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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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My girlfriend got Pentakill Sona as the gift.

Still nothing for me. Played more than her and have not been banned or restricted. Even had badges at certain points :D


I played quite a few AP mid nid past week, it is very fun. Great roaming, good midgame, and relegated to sup/one shot pony at endgame.
I was gonna try Hurricane Kalista, but I forgot I didn't even have Kalista.

I'm honestly wondering why he isn't picked more often. The guy is the only one with BKB in the entire game, that shit's good.

he's a good 1 v 1 duelist but that doesn't happen often in competitive. He also gets blown up pretty easily unless he builds tanky. He doesn't bring enough cc, only the chain slow which isn't as good after his rework.

He's not great in lane because he's so easy to gank pre-6.

There are honestly a lot of reasons why he's not picked.

I wonder how Double Morellos would work on Swain...

one Morello's is bad on Swain. Why build two?
Sometimes, I wonder how things like this got past the drawing board.

Arcane Helix
+400 health
+300 mana
+10% cooldown reduction
Passive Unique: Spending Mana heals you for 30% of the Mana spent.

Ryze? Swain? Karthus?


Did a couple of normals with friends to try out Blood Moon Thresh, which I think is a great skin, and I loved Championship already but this one tops it!

Anyway, first match we were versus a Diamond 3 Draven that had like 50 matches with it, which made me a bit scared. We were versus another Thresh with the same skin so it was a bit confusing at times lol. Managed to poke him when he went getting his axes and at times I blocked him from getting them by bullying him a bit. The other Thresh was trying to reach my Caitlyn but of course that was no easy task.

We got a nice gank which resulted in First Blood, although jungler got the kill. Next all in we barely won it, and I killed Draven and Caitlyn killed Thresh (was kinda poetic I guess lol). After doing fairly well in lane (although not as great as we could have, the guy could play ADC clearly) I think we moved out of lane with my Caitlyn 3/1 or something and we pushed mid. We had kept pushing both mid and top but Draven and Thresh pushed bot, but it was kinda worthless as we "depushed it" soon thereafter.

Even though we put down Draven really hard, he managed to stay very relevant in the game and I think they could have brought it back if his team peeled a bit for him.



Next match was kinda easy, although I was scared of Kalista and me not landing shit on her. I kept my cool and tried to make her back off when she could not move while attacking, so she would not be able to dodge my hook. Or I just walked to her and E > Hooked her. After her first death or the second maybe, she came back with just Berserker Greaves so after that it was really easy. Sion was kinda useless and I don't think he had tried to play it as support before, or either didn't play support much. After that, it was easy, considering all their lanes lost.


I...did not expect this. But I am ok with it. Time to retire Subzero Shen.


Yeah, I hadn't played Swain in a while but I should get used to him more.

Swain to me just feels so incredibly awkward to play. Every time I try I do awful. I feel he's one of the stronger champions in the game right now, not OP but great in the hands of someone skilled. The reason why we don't see him much competitively though is definitely the risk involved. He needs to get some serious farm to do anything useful. He needs so much goddamn mana to fight that he ends up forgoing AP for so long that he doesn't do real damage until 25 minutes or something like that.


Y'all are crazy. Swain's midgame is absurdly good. Dat level 6 powerspike. If you land the w, it's over.

The best part about Swain is how tanky you can build him while still melting carries. I usually don't even bother with Deathcap.


Have you ever taken charge in the chat for your team in a ranked game, kindly let everyone know what dumb shit they're doing and what to adjust, get a victory, and feel like you're the king of kings? That's how I feel right now. I feel good.

Time to go lose a game and knock myself down a peg.

Ya usually I don't say a ton, but when my team starts bitching at each other I'll usually take over and let em know whats up.

I was gonna try Hurricane Kalista, but I forgot I didn't even have Kalista.


Though you were Zkylon for a second with that gif lol.


lol just had two mirror matchups in a row against the same guy,same lane

was pretty funny since we both played on a similar skilllevel
got Dark Valkyrie Diana

Barely use her but won my game with her today as jungle. A game we should've lost because the Yi on there team had.. 35 kills :p. Bottom fed for like 25 deaths together.

somehow still won


Wow. My friend just sent me a snap saying he got infernal Nasus. I guarantee I'm gonna get some stupid shitty Ashe/Trynd skin like I always do.


Still no skin for me. But got another blood moon Elise win. I went juggernaut this time and got some great early ganks but my mid game was so rough. Clears seemed to get slower with time. I need some AP and a haunting guise alone probably isn't enough to do it.


sky is ded.
Who is sky? What do you mean that they are dead? I feel out of the loop.

I like mystery gifts because I have lots of champions, and I can always keep earning those, but IP cannot be used for skins.

I got Jade Fang Cassiopeia. She is one of my worst champions and gives me carpal tunnel to play, unfortunately, but at least it's a skin. Nothing on my level 5 LAN account.


Anyone know how to watch the op.gg replays? I was browsing my op.gg profile when I found someone had saved the replay of a recent ranked game of mine. When I open the .bat file the league client starts but the client freezes as soon as I get into spectate mode.


Anyone know how to watch the op.gg replays? I was browsing my op.gg profile when I found someone had saved the replay of a recent ranked game of mine. When I open the .bat file the league client starts but the client freezes as soon as I get into spectate mode.

I use that, and it was working fine yesterday, now for some reason it's not letting me spectate "could not locate spectator server" or something like that, after everyone loads to 100%.

Also just had like 3 really frustrating matches so I think I'll quit it for today. (At least only one of them was as support but damn, fuck playing Fiddlesticks, I just fucking suck at jungling).

We still lost but I had a decent game as Jinx versus Jayce (zzzz). At first I did very poorly and I was having trouble last hitting (I hadn't used Jinx since my change of runes) although I think most of it was in my head because I was fairly on-par with Jayce. I got some assists and that got me rolling, and got some nice ults (I think I got 3? kills with just ults). In the end Lissandra and myself (top 2 damage, she did 45k and I did almost 26k, although that's low considering Gnar was close to my damage) we were bot side and the rest 3 got caught (idk why they were there, because they just had to ward) and then we didn't reach in time there and I got fucked up by Yasuo's Wind Wall (I was close to killing 2 out of the 3 guys left) and that was just game (they had a wave mid and they used that to end.


Still no mystery gift.


Aight, I'll try again later. Thanks.

I had that happen before, and a day or so later it works or some games they didn't get "hooked" properly on the order to record I guess, so the program thinks it is recorded but when trying to pull it from op.gg, it can't find it? Idk, tbh I'm not that familiar with the program, and generally doesn't work for me on the games that I truly want to double-check stuff >_>


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I still have no skin. Oh well, I may as well just go full Ghost this season since Riot doesn't care.
Interesting that Cassiopeia has joined Rek'Sai and Janna at the top of the solo queue win rate charts. Wonder if it's just that she's been overbuffed recently or if it's evidence of scripting.
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