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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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I think he means the bug in champion pathing that came in S2 and never got fixed even though they said it would.
Frankly you should be able to walk through your own minions. I am tired of getting tangled up in them or one getting hooked on to me and me dragging it faster than the others. You can shoot and do skillshots through your minions, why not walk through them too. Enemy minions I understand, they want to block me and do everything to annoy me. But my own minions should not be such a hindrance.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
tabi would have been nice booties vs vayne i admit.

but go fast is fun.
then buy swifties.
Aside from 46-min run fast boots nothing wrong with his build.

I took too long to go full retard mode with Susan so I just kinda stuck with it, nothing much I could do.
i don't think botrk/golem/wit's is ideal on shyv, especially vs. sustained damage teams like nasus/vayne. better to have burst. with hydra/brutalizer you get way better clears, better burst, etc.

I took too long to go full retard mode with Susan so I just kinda stuck with it, nothing much I could do.
i think your early triforce really hurt you. embrace the slow build.

also, you two were supposed to duo. come on.


Permabanning shyvana from now on, there was one game where I was fullstacked trist with 4 dmg items and GA, along with a fullstacked ashe with full build with an extra PD instead of GA, both of us focusing him took about 10 seconds to kill him


Everything is moe to me
that game was horrifying. >_>

kept walking into things, misclicking my autos, dying free to cait in lane, etc.

time for a break after a game like that.
who needs wall jump when you can red trinket the thing and walk right past it

but srsly, they need to up the power level of tier 1 red/blue or lower the power of tier 1 yellow trinkets.
reduce the red trinket cd to 120 or something, and blue to 100, with the duration upped to 1.5s
Make it so the cooldown on the red trinket is lowered to a degree if you locate a ward. Right now the only difference between a good and a bad sweep is receiving a negligible amount of gold. With the premium tier red trinket the oracle duration could be increased by a few seconds too if you succesfully take out wards / traps, which'd make Teemo's mushrooms less problematic. Haven't really thought about what they can do to improve the blue trinket.

They didn't go far enough.

I feel like the game is steadily becoming more balanced though. The only things I have a problem with at the moment are on click cc, Kassadin, Riven, Nidalee and Nasus.
Riven isn't really a problem; she just snowballs well because good damage trading isn't valued in solo queue for some reason. Agreed on Nidalee spears though and Riot is hypocritical for leaving Susan alone for as long as they have (and still are).

Welp, I found my calling in this game finally. At first I thought Anivia. Then I got a slight feeling for Trundle. But Taric. Mrmmm. Delicious. I love being that annoying-ass, hard-to-kill support character. I just ended a game with 6/0/20, which is the best I've done yet. I did just play a game a bit ago though where I was doing great, so my teammate was like "Oh, I'll go top since you've got it here". Well, that was shitty logic since I'm only for support. Needless to say, I was absolutely useless without a buddy.

I know this has been asked a billion times, but I'm curious for an answer from some pros and not Yahoo! What's the easiest way to level? I'm level 7 now.
Trundle is fantastic as a jungler / top laner (if you know your opponent) once you get more accustomed to the game, and Taric has gotten a lot better with the pre-season 4 changes. A lot of his power once he gets some items is flying under the radar currently, and I feel he's a legit pick in some top lanes now as a "farm for items and mid / late game" champion. Just don't buy Sunfire Cape.

So a friend of mine who writes/wrote/don't really know for TL says these were the main problems coming out of S3:

- Pink wards
- Nidalee
- Support Annie/Utility mages in general
- Creepblocking

Now they 'fixed' pink wards but how right/wrong is he?
Creepblocking is a huge problem and has made melee champions very unfun in lane for well over a year now. Oh, you want to auto-attack this vulnerable guy or escape from an all-in / gank? Sorry, big fat stupid brawler dude is busy tripping over his own damn minions, especially if it's a larger wave as they tend to get stuck then.

Permabanning shyvana from now on, there was one game where I was fullstacked trist with 4 dmg items and GA, along with a fullstacked ashe with full build with an extra PD instead of GA, both of us focusing him took about 10 seconds to kill him
Tristana shouldn't have problems melting Shyvanna.
I know, i'm used to burning things down, but this is just ridiculous
Couldn't see the build the Shyvanna had in your particular game, but if it's anything like her most recent games then two farmed ADC's should be able to whittle her down relatively quickly (even with the increased resists through passive). Never mind that Tristana can use her ultimate on reaction whenever Shyvanna decides to jump in, and there goes the only 'hard initiation' the enemy team had.

Hell, if it wasn't for Nidalee spears and (presumably) AP Teemo's shrooms, you could've gone Frozen Mallet over Guardian's Angel / Banshee's Veil to really make her life miserable.
Permabanning shyvana from now on, there was one game where I was fullstacked trist with 4 dmg items and GA, along with a fullstacked ashe with full build with an extra PD instead of GA, both of us focusing him took about 10 seconds to kill him

Did you both have Last Whisper? Shy stacks armor.
Of course

Duoing with stone ocean now, we'll see ow it goes
FUCK FUCK FUCK my Mom tripped on the goddamn modem and I had to config everything again for some fucking reason logging back now PLS NO HATERINO



Would anyone (knowledgeable) like to watch a replay of my Fizz game from yesterday? I would like a second pair of eyes to possibly point out mistakes that I may not have noticed on replay. Fizz is a champ I'd like to get good at.
Man, I last picked jungle Shyvana as a counterpick to Wukong and (to a slight degree) Elise.

...then I remembered they had Kayle, Ez and support Karma. =(

Can't gank any lane so I just farmed 24/7, messed with Elise and counterganked. Got kills/assists this way and established some control over objectives.


61 min All For One game. That's just way too long. It probably stopped being interesting after 20 minutes...the rest just felt like a chore.


Make it so the cooldown on the red trinket is lowered to a degree if you locate a ward. Right now the only difference between a good and a bad sweep is receiving a negligible amount of gold. With the premium tier red trinket the oracle duration could be increased by a few seconds too if you succesfully take out wards / traps, which'd make Teemo's mushrooms less problematic. Haven't really thought about what they can do to improve the blue trinket.

Having finally played some S4 this weekend and given it some thought I'd like them to try:

i) Stealth wards and yellow trinket stay as is (maybe CD increase on yellow trinket).
ii) Red trinket only disables wards and traps. It does not reveal them but in return has lower CD, longer cast range, and longer duration even at tier 1.
iii) Blue trinket now reveals stealth items (incl. wards) and champions and has significantly lower CD.
iv.) Consider removing pink wards and replace with (or add) a new oracle's elixir. New oracle's creates a PBAoE detection aura around the user for X (e.g. 5 seconds) and comes with Y (e.g. 3) charges per purchase. Costs a signifcant amount relative to wards, ~250g+

The general idea here is that if trinkets are going to stay, then I think it was to be made into a sub-game where Red>Yellow>Blue>Red. The play patterns that I think would develop would be stuff like: my top laner just pinged that the opponent has likely placed a ward in the tri-bush, now I know to use my Red trinket on the gank approach. The longer cast range and duration make it so the opposing top laner won't see me coming. I gank and we successfully get a kill. Opposing laner swaps his yellow trinket for blue and buys a stealth ward. My top laner already has a blue trinket. The opposing top comes back to lane and places his ward, but he gets foxy and feints placing it in the tri-bush but has actually put in the river. My laner pings the ward location in the tri-bush (incorrect) and I use my red trinket to disable a non-existent ward and get spotted by the actual stealth ward I never disabled. I ask my top laner to use his blue trinket in the river and it spots the ward that made our gank fail, but my red is now on CD and I need to get rid of that ward in order to gank again. I buy an oracle's, go back top and activate when I come close to the enemy stealth ward and use one oracle's charge. I remove the stealth ward and feint moving towards mid until I know his vision of me is gone, I move into the tribush and get ready to gank. My top is suddenly aggresive and the opponent gets wise, he uses the Blue trinket on the tri-bush and spots me. I see he used his blue so now either go in a non-ideal setup or back off. And so on and so on...


Any East Coasters notice an increase in ping lately? I used to be right around 90 ping. Not great but not terrible. Lately I've been closer to 110 and often during the late evening I'll see a solid 165. Once it breaks 150 I'm really feeling the game impact. Everything is a little sluggish and it's really killing my game. I have no way of telling what my ping is going to be before I kick off a game and end up apologizing profusely to teammates if I happen to be on the high side that game.

I'm on Cox in the northeast. Pretty disheartening. :(


Any East Coasters notice an increase in ping lately? I used to be right around 90 ping. Not great but not terrible. Lately I've been closer to 110 and often during the late evening I'll see a solid 165. Once it breaks 150 I'm really feeling the game impact. Everything is a little sluggish and it's really killing my game. I have no way of telling what my ping is going to be before I kick off a game and end up apologizing profusely to teammates if I happen to be on the high side that game.

I'm on Cox in the northeast. Pretty disheartening. :(

I have Comcast and have always had a steady 98. I guess you could start up a custom game to see what your ping is before you queue up.


I still think fans picking CLG for IEM had a severe case of the dumb. They can't even beat the #3 teams in America, how exactly did anyone expect them to square off against teams that place #3 in the world?

Only CLG, Dig and C9 were eligible to be voted, the rest of the NA teams didn't want to participate. CLG over Dig any day of the week. Dig went 3-9 against C9/Vulcun/TSM, CLG went 7-5 against them. Rather pick the team that, on a good day, has proven to be competitive, rather than a team that has pretty consistently shown they can't hang with the most competitive teams.


I have Comcast and have always had a steady 98. I guess you could start up a custom game to see what your ping is before you queue up.

Interesting. I wonder if Cox changed some routing then. The 165 games are just unbearable. I can deal with the 100.


Any East Coasters notice an increase in ping lately? I used to be right around 90 ping. Not great but not terrible. Lately I've been closer to 110 and often during the late evening I'll see a solid 165. Once it breaks 150 I'm really feeling the game impact. Everything is a little sluggish and it's really killing my game. I have no way of telling what my ping is going to be before I kick off a game and end up apologizing profusely to teammates if I happen to be on the high side that game.

I'm on Cox in the northeast. Pretty disheartening. :(
I'm on Cox (in Va.) and that is sort of the norm for me; ping will just fluctuate during the evening. The norm is around 88, but during the evening/night it will typically go as high as 120 some games. From one game to the next it will ping pong between those numbers. One night it was consistently in the 140s which prompted me to call and complain. Can't imagine every night being that bad or worse.


Those pings sound unreal. If nothing else, EUW has some good pings (unless the whole server is laggy). I'm usually on a solid 29.

Yes, I know that America is large.
I can't even imagine how sub 200 ping must play like.

Never tried the BR server because I don't want to get hooked on low pings and have to force myself into playing in that cesspool.


I'm on Cox (in Va.) and that is sort of the norm for me; ping will just fluctuate during the evening. The norm is around 88, but during the evening/night it will typically go as high as 120 some games. From one game to the next it will ping pong between those numbers. One night it was consistently in the 140s which prompted me to call and complain. Can't imagine every night being that bad or worse.

Before recently, I was a steady 80-90. I never really saw higher than that. I'm not sure exactly when it started acting up but I see similar behavior to what you are describing now. The game could be as low as 100 and as high as 165. Almost a coin flip after 7. It's a little disheartening to see another Cox person having similar issues. Leaning toward it being a Cox thing if that's the case and something that would be very difficult to get resolved.

I would try opening your ports. Reduced my ping from 60 to 40.

I did get a new router recently and did not migrate any settings. Figured I would open things up on a need to basis. I wonder if that could be a cause. I always took a steady ping for granted so haven't really noticed exactly when it started going to shit.

Found this article:


I'm not 100% sure why port forwarding would cause a variable ping but it can't hurt. Port problems are usually all or nothing. But hey. Giving it a shot tonight.

Appreciate the thoughts guys. It's really frustrating. I had a few months of really bad internet that finally got resolved with a new cable modem and some tweaks from Cox's end (and a new router though I don't think it was that). It's not fun to start down a new path of fluctuating ping.


Interesting. Found this thread on Riot's forums. Whole 22 pages of East Coasters having issues.


I threw my 2cents in. Doubt anything is going to happen about it but might as well give it a bump.


Had an all for one match as Kennen vs Shaco. Unfortunately someone on my team quit/dc'ed at the start so it was 4 vs 10 in a way. Luckily I went AS/ADC Kennen and rushed Runaan's Hurricane right away just in case I had to fight multiple Shacos at once. Ended up working out really really well. The attack speed plus extra shurikens let me push minions and shacos and clones and boxes out of my way as I took tower after tower from one lane to the next.

Just kept sweeping the lanes. Helped take bot, then mid, then top tower and kept repeating that pattern till we were all in their base. By that time had a black clever and a full stacked bloodthirster. Shacos descended on me at one point with clones in tow and I just kept aa-ing everything in sight healing myself, turning on my ult and throwing an electrical surge for extra damage and just going on a murder spree.

Halfway through the game I actually was glad when Shaco's put down a box because I was able to take it out with one aa and it was basically free gold. The mid Shaco kept putting boxes near me which I would destroy instantly. It was like - free gold, I'll take it, thank you, keep 'em coming. I think he must have maxed that skill or something because he put down a lot of boxes while I was taking the towers there; none of which did anything but give me gold.
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