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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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Feeling pretty lost in the new jungle, :/. Is there a easy to follow guide or anything out there?

I read about starting krugs/gromp before doing blue/red? Does this make sense on Xin?

I feel like a broken record, but unless you need the buffs I don't think blue and red are critical to grab in your first clear. Xin happens to be one of the champs that doesn't need either to do his thing. If you're still into the whole S4 thing of ganking top at level 3 than try Krugs(smite)->Wolves->Blue Buff(smite). Grab blue buff not because you need it, but because you'll have the timer on it for your mid if you decide to give it to them once it respawns. Should complete that route at about <3:30 with 75+% health and 1 pot remaining.

If you want to do a level 3 gank on bot side of the map (so either bot or mid) try Gromp(smite)->Blue->Red(smite).


I feel like a broken record, but unless you need the buffs I don't think blue and red are critical to grab in your first clear. Xin happens to be one of the champs that doesn't need either to do his thing. If you're still into the whole S4 thing of ganking top at level 3 than try Krugs(smite)->Wolves->Blue Buff(smite). Grab blue buff not because you need it, but because you'll have the timer on it for your mid if you decide to give it to them once it respawns. Should complete that route at about <3:30 with 75+% health and 1 pot remaining.

If you want to do a level 3 gank on bot side of the map (so either bot or mid) try Gromp(smite)->Blue->Red(smite).

I appreciate it, :). You don't sound broken to me :)


Kalista + Runaan's Hurricane and Statikk Shiv is God like.

Also, super frustrating when your jungler doesn't group :/.


Everything is moe to me
Fast paced? Whut? We got the fewest champion releases this year. :| Stoked for the new one though. Hope it's a jungler.
getting 2 champions in two months is crazy fast when you consider that we only got 3 in the first 8 months of the year.


so far of my testing

lux needs athenes
ori needs athenes
syndra prolly needs athenes
azir can just go double dorans + morellos
ahri seems easier to rush dfg with
cassi tear as always

so mana regen changes are mostly cosmetic



What you think about roa on cass instead?
haven't tried it but i'm guessing it's a good option if you want to be a bit tankier

i personally am not a big fan of roa on midlaners cos it makes your first back kind of awkward (having 1000g already for chalice is a bit rough) but it could work. i just don't like coming back to lane with like the two crystals, so i would delay my first back as much as possible so i can get catalyst and a couple pots or something. roa's great stats all around for cassi so i'm guessing she'll be fine.

i mostly like tear cos it's super easy to stack and the active is super good, specially if you also have zhonyas, you become pretty darned unkillable

maybe roa+tear works well on her?


despite all that's been said about cassi, i think she's actually fairly strong right now. the changes on pbe are pretty lame imo cos they're not giving cassi her lane bullying back (ie not making her q stronger) so what's the point?

like they add an extra mechanic to her e but it doesn't change anything, your melting single targets down damage comes a bit more from your q rather than your e now, her gameplay is exactly the same since you were stacking q's anyways to refresh the poison and get the ms buff

at least her passive will be less dumb
I go Tear -> Rylai on Cass. The slow is veeery useful since I max E first. I only run out of mana when there's a lot of skirmishing happening, but then I can just pick up a Chalice and leave it at that.


Just to go back to the jungle for a sec, for champs that go Stalker's and having smite up is a huge help ganking, I generally start blue/Gromp or Gromp/blue with the smite used on Gromp, wolves -> birds -> smite on krugs. Look for ganking opportunities after wolves and birds. If there aren't any and you run straight through, going back after krugs gives you just enough money to pick up boots and Stalker's, maybe a health pot if you have a slower clear. You can take red pretty easily without using smite at that point thanks to the krug smite buff and have red, chilling smite, and boots all ready for your ganks. At that point, anyone who's burnt a flash or you can get to burn one with a warm up gank is pretty much dead. It's slower to prime gank time, but if you're running Stalker's you're probably playing a champ that isn't much good in ganks without it pre-6.

Haven't tried it with a huge number of champs, but if you have any sustain at all it shouldn't be a problem.


I go Tear -> Rylai on Cass. The slow is veeery useful since I max E first. I only run out of mana when there's a lot of skirmishing happening, but then I can just pick up a Chalice and leave it at that.
you can't max anything other than e first now tbh. that's not necessarily wrong since most champions don't really have much variety in the order they max their spells but you know :p

also i like better tear->zhonyas or tear->deathcap than rushing rylais. rylais imo isn't that great in lane and is better as a second or third item (say deathcap->zhonyas->rylais) when teamfights start happening and there are chases and disengages and picks and all that (also the extra health comes useful then). but like for dueling in lane i like zhonyas or deathcap better. abyss is also a pretty useful item on her i'd say

i wanna do more tests with like wota or even gunblade. i know it's dumb but i really like spellvamp for some reason


Yes support Skarner, it's totally fine if you literally buy more Trinity Forces than you do wards. Don't worry about even using your trinket, either. It's free, so whatever, right?

Oh please, support Skarner, continue to lecture me on why support buying wards and Sightstone is merely a recommendation, but me split pushing while you play indefinite wave clear wars and get poked out at their nexus turrets is indisputably wrong.

No, don't worry support Skarner, feel free to go back at full health while we're contesting a baron so you can pick up that Warden's Mail that will be so crucial to saving the game after they wipe us when they realize you're gone because they actually had wards up.

Some fucking people.

And the Ez he laned with went Zeal-Sheen-BF.
QSS works on suppress now?

Haven't been playing much since the new patch but is there a new agreed-upon jungle route? When do you get the river jungle creeps?
Whenever you want to set up a push for dragon / baron seems like a good time to kill the Scuttle Crab. After a while it's just too time-consuming to take care of the little critter on a whim by yourself and the XP as well the gold rewards on it are virtually non-existent. I wouldn't really prioritize it over anything unless you have nothing else to do since it doesn't really cut off the river as a gank path either; it's only active for little over a minute and you can still walk past it through the blue buff -> river slope from the looks of it.

Oh coo-

Howling Abyss


Wow, Warwick is so incredibly broken. Just had a 17 kill game where our morgana afked after around 10 minutes. We still won because Warwick is the most broken champ right now. I know you all already knew that but just figured I would pile on.


And the Ez he laned with went Zeal-Sheen-BF.

Get on his level dude. If Trinity Force usually uses a small wooden mallet, imagine what item it'll combine into when you use your best friend's sword instead!!

Skarner support sounds fucking terrible, and this from a guy who isn't all that picky when he ADCs.


I like silly roles. Had a gp bot with lulu that hard bodied a tristana lane.

We were wtf at gp but he did amazing
silly lanes are the best, especially when they work really well

friend of mine went ADC kennen, and i was blitz. i'm not a very good blitz, but the lane was so good. i did a lot of sacrifices, so i ended 1/15/24, and the kennen was 34/6/7.


Summons a magical storm for <span class="abilities-effects">6/10/15 seconds that deals 80/145/210 (+0.4*AP) magic damage to a random enemy champion near Kennen every .25 seconds.

Slicing Maelstrom can hit each champion up to 3 times and cannot hit the same champion more than once every .5 seconds.
No Cost
120/120/120 Seconds

Lol fucking 15 second Kennen ults

Enchantment: Devourer
Item Cost: 2250
Recipe Cost: 600
+50% Attack Speed
+25 Magic Damage on Hit

Passive - Devouring: Killing large monsters increases the magic damage of this item by +1. Champion kills or assists increases the magic damage of this item by +2.

Devourer nerfs too

Also face of the mountain executes minions below 400 hp now


I was wrong about there being no abuse strats.

- Warwick
- Half the jungle roster being able to kill dragon at level 3
- Shaco doesn't seem to be a problem yet, but that's because everyone is up in arms about Warwick

Devourer nerfs too

Also face of the mountain executes minions below 400 hp now

Where are these changes?


I guess thorough isn't the word, but I think it's easier to navigate. S@20 is never very organized with their pbe stuff imo.



Why are towers so weak now?

Yeah they go down so easily now. I think it's part of their attempts to stop turtle/waveclear comps but it's like shooting holes in paper. All you need is 3 champs and a pushed lane and there's nothing the other team can do to save it.


Yeah they go down so easily now. I think it's part of their attempts to stop turtle/waveclear comps but it's like shooting holes in paper. All you need is 3 champs and a pushed lane and there's nothing the other team can do to save it.

I meant that they dont hit very hard. But yeah thats right too.
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