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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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One-For-All is where cutting edge strategy happens, Boken. That's why it's played on Summoner's Rift!

From what I've seen, there's more vision in low-tier games and less vision in top-tier games. The mean games, as they're wont to do, have split the difference. You don't see the Bronze "blind map" games anymore, but you don't see the "every bush on the map warded plus a few along base walls and one or two for Baron and Dragon" games, either. Most games, you see one or two wards constantly up near lanes during lane phase, and a small cluster of surprisingly limited vision around the team's current objective in late game with most of the rest of the map going dark.

If I don't qualify straight into Gold, I'll probably start the season out using wall-jump junglers to abuse the Freelo from easy ganks enabled by people who think one ward = safety. There's a lot of it going around in the games I've played.

who needs wall jump when you can red trinket the thing and walk right past it

but srsly, they need to up the power level of tier 1 red/blue or lower the power of tier 1 yellow trinkets.
reduce the red trinket cd to 120 or something, and blue to 100, with the duration upped to 1.5s


i like the way he looks at the quote button even tho bmo is my favorite character
if rex puts da face on it ill use that

There you go. Glad I skimmed through that page or else I would have disappointed such an important request.

who needs wall jump when you can red trinket the thing and walk right past it

I'm a big fan of wall-jump junglers (J4, Vi, etc.) anyway. I'll probably try a few "carry junglers" if they ever get the new jungle into a solid state, just to relive my glorious <1000 Elo newbie days of Master Yi jungle, but for srs bizness I always go back to the gap-closing initiator junglers.

I guess it's just in my nature to feel like I need to have initiation potential if I'm jungling or supporting. If you can't carry with stats, you have to carry with strategy, you know?
thats pretty useful
more useful than character sheets

maybe we should use X then

why are you trying to imply 1FA mode means anything

maybe in bronze people still dont buy wards
but thats still a net growth in vision cos they all get baby wards

X shows you the range of your champion.


So, sometimes I see what are presumably ability animations in fog of war. I guess that means there's enemy champions there doing stuff?
Is there any rhyme or reason to when these can be seen? Certain abilities or a certain range or something?

Also, suggest a baby-easy bruiser to learn to play? I'm having a hard time learning anything that's melee. Even when playing Diablo 2 and Torchlight I've always played ranged characters.


X shows you the range of your champion.

what is this?!

So, sometimes I see what are presumably ability animations in fog of war. I guess that means there's enemy champions there doing stuff?
Is there any rhyme or reason to when these can be seen? Certain abilities or a certain range or something?

Also, suggest a baby-easy bruiser to learn to play? I'm having a hard time learning anything that's melee. Even when playing Diablo 2 and Torchlight I've always played ranged characters.

garen is pretty straightforward
then upgrade to darius
then learn renekton


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Garen is bugged right now though. I also think he can be kind of frustrating to play in many matchups.

I think Nasus is maybe the easiest and most powerful champion someone new to bruisers could pick up. Very straightforward in terms of execution too.


Garen is bugged right now though. I also think he can be kind of frustrating to play in many matchups.

I think Nasus is maybe the easiest and most powerful champion someone new to bruisers could pick up. Very straightforward in terms of execution too.
I agree with this.

I'm probably more excited for the nerfs on him than I was for the nerfs on Corki. It's time to put down the dog.


I think the default action for x is to do the non-attack click thingie

like you hold x then click on the wraiths and your guy will just walk to that spot but not attack anything. very useful to get into position for hooks and spears but still I just click and spam s


but nasus isnt engaging. his straighforward pattern = farm and ignore harass

it rly depends on what you wanna do

if you wanna win games, you pick nasus
if you wanna attack people you pick anything else

I think the default action for x is to do the non-attack click thingie

like you hold x then click on the wraiths and your guy will just walk to that spot but not attack anything. very useful to get into position for hooks and spears but still I just click and spam s

isnt that tilde?
speaking of which, tilde is a good candidate for trinket hotkey
No, more nerfs on Corki pls. (Or just delete him from the game. Using the gyrocopter unit as a hero was already beyond the desperation point in classic DOTA, the fact the fucking thing is still around in both games drives me nuts artistically.)
I thought Jax was a reasonably easy bruiser to learn. Probably nerfs incoming though.

Nidalee needs a serious nerf though. That q should either do a quarter of the damage it currently does late game or have a 20 second cooldown.


I thought Jax was a reasonably easy bruiser to learn. Probably nerfs incoming though.

Nidalee needs a serious nerf though. That q should either do a quarter of the damage it currently does late game or have a 20 second cooldown.
jax has a lot of skill matchups that require him to engage properly and watch the opponents cooldowns tho

and nidalee already got nerfed m8

No, more nerfs on Corki pls. (Or just delete him from the game. Using the gyrocopter unit as a hero was already beyond the desperation point in classic DOTA, the fact the fucking thing is still around in both games drives me nuts artistically.)
ur crazy
i luv steampunk flying machines with gatling guns
Crazy like a fox! I'm willing to suffer Corki for the fact that sometimes it's okay for other people to like things I don't like (provisionally) but if we get a goddamn Wisp champion I'm flipping every table I find.


No, more nerfs on Corki pls. (Or just delete him from the game. Using the gyrocopter unit as a hero was already beyond the desperation point in classic DOTA, the fact the fucking thing is still around in both games drives me nuts artistically.)
I would like this very much.


1. dont have a "champion" status in that they are not a personality, they are an entity that is infinitely replicable
2. wisps dont fit into ionia, shurima barely into targon, nada into void nada into that watery place fizz comes from

closest thing youd get is a will-o-wisp/poltergeist type character thats like some ghostly floating girl

a blob just aint gonna happen for the same reasons they deleted omen


RIP omen
did you ever play WoW?

No actually. Is that a more common thing there?

Season 4 is sooooo much better. A Leona on my team yesterday had Spirit Visage, Warmogs, Sunfire Cape, Merc Treads and Face of the Mountain.

Very few people in bronze/silver elo want to do a duo top lane though. I managed to try that in one game with a friend, going with Shyvana/Jax duo (to be fair this is probably a terrible pair to duo with, no ability to really push towers early game) and we both had more cs than their top laner or jungler, got several kills, put tons of pressure top, and managed to win the game.


No, more nerfs on Corki pls. (Or just delete him from the game. Using the gyrocopter unit as a hero was already beyond the desperation point in classic DOTA, the fact the fucking thing is still around in both games drives me nuts artistically.)

Corki came out before Gyro if I remember right.
Corki came out before Gyro if I remember right.

Corki was before DOTA2 Gyro. They are both based on original DOTA Gyrocopter, who only existed in the first place because the guy making DOTA was running out of character models in WC3 to use and had to start really scraping the bottom of the barrel. (That's why Wisp is there, too. It's a goddamn wisp. It's a Night Elf peon for fuck's sake.)

I find the fact the champion design continued to be used by both second-generation MOBAs artistically abhorrent.


Corki was before DOTA2 Gyro. They are both based on original DOTA Gyrocopter, who only existed in the first place because the guy making DOTA was running out of character models in WC3 to use and had to start really scraping the bottom of the barrel. (That's why Wisp is there, too. It's a goddamn wisp. It's a Night Elf peon for fuck's sake.)

I find the fact the champion design continued to be used by both second-generation MOBAs artistically abhorrent.


corki even predated gyro dota1
Welp, I found my calling in this game finally. At first I thought Anivia. Then I got a slight feeling for Trundle. But Taric. Mrmmm. Delicious. I love being that annoying-ass, hard-to-kill support character. I just ended a game with 6/0/20, which is the best I've done yet. I did just play a game a bit ago though where I was doing great, so my teammate was like "Oh, I'll go top since you've got it here". Well, that was shitty logic since I'm only for support. Needless to say, I was absolutely useless without a buddy.

I know this has been asked a billion times, but I'm curious for an answer from some pros and not Yahoo! What's the easiest way to level? I'm level 7 now.


Welp, I found my calling in this game finally. At first I thought Anivia. Then I got a slight feeling for Trundle. But Taric. Mrmmm. Delicious. I love being that annoying-ass, hard-to-kill support character. I just ended a game with 6/0/20, which is the best I've done yet. I did just play a game a bit ago though where I was doing great, so my teammate was like "Oh, I'll go top since you've got it here". Well, that was shitty logic since I'm only for support. Needless to say, I was absolutely useless without a buddy.

I know this has been asked a billion times, but I'm curious for an answer from some pros and not Yahoo! What's the easiest way to level? I'm level 7 now.
Truly, truly outrageous post. Also, the best way to level for me when I was pre-30 was to just get 4 friends and spam normal blind pick. Usually a good way to have fun and earn IP and XP.
Truly, truly outrageous post. Also, the best way to level for me when I was pre-30 was to just get 4 friends and spam normal blind pick. Usually a good way to have fun and earn IP and XP.
So for a man with no friends, just keep playing good ole' regular 5 vs 5 PvP games? Or AI bots?
I got Jarvan in ARAM and definitely felt the smaller radius. Can't EQ snipe a knockup from the tip of my flag anymore. :'(


So for a man with no friends, just keep playing good ole' regular 5 vs 5 PvP games? Or AI bots?
I'd rather play intermediate bots than PvP below Lv10. Too many experienced players with new accounts just ruining it for others. If you see a rager/troll, just mute him via the tab menu. If you can consistently steamroll intermediate bots (without someone else steamrolling them for you) you've got the basics down.


Welp, I found my calling in this game finally. At first I thought Anivia. Then I got a slight feeling for Trundle. But Taric. Mrmmm. Delicious. I love being that annoying-ass, hard-to-kill support character. I just ended a game with 6/0/20, which is the best I've done yet. I did just play a game a bit ago though where I was doing great, so my teammate was like "Oh, I'll go top since you've got it here". Well, that was shitty logic since I'm only for support. Needless to say, I was absolutely useless without a buddy.

I know this has been asked a billion times, but I'm curious for an answer from some pros and not Yahoo! What's the easiest way to level? I'm level 7 now.

Trundle can be that "annoying-ass, hard-to-kill support" character if you want him to.

Easiest way is to stack EXP boosters and grind Summoner's Rift 5v5.
Welp, I found my calling in this game finally. At first I thought Anivia. Then I got a slight feeling for Trundle. But Taric. Mrmmm. Delicious. I love being that annoying-ass, hard-to-kill support character. I just ended a game with 6/0/20, which is the best I've done yet. I did just play a game a bit ago though where I was doing great, so my teammate was like "Oh, I'll go top since you've got it here". Well, that was shitty logic since I'm only for support. Needless to say, I was absolutely useless without a buddy.

I know this has been asked a billion times, but I'm curious for an answer from some pros and not Yahoo! What's the easiest way to level? I'm level 7 now.

You'll love Leona.
Welp, I found my calling in this game finally. At first I thought Anivia. Then I got a slight feeling for Trundle. But Taric. Mrmmm. Delicious. I love being that annoying-ass, hard-to-kill support character. I just ended a game with 6/0/20, which is the best I've done yet. I did just play a game a bit ago though where I was doing great, so my teammate was like "Oh, I'll go top since you've got it here". Well, that was shitty logic since I'm only for support. Needless to say, I was absolutely useless without a buddy.

I know this has been asked a billion times, but I'm curious for an answer from some pros and not Yahoo! What's the easiest way to level? I'm level 7 now.

You will love Leona, and although he's more difficult to play, Thresh can have an even bigger impact on the game. To be honest though, in season four, anything can work as a support to some degree. Last game I played had a Jax support, and while I wouldn't recommend it due to the weak laning presence in a 2v2 lane, he was still a monster come team fights.

As far as leveling is concerned, I wouldn't worry about it. I personally just played normal 5v5 blind pick up until close to level 30, and would recommend the same. Best way to get good at summoners rift is just to play it over and over. Bots are a useful tool to learn basic mechanics, but as soon as you understand what you're doing you won't learn anything from playing against them.
So a friend of mine who writes/wrote/don't really know for TL says these were the main problems coming out of S3:

- Pink wards
- Nidalee
- Support Annie/Utility mages in general
- Creepblocking

Now they 'fixed' pink wards but how right/wrong is he?


So a friend of mine who writes/wrote/don't really know for TL says these were the main problems coming out of S3:

- Pink wards
- Nidalee
- Support Annie/Utility mages in general
- Creepblocking

Now they 'fixed' pink wards but how right/wrong is he?

Personally, I'd say the only one of those that actually was a problem is Pink wards. Nidalee is a solo queue queen, but not a main problem of S3. I don't get what the creepblocking is supposed to mean in this case.
you and panda both let me down with your builds.
Shouldn't have gotten burning rocket pack

Personally, I'd say the only one of those that actually was a problem is Pink wards. Nidalee is a solo queue queen, but not a main problem of S3. I don't get what the creepblocking is supposed to mean in this case.
I think he means the bug in champion pathing that came in S2 and never got fixed even though they said it would.
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