explain something like the trinket system to a new players? This preseason is a joke, and the decent and logical changes are vastly outweighed by the negatives. It is an embarrassing practice to take a working game and throw it into shambles on the whim of simply differentiating the experience.


yea whimsy is a projectile

gragas ult should just explode on it tho, not fair

everything should just explode, it's almost 4 seconds of almost invulnerability for your whole team if used properly

so scary

edit: two options I'm tossing around with a friend: serious one would be the wall having a life bar and being breakable and not-so-serious one would be that all spells get blocked but not destroyed and when the wall wears off they fire and you get like 5 ults at once lol.


That Yasuo E...I'm just going to assume that doesn't make it to Live. I mean, what do you even do against it besides leave the lane and sit at base.


not really, but yea its strawng
if use the wall in some jungle paths, half the enemy team (critically: the carries) won't be able to do damage for 4 seconds. and apparently it gets wider as you level it?

I wonder what happens if as ori you put your ball on malphite and he ults through a wall.

The decision as to which AoEs it does and doesn't block feels rather arbitrary, especially when it comes to the frontal cones.
everything that's a physical object in the world and has a travel time gets blocked. so caitlyn autoattacks, q, e and ult, but not her traps.

it's not really arbitrary

That Yasuo E...I'm just going to assume that doesn't make it to Live. I mean, what do you even do against it besides leave the lane and sit at base.
? he can only jump once per 10 seconds per enemy and it's really, really low range. most ranged champions have 50 or more range on their autoattacks.


That Yasuo E...I'm just going to assume that doesn't make it to Live. I mean, what do you even do against it besides leave the lane and sit at base.

you lose one spell to it

if he wants to attack you, he has to go through it and is no longer protected
walk around it if ur squishy
walk through it if ur tanky


if use the wall in some jungle paths, half the enemy team (critically: the carries) won't be able to do damage for 4 seconds. and apparently it gets wider as you level it?

I wonder what happens if as ori you put your ball on malphite and he ults through a wall.

yea so either your team moves forward or your team moves backwards, depending on the choke.

if it blocked movement AND projectiles, yeah itd be op as fuck, but right now it lets you make a choice

that having said, anivia+yasuo is gonna be so gud

o and ori ball is no longer a projectile when its on some1
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