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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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You can only play shyvana if your laners don't suck balls (if you have this assumption in solo queue, you are very brave). You can easily outfarm and outlevel your opponent to pressure dragons and buffs. Only real skill to playing shyvana is always being ready to take the farm off a laner when they recall to base.

You just can't spend too much time ganking and pressuring lanes or else you'll have no items to tank or deal damage with.

She's in a bad solo queue place. That's what I think anyway.

I kind of feel like at low levels that's better. In bronze games tend to drag on so long that it's usually worth picking a Jax/Nasus/Vayne/Tryn because nobody knows how to end.

1-1 in first to promo series games. Not sure what happened, I used to be good at Jax top (relative I guess) and played a lot of him, now I really struggle. At least Jarvan jungle is reliable.


Everything is moe to me
so close i can taste it

dat zac cs tho...
You can only play shyvana if your laners don't suck balls (if you have this assumption in solo queue, you are very brave). You can easily outfarm and outlevel your opponent to pressure dragons and buffs. Only real skill to playing shyvana is always being ready to take the farm off a laner when they recall to base.

More accurately, you can only play Shyvana if you have the encyclopaedic knowledge of junglers necessary to counter-gank effectively, since your ganks pre-6 are garbage and having no map presence pre-6 is not an option against any half-ass team. The problem is, that's not why people play her. They don't play her to out-duel, counter-gank, or invade.

They play her because she's strong top and they think they can just putz around the jungle farming wolves and wraiths, show up at 30 minutes with a Golem Spirit and maybe a Sunfire Cape and somehow have the same presence as a top lane Shyvana with a BotRK/Hydra, Sunfire, and Randuin's.

To the 1 out of every 100 Shyvana players who actually counter-jungles, counter-ganks, and generally has an actual impact on the game other than to show up at the team fight stage with barely more gold than the support, you have my respect and best wishes. To the other 99, just play Aatrox or something if you want to "carry jungle".

She's in a bad solo queue place. That's what I think anyway.

Her top lane is fantastic. She trades well, wins duels, and escapes ganks easily. Her power spikes more with three items than anyone except maybe Jax. She can split-push late game with relative safety thanks to Burnout + Dragon's Descent, and she never really "falls off" in team fights the way many bruisers do.

The problem is that all those things require items, which require gold. You cannot, mathematically, get far enough ahead on gold to manage that farming only jungle minions. You need kills, and you're pretty much reliant on counter-ganks for kills since you aren't going to be ganking successfully very often.

This can and probably will change in Season 4, but right now if you're playing Shyvana to be a herbivore jungler - just stop, please. If you really want to play PvE from 1-6 and gank every four minutes afterwards, play Nocturne or Amumu.


Everything is moe to me
They play her because she's strong top and they think they can just putz around the jungle farming wolves and wraiths, show up at 30 minutes with a Golem Spirit and maybe a Sunfire Cape and somehow have the same presence as a top lane Shyvana with a BotRK/Hydra, Sunfire, and Randuin's.

we have come full circle.
It's 3 shots, but you can do it so fast that people see it as a one-shot. You jump, AA, Q, AA (reset), Q (empowered), AA (reset) and then Q again (off CD due to Brutalizer/SV). The whole thing happens so fast people really don't get to react, especially if you're coming out of a bush or On the Hunt and they didn't know you were there.

That's not even how you properly triple Q.

The proper way to do it is get 5 ferocity stacks, Q, ult, wait for the 5 stacks to fill up and jump before the empowered Q timer ends. So it's empowered Q jump, empowered Q, Q.

3 attacks in like a second, one poor dead bastard, one nice new trophy for your bonetooth.
That's not even how you properly triple Q.

The proper way to do it is get 5 ferocity stacks, Q, ult, wait for the 5 stacks to fill up and jump before the empowered Q timer ends. So it's empowered Q jump, empowered Q, Q.

3 attacks in like a second, one poor dead bastard, one nice new trophy for your bonetooth.
That's not how it goes either lol
But you get the general idea.

Ult, ready Empowered Q, wait for 2 ferocity stacks, jump Empowered Q, QWE then Empowered Q again. Simply using Qs without stringing together the other skills will be either too slow to assassinate someone properly or not work.


Syndra is by far my favorite champion.

She's so fun. She does a ton of damage. Her CC is great. Her mobility is amazing. I think she's also pretty well balanced with skillshots on all her abilities. Except DAT ULT.


Another Jarvan skin from the same guy. Rito why you do this. I'd rather have the Shamrock Malphite. I now have Warring Kingdoms, Commando and Dragon Slayer. I cannot contain all the manliness.



Only 5 days to try to get to gold. (Since I don't play in weekends).

I'm going to be very busy this week, lol. [S2 with 50 LP right now]

good luck. i'm in s1 and only get 4 lp per win. i cannot play that many games while working M-F. maybe next season...


I was originally going to go for Plat. Or at least bump up my MMR to make placements easier next season but my will to play has been low. I think I've put 10 games in since I made Gold V lol.

Season 4 will bring a lot more excitement and will drag me away from Path of Exile. Can't wait. Only one more week.


It's 3 shots, but you can do it so fast that people see it as a one-shot. You jump, AA, Q, AA (reset), Q (empowered), AA (reset) and then Q again (off CD due to Brutalizer/SV). The whole thing happens so fast people really don't get to react, especially if you're coming out of a bush or On the Hunt and they didn't know you were there.
This is what makes Rengar fun in ARAM. Had a match as him recently against a team made up of squishy characters. I kept getting called a hacker for just jumping out of the bush and destroying people. Didn't even matter if all 5 of them were grouped up, I could just jump on one and the rest would scatter they got so afraid. Didn't even try to attack me.

Eventually I started messing with their heads, I would leap out of the bush on someone, not do anything and walk back to the bush. Then jump out again, and walk away. Then jump out and kill them. So many jumpies.
Just tried new Sivir. IDK guys I still want Manamune on her. Removing the cast time on her ult is an amazing buff. Lane harass was great even with just W. I somehow ended up with 370AD with Muramana, BT, LW and baron. I had a great game even if it was an unorthodox team for both sides (support Leb, support Elise, jungle Quinn).
This is what makes Rengar fun in ARAM. Had a match as him recently against a team made up of squishy characters. I kept getting called a hacker for just jumping out of the bush and destroying people. Didn't even matter if all 5 of them were grouped up, I could just jump on one and the rest would scatter they got so afraid. Didn't even try to attack me.

Eventually I started messing with their heads, I would leap out of the bush on someone, not do anything and walk back to the bush. Then jump out again, and walk away. Then jump out and kill them. So many jumpies.

He used to be so much worse. There was a hotfix patch where they nerfed his W (it used to scale crazy well off AP) because people were playing AP Rengar as an AoE machine, just jumping into teams and double-roaring. Because people didn't play him much except as AP, they didn't want to just nerf him outright, so they compensated with a buff... to his Q.

There was like two weeks there where if you showed up to gank him top lane he'd kill you and your laner, then run over and melt the tower. In nothing but a pair of Boots.


Just tried new Sivir. IDK guys I still want Manamune on her. Removing the cast time on her ult is an amazing buff. Lane harass was great even with just W. I somehow ended up with 370AD with Muramana, BT, LW and baron. I had a great game even if it was an unorthodox team for both sides (support Leb, support Elise, jungle Quinn).
She's not the kind of champion where you can ignore attack speed. Muramana is just going to weaken her early and midgame, where she happens to be at her strongest. She doesn't really even have that bad of mana problems.
She's not the kind of champion where you can ignore attack speed. Muramana is just going to weaken her early and midgame, where she happens to be at her strongest. She doesn't really even have that bad of mana problems.
I mean those were my AD items. I also had a Shiv and Berserker. I had a Shroud too; it was Chain Vest, enemy had no magic threat and the game was already won anyway so I was going for Gauntlet even if it's not a good item on her.
She doesn't have cooldowns low enough fill tear fast enough, so this leaves her in a really awkard place for Muramana since unless you rush Manamune for the stacking on autos - which will make you do no damage - you'll pretty much never fill your tear.
Just tried new Sivir. IDK guys I still want Manamune on her. Removing the cast time on her ult is an amazing buff. Lane harass was great even with just W. I somehow ended up with 370AD with Muramana, BT, LW and baron. I had a great game even if it was an unorthodox team for both sides (support Leb, support Elise, jungle Quinn).
After a certain amount of AD, you're better off investing into a big crit item like Infinity Edge for more well-rounded and face-melting late game damage. Diminishing returns and all that jazz.

Plus Newt is on the mark with Manamune doing nothing but weaken your early to mid game for fixing mana issues Sivir doesn't really have.
I've got a feeling Jinx is going to get nerfed again. I'm running close to 100% win rate with her, and I'm not even a hot shot ADC main. I'm guessing a nerf on both damage and AoE for her rockets (both Q and R), a nerf on the projectile speed of W, and probably a mana cost bump on E.

And I'd still probably play her with all of that.

Edit: Oh, I see what you mean Ein. Yeah, her ability to do no-look passes is pretty swell, and the range on her corner pocket billiard ball combo is pretty sick. I still find her lack of escape a bit worrying, but it's becoming somewhat less of an issue now that the assassins are begrudgingly giving mid back to the mages.


I've got a feeling Jinx is going to get nerfed again. I'm running close to 100% win rate with her, and I'm not even a hot shot ADC main. I'm guessing a nerf on both damage and AoE for her rockets (both Q and R), a nerf on the projectile speed of W, and probably a mana cost bump on E.

And I'd still probably play her with all of that.

The first time I read her kit I thought it was a joke. Seriously.


I've got a feeling Jinx is going to get nerfed again. I'm running close to 100% win rate with her, and I'm not even a hot shot ADC main. I'm guessing a nerf on both damage and AoE for her rockets (both Q and R), a nerf on the projectile speed of W, and probably a mana cost bump on E.

And I'd still probably play her with all of that.
I don't see all those nerfs happening, tbh. If anything the mana cost will be increased on Q rockets. Her W is definitely avoidable, so I don't think a nerf is needed there at all. Her E definitely could use a mana cost bump though, it feels too easy to throw out. Her R is good...but I wouldn't call it op. Ezreal's and Draven's ults can be used to deal damage earlier in fights where as hers is smaller in radius (the projectile itself) and more situational.


Jinx's W should be bonus AD and its base damage adjusted accordingly. Played her in a normal for the first time this weekend. I shouldn't be able to do that well on a champ I never played before, with a so-so support, and in a loss. She's fun to play though, just...let's call it overtuned.

Also futzed around with new Sivir in a custom game. The changes to W, E, and R feel great. I'd like to put more time into her because her "thing" as an AoE damage dealer in teamfights in enticing, but I don't know if I'd ever find the time to get good with her.
I don't see all those nerfs happening, tbh. If anything the mana cost will be increased on Q rockets. Her W is definitely avoidable, so I don't think a nerf is needed there at all. Her E definitely could use a mana cost bump though, it feels too easy to throw out. Her R is good...but I wouldn't call it op. Ezreal's and Draven's ults can be used to deal damage earlier in fights where as hers is smaller in radius (the projectile itself) and more situational.

I definitely feel more mana cost on E coming. At the moment it's cheap enough I can just constantly harass with Q/W whenever I see a good opening and not feel like I'm risking running my mana too low to have E on stand-by should I need it. I think saving mana for E should be an actual consideration to her lane play.

Maybe I'm just too pro with the W (I'll have to try some Nid games today), but it seems to me like it's too easy to hit and too rarely dodged. I suppose if not the projectile speed being slowed, another option would be raising the visibility of the 'tracer' line slightly. A range nerf isn't entirely off the cards, either, though the fact that it can be body-blocked makes me think that's less likely.

The feeling that the R is OP might be just because I build Super Legolas on her (BT -> LW -> IE, then some attack speed if by some miracle I haven't swept the map of towers and drawn a forfeit) which makes the rocket into an absurd orbital nuke. I suppose if you're doing a more orthodox sort of BT -> PD/SS -> LW build path then maybe it doesn't have that "fuck you for being seen on the map at 65% HP" feel.
That's not how it goes either lol
But you get the general idea.

Ult, ready Empowered Q, wait for 2 ferocity stacks, jump Empowered Q, QWE then Empowered Q again. Simply using Qs without stringing together the other skills will be either too slow to assassinate someone properly or not work.

uhm, no. Three Qs should be enough to kill an ADC who is your target.

If you need the other skills you can still do them. The idea is you Q three times in succession to instagib someone. It's literally Q-auto Q-auto Q-auto. which equates to 450 + 500% AD scaling. With 300 AD that's 1950 damage pre-mitigation.

So yeah, that's enough to instagib an ADC or AP.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
More accurately, you can only play Shyvana if you have the encyclopaedic knowledge of junglers necessary to counter-gank effectively, since your ganks pre-6 are garbage and having no map presence pre-6 is not an option against any half-ass team. The problem is, that's not why people play her. They don't play her to out-duel, counter-gank, or invade.
Counter-ganking and invading relies on your team. If they have no presence on the map the enemy can roam from your lane and wreck you. If your team is not properly warding and the enemy is they'll be at a huge advantage when it comes to invades, and you can counter-gank all you want but some laners will still be clueless morons who don't fight back/with you.

As a pick Shyvana is still someone easily countered who requires certain composition on both your and the enemy teams.


Meh, I just dominated in lane as Varus with Alistar supporting me and still lost. We killed Vayne and Fiddz over and over. Our Anivia kept fighting with Elise because Elise last hit blue buff several times. The enemy Renekton pooped on our Mundo top. I went legolas build as I normally do, but I feel like I should have built a BotRK earlier in the game to deal with Renekton and Shyvana. Next time they wont be so lucky.



Meh, I just dominated in lane as Varus with Alistar supporting me and still lost. We killed Vayne and Fiddz over and over. Our Anivia kept fighting with Elise because Elise last hit blue buff several times. The enemy Renekton pooped on our Mundo top. I went legolas build as I normally do, but I feel like I should have built a BotRK earlier in the game to deal with Renekton and Shyvana. Next time they wont be so lucky.

In situations like that just ward their bot jungle, ignore their team and just push as hard as you can. Alistar and Varus are both great at that too. Then again, I don't know the situation in mid so that might have not worked.
I've got a feeling Jinx is going to get nerfed again. I'm running close to 100% win rate with her, and I'm not even a hot shot ADC main. I'm guessing a nerf on both damage and AoE for her rockets (both Q and R), a nerf on the projectile speed of W, and probably a mana cost bump on E.

And I'd still probably play her with all of that.
It takes a long time for people to get used to new champions, and it's not like a role as binary as ADC is hard in the first place even for novices like yourself. Also, solo queue.

If they nerf her again any time soon, I'm expecting Riot to make it so her mini-gun's attack speed doesn't stack on towers to reduce her pushing potential and to make it consistent with other auto-attack build-up effects (like Caitlyn's headshot).
In situations like that just ward their bot jungle, ignore their team and just push as hard as you can. Alistar and Varus are both great at that too. Then again, I don't know the situation in mid so that might have not worked.

Get some dragons, too. If you're killing bot lane straight-up that should be a dragon on the spot. You might have to strong-arm your jungler into it, because sometimes they can be derp-masters and just turn and run the other way when they see a free objective.


In situations like that just ward their bot jungle, ignore their team and just push as hard as you can. Alistar and Varus are both great at that too. Then again, I don't know the situation in mid so that might have not worked.

Thanks. We got a good push going at one point when they killed renek mid and took both mid and bot inner turrets. We had a crappy teamfight near baron after that. And they just got too tanky for any of us to deal with.

Get some dragons, too. If you're killing bot lane straight-up that should be a dragon on the spot. You might have to strong-arm your jungler into it, because sometimes they can be derp-masters and just turn and run the other way when they see a free objective.

We tried to get him to come take dragon with us, but he was too preoccupied with trying to save top. It was a really awkward game with how everything went down.
Hey guys! One of my good friends just launched a League of Legends Kickstarter, and I thought some of you might be interested. You may know him from Reign of Gaming, where he writes excellent theorycrafting articles as Gentleman Gustaf, or as best Skarner NA. (Seriously, his Skarner is ridiculous.) It would be super cool if you could take a look. :)

Click here for the Kickstarter!



First pick. Call top. Last pick wants Thresh. That's fine, I can play a lot top. He says he has 90% of the champions.

I say Shyvana, Irelia, or Garen. He keeps chatting, but doesn't acknowledge me. When it's his turn to pick, he says he doesn't have any of those. I say Singed. Says he doesn't have. I say Elise. He doesn't have. He locks Renekton and says "lol".




First pick. Call top. Last pick wants Thresh. That's fine, I can play a lot top. He says he has 90% of the champions.

I say Shyvana, Irelia, or Garen. He keeps chatting, but doesn't acknowledge me. When it's his turn to pick, he says he doesn't have any of those. I say Singed. Says he doesn't have. I say Elise. He doesn't have. He locks Renekton and says "lol".



That's why I hate trading.

I have a lot of champs (like 60+) but they are champs I like and not always mainstream. And then people have to freakin communicate. Yeah. Not happening usually.
First pick. Call top. Last pick wants Thresh. That's fine, I can play a lot top. He says he has 90% of the champions.

I say Shyvana, Irelia, or Garen. He keeps chatting, but doesn't acknowledge me. When it's his turn to pick, he says he doesn't have any of those. I say Singed. Says he doesn't have. I say Elise. He doesn't have. He locks Renekton and says "lol".



that's why you be a man and blind first pick Fiora and don't trade with anyone in yolo q.


First pick. Call top. Last pick wants Thresh. That's fine, I can play a lot top. He says he has 90% of the champions.

I say Shyvana, Irelia, or Garen. He keeps chatting, but doesn't acknowledge me. When it's his turn to pick, he says he doesn't have any of those. I say Singed. Says he doesn't have. I say Elise. He doesn't have. He locks Renekton and says "lol".


This but also when the last 2 spots are open and you give the other guy the option. He doesn't fucking respond until 10 seconds are left.



Had the 2nd pick with Cait. last pick picked vayne and traded to the first pick. I then preceded to stomp all over that vayne in one of the most aggressive games i've ever played as Cait. Forced her to back at about 4 minutes. I've had 2 great Cait games in a row

Also, that Wu just wrecked things. Constantly keep walking out of 2v1s and 3v1s as the winner. Was just bananas

Also, 99 LP :(


This but also when the last 2 spots are open and you give the other guy the option. He doesn't fucking respond until 10 seconds are left.

Or in blinds when you're the last to pick, lock in support, and some dumbass changes to also be support. I can't wait for Team Builder to go live...


Or in blinds when you're the last to pick, lock in support, and some dumbass changes to also be support. I can't wait for Team Builder to go live...
I always give the other person the second to last spot. It's just frustrating that they don't respond and right when you say "fuck it" and they choose right when you do. Then I gotta scramble around and choose the other position because I know the other guy is too fucking dumb to switch.
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