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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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It's... so... easy


Wow okay, Warwick might be easier.


Haha yeah, he was supersalt all game.

Probably because he tried to get cheeky with a hook around 1:00 and gave me first blood to start my rampage.


there's an irresponsible amount of cdr in that build

sorry about hte loss

To be honest Mejai's wasn't fully stacked (like ever) so I was only over it for 10% -got to like 16-17?-. I kept planning on selling my gold item (since it's not like we weren't all full build anyway) but I never got around to it ._.

Idk, I feel I should have committed to either full AP build or just go utility/tanky but ugh, still salty. It was a clear victory and our friend was borderline trolling because we didn't surrender when he wanted to (not like he actually asked or gave reasons as to why). I felt kind of embarrassed too, because we had a friend of a friend playing with us and I feel that was a bit disrespectful. -_-;


Has Riot made any posts yet about where they're headed with jungle balance? I really like most of it as is and would be disappointed if instead of nerfing Warwick they fucked with the itemization in all the wrong ways.


NCR Redslayer said:
Hes not really OP

Yeah, 60% win rate. Poor wolf needs some help. I'd love to know your definition of overpowered.

its just that he does better in the new jungle than other champs because of the built in sustain.

So what are you saying here, exactly? We should ignore all outside factors when determining the strength of a champion?

(Sustain has nothing to do with it)

Burt said:
I really like most of it as is and would be disappointed if instead of nerfing Warwick they fucked with the itemization in all the wrong ways.

They'll just cap skirmisher's to 3 procs of whatever it used to be.
Cho'gath with 4.20's Feral Flare equivalent is pretty fun. Probably overkill, but at least there's no more AD to waste your money on. His sustain and clear is good enough for him to opt for the Smite that slows champions too (helpful for landing Rupture) instead of Ranger's, and there'll be the 50% cooldown refresh on his ult to look forward to next patch.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
Has Riot made any posts yet about where they're headed with jungle balance? I really like most of it as is and would be disappointed if instead of nerfing Warwick they fucked with the itemization in all the wrong ways.
There's a Q&A going on tomorrow for the preseason changes. Maybe that would help.
Yeah, 60% win rate. Poor wolf needs some help.

(Sustain has nothing to do with it)
Well let's just delete him from the game.


Been meaning to try Devourer on Cho. Sounds like a good time. I really need to start playing him again so I can whip out my Battlecast Cho skin.

NCR Redslayer said:
Well let's just delete him from the game.

How about we remove suppress as a form of CC and give him a plain ol' stun, cap Skirmisher's because he's the only champ that can abuse it so heavily, and not give him the option of toggling blood scent while we wait for the rework. Nah, fuck it, let's Olaf his ass into the ground.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
How about we remove suppress as a form of CC and give him a plain ol' stun, cap Skirmisher's because he's the only champ that can abuse it so heavily, and not give him the option of toggling blood scent while we wait for the rework.Nah, fuck it, let's Olaf his ass into the ground
All forms of Suppress should basically be a stun, capping it would work, but I think just removing his movement boost from his blood scent is good enough. And Olaf? I have yet to see him in my elo.

Also, I have been noticing fiddle recently and I remember how much I hate him.
Been meaning to try Devourer on Cho. Sounds like a good time. I really need to start playing him again so I can whip out my Battlecast Cho skin.
Rushing Devourer on jungle Cho is actually surprisingly solid. Even without a leash he's pretty safe if you start at the golem / Krunk camp, crows aren't dangerous at level 2 since Rupture + Vorpal Spikes will kill the smaller birdies without much retaliation, the built-in CDR for his ult will compensate for his lacking survivability until you can afford items and it doesn't take long for him to just melt camps / minions waves. Still loses a big chunk of health when soloing dragon, but he makes up for that with how difficult it is to steal an objective from him with a 1000 true damage spike every 40 seconds + whatever level his Smite is at, provided your team is inclined to join you.

Feeling nostalgic now with how Nunu, Trundle and Cho were the holy trinity of junglers for me in Season 2.


I haven't kept up with new jungle, but is it suggested to do Gromp or Golems first then? And why is that?

Is it Gromp/Golems > Buff next to them > another camp > whichever buff you have left to clear? I hear a lot of people complaining about jungle EXP so I'm not that familiar with what level will you be after these camps!
I really don't remember him in S2. I've seen way more Skarner and J4, especially the latter. I remember how Skarner can start with Regrowth Pendant if he wants to rush Philo Stone.
No one does, hence the "for me." Only Jatt (pre-Riot employment) played him on a competitive level and his pick rate in solo queue back then was only marginally higher than what it is now (1.6%), which I found a tad bit strange. He had nothing to worry about from the likes of Jarvan, Skarner or other such bruisers when counter-jungling / invading, he had good synergy with the frequently played champions at the time (especially Anivia who was moderately popular IIRC) and mobility creep wasn't as prevalent yet, at least not compared to today's standards.

Being ignored has always been Trundle's shtick, essentially.

I haven't kept up with new jungle, but is it suggested to do Gromp or Golems first then? And why is that?

Is it Gromp/Golems > Buff next to them > another camp > whichever buff you have left to clear? I hear a lot of people complaining about jungle EXP so I'm not that familiar with what level will you be after these camps!
Gromp and Krugs = level 2 on kill, and their Smite benefits are more valuable than say blue buff's in terms of clearing speed or survivability. Red buff gives you the health spike, but the on-hit slow proc and true damage burn you gain from it isn't good anymore during the early levels. drawkcaB also commented on how the XP numbers from the blue buff and red buff monsters were normalized to be more in line with that of the other camps.


Gromp and Krugs = level 2 on kill, and their Smite benefits are more valuable than say blue buff's in terms of clearing speed or survivability. Red buff gives you the health spike, but the on-hit slow proc and true damage burn you gain from it isn't good anymore during the early levels. drawkcaB also commented on how the XP numbers from the blue buff and red buff monsters were normalized to be more in line with that of the other camps.

Ooh, they give level 2 right away? That's pretty good! But won't using Smite on the Gromp/Krugs make it so you don't have it for your buff/s and then might be subjective to the other jungler fucking you over?

I've always been terrified of invades in the jungle, I always feel much safer in lanes. ._.



So I jumped back into ranked and it's just pure trolling. I get a Talon support and he just wrecks my farm, dies in lane 3 times, and then starts to roam and die elsewhere. Meanwhile it takes me 20 minutes to get my IE because he keeps showing up and taking farm. Team blames me for not doing much damage.

Edit: Yes, a Talon support. It was so stupid.



So I jumped back into ranked and it's just pure trolling. I get a Talon support and he just wrecks my farm, dies in lane 3 times, and then starts to roam and die elsewhere. Meanwhile it takes me 20 minutes to get my IE because he keeps showing up and taking farm. Team blames me for not doing much damage.

Edit: Yes, a Talon support. It was so stupid.

Talon supp can work though, sad to hear about your game though, it does suck when that happens :/
Why couldn't you dodge?
It's always worth dodging, taking a break and losing a couple of LP than participating in a troll game that you know you're not going to win and lose MMR as well.
Just buy a QSS if you don't like suppression.
And now you're 1200 behind in gold because you were buying something to deal with a single ability as opposed to getting more damage. Warwick starts being
a problem the moment he hits 6, if you get a QSS at that point then the enemy laners will fuck you up unless you're someone that can get away with it like Zed or Lucian

Suppression is nothing but a hard to counter stun that makes Warwick and Malz really hard to balance. It adds nothing to the game.


Talon supp can work though, sad to hear about your game though, it does suck when that happens :/
Why couldn't you dodge?

I ran to the bathroom. Came back to see the madness.

Just won a ranked with Ziggs. My team was whining about me so hard early on because Kat was getting roam kills. I pinged every time she left, and I took her tower really early, but they still got caught out. Late game I murdered her and made a bunch of big plays. Stupid idiots then just turned the frustration to someone else. We were winning and they were just crying right and left about something. I don't get these people.

Oh well, a win is a win, no matter how much I wanted to slap my teammates in the face.

Edit: I don't like suppression, but I think silence is more annoying.


Just buy a QSS if you don't like suppression.
it's just a really weird effect that does exactly the same as a stun but with a bunch of really unintuitive rules. like qss cures it but not mikaels or cleanse for some arbitrary reason

you know, it lacks clarity™

Has Riot made any posts yet about where they're headed with jungle balance? I really like most of it as is and would be disappointed if instead of nerfing Warwick they fucked with the itemization in all the wrong ways.

i'm pretty sure item tweaks are coming but i imagine they'll keep the jungle as it is now as it looks a lot healthier than in s4


Ooh, they give level 2 right away? That's pretty good! But won't using Smite on the Gromp/Krugs make it so you don't have it for your buff/s and then might be subjective to the other jungler fucking you over?

I've always been terrified of invades in the jungle, I always feel much safer in lanes. ._.

People rarely invade at the moment. They are too low and they lose a lot of time and xp if it goes badly. So much that it could cost them the game.
QSS doesn't even help with suppressions that much. It lets you move again but you still have to get out of range while taking damage.
dont forget urgot.
Urgot has been shit for so long that I don't even remember half of what his kit does.
i'm pretty sure item tweaks are coming but i imagine they'll keep the jungle as it is now as it looks a lot healthier than in s4
The idea they're going for is healthy but balance is completely off.


People rarely invade at the moment. They are too low and they lose a lot of time and xp if it goes badly. So much that it could cost them the game.

Hmm, that makes me feel better. It is true that I see fewer and fewer invades but every once in a while I see a daring Shaco that ends up being murdered in our jungle for trying to invade (and my awesome warding! ᕦ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕤ).

Just won a ranked with Ziggs. My team was whining about me so hard early on because Kat was getting roam kills. I pinged every time she left, and I took her tower really early, but they still got caught out. Late game I murdered her and made a bunch of big plays. Stupid idiots then just turned the frustration to someone else. We were winning and they were just crying right and left about something. I don't get these people.

Oh well, a win is a win, no matter how much I wanted to slap my teammates in the face.

Edit: I don't like suppression, but I think silence is more annoying.

Man, if only people understood how to deal with roaming like you. Yesterday I had to explain to someone on voice chat about it. He was losing lane and had some deaths, him being Twisted Fate vs Katarina. We saw her roam bottom and instead of pushing the lane, he went after her. I'm like "can you deal with her on your own? No? Then why are you following?". His reasoning was that you know, he could go bottom and be 3v3, but I mean, we didn't have a significant lead and Katarina would just shit on him, turning it basically into 2v3.

I don't get why such a thing is so hard to grasp, or how a roaming Kat can take our mid tower before we take hers. ?_?

I disagree with your take on suppression btw. At least with Silence you can move, and it's not that difficult to deal with. Of all the champions that have Silence, the only ones that are annoying to deal with are Fiddle and maybe Soraka (but not because of her Silence). Then you have a champion like Malzahar that can basically silence you THEN suppress you, which is extremely toxic imo.




Just played vs Kalista, as Tristana. For some reason she started building Chalice of Harmony (????) at minute 7. We were not doing that hot to begin with but idk, our Vi camped us a lot so definitely helped their morale.

They surrendered at 20. I love when I have good supports, allows me to just focus, even if my last hitting at the start was horrendous. Particularly for me, that I don't ADC often, having someone reliable helps a ton!



Didn't get to play all weekend. I'm definitely gonna buy Kalista, but I guess I might as well wait 2 more days for the ip drop.


I can't decide if I want Kalista or not. I'm not really doing much else with the $100 I dropped on the super RP sale from awhile back. I still enjoy ADC as a role but I'm not sure if I enjoy it enough to dedicate the time to learning her. eh.


I just absolutely hate jungling when every lane is pinging nonstop for ganks, and they're all shoved.

Jungling is my favorite role by far, but the amount of blame that people shift to the jungler sometimes makes it really depressing to play. I play support when I get too worn down by players because no one ever blames the support (even if the support is bad).


I'm not one to criticize too much but damn. Seems like everyone wants jungle now and frankly, everyone is sucking bad at it. There is a strong learning curve for this new jungle. Lots of things to manage and that dragon is SO important now. Support and jungle NEED to keep it warded.


I'm not one to criticize too much but damn. Seems like everyone wants jungle now and frankly, everyone is sucking bad at it. There is a strong learning curve for this new jungle. Lots of things to manage and that dragon is SO important now. Support and jungle NEED to keep it warded.
First dragon is so important. If your top laner is incompetent and doesn't roam for it, the game becomes so much more difficult. Lost two games in ranked yesterday because of it.

We're probably never going to see lane swapping again either.


I can never land that freakin' Q as Olaf...yet other players can land it on my ass all the time when I'm against enemy Olafs...


I can never land that freakin' Q as Olaf...yet other players can land it on my ass all the time when I'm against enemy Olafs...

The worst is when you start getting in the habit of predicting where people will run so you're chasing and expect them to like turn a corner but they just keep running perfectly straight so you whiff by a mile for what looks like no reason and literally everyone in the game just saw you do it and starts calling you out in chat.


I'm not one to criticize too much but damn. Seems like everyone wants jungle now and frankly, everyone is sucking bad at it. There is a strong learning curve for this new jungle. Lots of things to manage and that dragon is SO important now. Support and jungle NEED to keep it warded.

I fucking wish. Was on blind pick with a friend just now, and got stuck with jungle. First one I failed a gank vs an Akali (yes... I was horrible), which made me be level 2 and buffless. That was Rengo's queue to basically dominate my jungle and ripping my ass inside out along with Akali (they were premade). I didn't feel so bad because all lanes lost on their own except mid, which I lost it for my friend (Rengo went once or twice top but stayed mostly mid and killing me).

Also props to the Thresh that got Sighstone at minute 21! You're the mvp! I had to get a Sighstone before that so that I could somehow try to clear a camp or two before cowering back to a lane. I managed to put just 1 Ward less than Thresh.

Second game I was Warwick and Nunu was counterjungling the entire time. All lanes lost and I felt I was doing "ok" but definitely not better than the Nunu. Also I got the wrong jungling item for WW, the purple one (not the "OP" one).

In conclusion, not gonna step into the jungle unless in a premade with voicechat. I sucked too much and I feel I could have recovered if I had some support from the lanes (at least in the Warwick game).

I hate blind pick so fucking much. If you want support and get the role I expect people to actually get vision when needed and to get a sweeper after getting a Sighstone. That's like Support 101 wtf. Then of course everyone complains about lack of ganks and shit on the jungler. -_-

Managed to win the last game but their jungle Fiddlesticks was AFK so it's not like it felt good. Got 19 stacks on Janna though zzzz
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