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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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Got demoted to bronze 5 last night and first match I played was with an adc who.had smite cause smiting minions is op...don't think I'm ever coming out of.bronze 5


I dislike how slow jungling as a role is right now. It takes so long for you to make an impact. Ganking junglers got kinda fucked. No more hitting level 3 and making plays.

I feel like there was way more game sense and reading of the game involved/required last season. You had to get into the mind of the enemy jungler a lot before and recognise where they're gonna gank or where they could be. Now it's easy: they're farming until like level 6 or whatever.

There's just no incentive early game to do anything other than farm. You're more than likely not going to get any decent ganks off cos laners have so much free vision, so if you try to gank while the enemy jungler is farming you'll end up like a level or two behind when it comes to start contesting dragon.

This is pretty similar to support and one of the reasons I'm not enjoying the support role. The vision game was really interesting to me. It's cool that you get more gold now, but most of the nuance of supporting and outsmarting your opponent is gone. Now most supports are just underfarmed mid laners who will eventually maybe get to the point of being strong as a carry. Supporting as a role doesn't feel like supporting any more.

I think they still have a long way to go. They need to make proper supports worth playing again, cos they aren't. I'm sick of seeing poor man's mid laners with loads of free gold instead of actual supports.

I've been getting back to the jungle now that the newness of it is wearing off in general. I completely hear you on the slow initial jungle. But I disagree that ganking is less impactful now. Sure you don't have the level advantage for level 3 but ganking junglers can still gank early and often. Just ignore bot lane now unless you see a clear opening. They'll turn it easy in a lot of cases. Farming constantly for the first 6 levels is not as effective as ganking and getting assists/kills. Now that you have assist streaks there's potentially more money to be made ganking early then going back to the jungle once you have the jungle item. Without the jungle item, gold comes really slow initially. Unless you have a fast clearing jungler.

I tried Rengar last night and spent the first 6 levels farming, then had a few successful counter ganks. They surrendered at 25. I was 3/1/2 with 110 farm. I rushed the elder lizard jungle item. I only had 800 more than our support. However, if the game kept going, the 25-35 min mark would give me a LOT of gold thanks to the increased level jungle, my ability to clear faster and the jungle item. I would have been better off ganking to get that initial snowball if my laners weren't pushed up the entire time. Though on the flip side, I was 2 levels up on bot lane by the 20min mark thanks to the constant farming. The new jungle does give a lot more xp.

A faster clearing jungler like Shyvana can just farm jungle and come out around 25 min scary as heck. No ganking needed.

I think the jungle needs tweaks but I like the direction. You actually have a choice farm or gank and the early early ganks are pretty much eliminated. There's still need for objective control and vision control but the ganks just have to be smarter.

It's a meteos jungle.
Yeah, somehow I stumbled upon a completely different list. What the hell.

I guess I will just say that the old way wards worked was more fun to me. It's okay for the game to "snowball" on some aspects, and I like the idea of zone control meaning you have vision control. The process of preventing or detecting wards might as well have been removed from the game, and to me the outcome is less interesting for it. Zone control granting vision denial is not a bad idea, but many of the old systems in place regarding global gold on objectives and minion buffs across all lanes on inhib kills made it so that the winning team would have zone control across the map.

pro tip: everyone has always been able to buy wards.
Ward dueling was only fun to me if both sides had experienced ADC's and supports in a balanced match... which were few and far between in solo queue as one would expect. And even then it'd only be engaging for the first 10 - 15 minutes, since beyond that point you'd either begin grouping or start placing wards in area's that have nothing to do with bot lane. Otherwise it escalated in a binary fashion, where (for instance) whoever puts down a pink ward first loses the vision battle or whoever died first would not have the financial means to keep up with the opposing support, barring blatant mistakes or the jungler helping the bot lane overcome it.

I used to like support in Season 3, but during its last few months it simply devolved into the "be our sacrificial ward bitch" position. Doesn't help that the sacred ADC cow (the easiest role in the game) usually thinks they're hot shit too, especially Vayne players. I'm reserving judgement to see how trinkets and other vision-related changes turn out across the pre-season as it does have its fair share of flaws, but I'd rather not go back to how it was previously or anything closely resembling it.
Spell Shield ( E ) duration down to 1.5 seconds from 3 seconds
On The Hunt ( R ) cooldown increased to 120/100/80 from 120/90/60
On The Hunt ( R ) duration for allies reduced to 8 seconds from 10 seconds
On The Hunt ( R ) Initial movement speed duration lowered to 2/3/4 seconds from 4 seconds at all ranks
I'm actually glad for the E change lol removing you just charging in with the shield up and being like YOU CAN'T HIT ME NANANANAH is good, that was stupid, but now if I get baited and miss my shield that's essentially 1.5s less CD.


They nerfed Sivir's E? Well honestly it was to be expected. I mean a wall that blocks every ranged autoattack and proyectile in the game? What a joke!


You should try upgrading them. They get pretty good at tier 3
eh, they all have their issues. the one I liked the most is the clairvoyance trinket and only because it's really straight forward and you can use it without having to move too much from lane

It's hard to take support-related belly-aching seriously because that's what support players have been doing every single time for years no matter how slight a nerf is... or if the end result was actually a huge buff. Back when Sona (or Soraka) got remade in Season 3, the general consensus was that Riot ruined her. Turned out they did the opposite, and had to nerf her to compensate. There have been numerous instances where the exact same knee-jerking occured with x support champion of choice, where it became apparent it was usually moreso an issue of the 'die-hard supports' being skittish with regards to any change to their favorite character, wanting to keep them as they are for the sake of their own comfort zone, rather than legitimate observations.

Could Sona not be a good fit in pre-season 4 in her current state? That's a possibility. To say that she got destroyed or anything of the sort is far too soon though, since it takes weeks if not months to learn the game anew (depending on the frequency and scope of patches) in a way to figure out what is efficient, what is abusable, what the new optimal builds for x champions are yadda yadda. If nothing else, Sona will still be quite useable due to the strengths of her kit, even if the scaling on it may or may not be off relative to others.

Just be glad she isn't in the position Nunu's in right now.
I think she might've been remade in s2, because I been playing since late s2 and she's been exactly the same since I bought her back then.

but anyways, I didn't say she got destroyed, but I'm tired of riot seemingly randomly nerfing her. like at one point they nerf her base health and resistances so she's squishy but deals a lot of damage, and then two patches later they buff her base hp and armor but nerf her damage. they literally reversed the one nerf I felt made her a lot more fun and risk/reward and traded it for making her q more unrewarding and laying back with higher base stats the way to go.

I do feel season 4 doesn't favor her at all since, like I said, no stun on her basic spells and terrible ap ratios make her pretty useless when her ult is down. it was such before, but at least you had ward clearing to do.


I'm actually glad for the E change lol removing you just charging in with the shield up and being like YOU CAN'T HIT ME NANANANAH is good, that was stupid, but now if I get baited and miss my shield that's essentially 1.5s less CD.

Now it's more in line with Nocturne's. You actually have to have a little bit of skill to use it.
I'm not sure if I should buy Firefighter Tristana or not, when the skin goes on sale. I like the concept but Rocket Girl Tristana looks better. =/


Holy shit. Shyvana is strong. Outdamaged me and completely zoned me from farm with burnout. Not to mention flawlessly destroyed us under tower.

Although I called a good Baron, gibbed their fed Morg and Shyvana was in a bad position so we killed them and pushed to win. :3
Let's make a skin for a champion that just got a visual update!
We have three tribes in our universe that are inhabiting the icey mountains of the Freljord. We even gave them a massive lore event too!

Let's use our desert mercenary instead.
The Singed skin is alright though.

I think she might've been remade in s2, because I been playing since late s2 and she's been exactly the same since I bought her back then.

but anyways, I didn't say she got destroyed, but I'm tired of riot seemingly randomly nerfing her. like at one point they nerf her base health and resistances so she's squishy but deals a lot of damage, and then two patches later they buff her base hp and armor but nerf her damage. they literally reversed the one nerf I felt made her a lot more fun and risk/reward and traded it for making her q more unrewarding and laying back with higher base stats the way to go.

I do feel season 4 doesn't favor her at all since, like I said, no stun on her basic spells and terrible ap ratios make her pretty useless when her ult is down. it was such before, but at least you had ward clearing to do.
Can't give you an exact timeframe on her rework (the one where she got the cooldowns tweak + power chord mechanic), but you can't really say the nerfs were undeserved. Despite all the negative changes she had gotten through Season 3 she was still one of the more dominant support picks in the tourney scenes as well as solo queue; not to say I don't understand why someone would dislike nerfs on their favorite champion in the first place (even if they're still fine in the end). I know the feeling all too well if you look at what they did to Nunu!

That said, I suspect Sona is just one of several champions where Riot under- or overestimated the changes they implemented with the pre-season 4 patch, and in Sona's case may have deliberately set their goals lower due to her strength in Season 3. If that's the case and if it's widely recognized that her end result is lacking, then Riot already commented on how they won't shy away from bringing x support up to par soon enough. Excluding Alistar, he's waiting for his pending rework.
So with the lastest patch(the preseason patch) did anyone get this request to install "DirectPlay"?

The last three days I've been having issues with my internet, some dc every three minutes and I don't know if it is my internet (who didn't give me problems for more than 5 months), or if it has something to do with the lastest patch of something...

Windows 8.1

It's weird never had an issue before, oh, and I restored my PC some time ago so I just reinstalled League like two weeks ago...



Can't give you an exact timeframe on her rework (the one where she got the cooldowns tweak + power chord mechanic), but you can't really say the nerfs were undeserved. Despite all the negative changes she had gotten through Season 3 she was still one of the more dominant support picks in the tourney scenes as well as solo queue; not to say I don't understand why someone would dislike nerfs on their favorite champion in the first place (even if they're still fine in the end). I know the feeling all too well if you look at what they did to Nunu!

That said, I suspect Sona is just one of several champions where Riot under- or overestimated the changes they implemented with the pre-season 4 patch, and in Sona's case may have deliberately set their goals lower due to her strength in Season 3. If that's the case and if it's widely recognized that her end result is lacking, then Riot already commented on how they won't shy away from bringing x support up to par soon enough. Excluding Alistar, he's waiting for his pending rework.
it's less a thing of the changes making her weaker and more of it making her more boring. I really really liked playing sona games in early season 3, I spammed sona all day and had a ton of fun being the squishiest champion in the game but still capable of wrecking stupid adc face.

with every change they make I feel like you have to play even more and more conservative because you don't do as much damage, you don't heal as much and you're still weak as all fuck.

like, making thresh have higher cd on q but lower when you land it makes him more fun to play, I thought lower base stats, higher active values on q and w made sona like that.

I'm gonna go back to nami until they change something about sona



actually not that bad, still not getting
Holy shit. Shyvana is strong. Outdamaged me and completely zoned me from farm with burnout. Not to mention flawlessly destroyed us under tower.

Although I called a good Baron, gibbed their fed Morg and Shyvana was in a bad position so we killed them and pushed to win. :3

Yeah Shyvana is incredible atm. Top lane her only weakness is a lack of sustain, otherwise she has basically everything although her poke is pretty weak. With the jungle changes she can get just as fed from jungling which is even more absurd. You just farm for 20 minutes then turn up at teamfights.


Taric is amazing right now. Seriously, best support!

So much armor.
Yeah he is. Targon's and Locket are so OP on him. Still waiting for a chance to play with some teammates that'll let me take Xerath bot with him. I feel like so much armor and a ridiculously easy way to line up Xerath's stun combined with his range would just destroy most traditional bot lane comps.

On another note, when is Wriggle's going to stop sucking ass? I miss it.
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