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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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What's the score of your plat-to-silver friend? What divisions exactly?

I can't imagine it happening unless his MMR barely qualified for Plat V/Silver I and he went 0-10.


4-1 placements so far, lookin good

at one point the entire enemy team was baiting in the little bush northwest of dragon pit, we'd seen em all go in there, so leona ulted the bush, hecarim ult, ap ezreal ult, graves ult, knocked em all the fuck out
it was glorious


What, overall, are the best Tier 3 runes to have in one's inventory? I know this sounds vague as it is character dependent/specific, but I'm gonna get 3 Mov. Quints soon for Heca and another champ, but looking at the list of runes, the only ones I have left are some uninteresting ones like MP regen, etc.


What, overall, are the best Tier 3 runes to have in one's inventory? I know this sounds vague as it is character dependent/specific, but I'm gonna get 3 Mov. Quints soon for Heca and another champ, but looking at the list of runes, the only ones I have left are some uninteresting ones like MP regen, etc.

If you enjoy playing support, I'd say some armor marks, mp regen blues/yellows to be able to use some of the more obscure support rune pages.


These are mostly efficient/common/best runes

  • AD Marks, Magic Pen Marks, Attack Speed Marks
  • Armour Seals, Health Seals, Scaling Health Seals
  • MR Glyphs, 6 Cooldown Glyphs
  • AD Quints, Movespeed Quints, AP Quints,
Might be missing a few


Anyone here dislike using devourer? I'd much rather go for any of the other Jungle upgrades, as devourer requires that I kill lots of camps and get lots of kills and assists.

If you enjoy playing support, I'd say some armor marks, mp regen blues/yellows to be able to use some of the more obscure support rune pages.

Supp I'd use:
Sona, Braum and Taric

ADC, I'm leaning towards Kog'maw




Anyone here dislike using devourer? I'd much rather go for any of the other Jungle upgrades, as devourer requires that I kill lots of camps and get lots of kills and assists.

Supp I'd use:
Sona, Braum and Taric

ADC, I'm leaning towards Kog'maw
They might become relevant, but it's a matter of play style. Armor / Mana Regen can be relevant for taric and Braum.


devourer is shit, never buy it

If I ever went Jungle Kayle I may build it, but I hadn't used Kayle in a while, and I don't think I'd ever build it anyways on her.

For that matter, had a really lame Jungle Udyr on my team last night, he just roamed and hardly did any good ganks and hardly ever tanked.
We lost the game real bad :/ NOt a biggy since me and my friends won the last 2 games :V


If I ever went Jungle Kayle I may build it, but I hadn't used Kayle in a while, and I don't think I'd ever build it anyways on her.

For that matter, had a really lame Jungle Udyr on my team last night, he just roamed and hardly did any good ganks and hardly ever tanked.
We lost the game real bad :/ NOt a biggy since me and my friends won the last 2 games :V


devourer is shit, don't buy it

it's part of the reason why kayle jungle isn't good anymore


Late comment, but I also like that attack move change. Does that mean that previously, attack move could change you to attacking wards that were placed closer to you than an escaping champion? Either way, I hate accidentally clicking next to a champion, and having attack move make me hit a minion or different champion.


Late comment, but I also like that attack move change. Does that mean that previously, attack move could change you to attacking wards that were placed closer to you than an escaping champion? Either way, I hate accidentally clicking next to a champion, and having attack move make me hit a minion or different champion.
Yes, that is correct. You can for example drop a ward when entering a brush to avoid some damage if your opponent is using attack move while chasing you .


Thanks. I really didn't realize how weak fiddle is to Sivir with QSS late game. You spellshield the silence, QSS the fear and you just blow the dude up.

The climb to challenger...begins.

Could not buy a fucking win tonight in 5 support games. The only game of the 5 I won was as Thresh and I didn't play particularly well. Actually no, I had an awful Braum game with a Blue Ez who did the usual Blue Ez thing of hitting like a wet noodle throughout laning phase. Didn't play with a single other laner/jungler who convincingly won their role. Very frustrating night.
Looking at supports (on both my team and the opposing team tonight) I wonder if I have a completely different idea about support item builds than most people.

In my last 5 games (of which I've played support 0 times)

0/10 built Aegis of the Legion
3/10 built Sight Stone
7/10 built a gold item (I almost thought this would be lower)
4/10 built Oracle's (I picked one up as jungler if my support didn't, I played one game as mid and no one in that game purchased one)

It seems like I see a lot of Morgana/Lux/Nidalee "supports" who go straight damage items. Although in one game the opposing teams Sona went 2/9/7 and built Mejais, Sorc boots, and Void staff. I also had a Morg who had 0 support items but did have a Zhonya's (then again our Ahri was like 1/0/2 30 minutes in so yeah). I also played a game where the opposing Blitz rushed a Guardian Angel after boots and sight stone. Oh and my team had a Leona with a Rylai's after boots and gold item.

Now I admit, I didn't play for a good chunk of last season, so maybe the route to playing support has changed, but it seems like a bad idea for your support to try and be a carry. In a lot of these games I out warded my support pretty heavily, and in some of the games it felt like the opposing teams mid was nuking us all down and maybe a little extra MR would've helped. Am I crazy? Is this the "right" way to play support now or is this just low tier support play?


I really welcome the attack move change. I never used it and I always got into problem misclicking (I would only use if I was facechecking a bush or whatever) and like doing that thing where you click a wall and somehow you walk backwards (??? I can't be the only one that had that happen to them). Problem for me will be getting used to using it though.

Tristana looks cute but maybe a bit too cartoony for my liking. Thank god I have Rocket Girl!

lol, they're using AP Reksai now.

Wth, is that a Bronze 5 stream? Gross tbh.
Those jungle item changes are Riot's usual kneejerk "oopsie we gave you too much gold so lets make shit more expensive" reaction

Hopefully this means the patch is next week.


Looking at supports (on both my team and the opposing team tonight) I wonder if I have a completely different idea about support item builds than most people.

In my last 5 games (of which I've played support 0 times)

0/10 built Aegis of the Legion
3/10 built Sight Stone
7/10 built a gold item (I almost thought this would be lower)
4/10 built Oracle's (I picked one up as jungler if my support didn't, I played one game as mid and no one in that game purchased one)

It seems like I see a lot of Morgana/Lux/Nidalee "supports" who go straight damage items. Although in one game the opposing teams Sona went 2/9/7 and built Mejais, Sorc boots, and Void staff. I also had a Morg who had 0 support items but did have a Zhonya's (then again our Ahri was like 1/0/2 30 minutes in so yeah). I also played a game where the opposing Blitz rushed a Guardian Angel after boots and sight stone. Oh and my team had a Leona with a Rylai's after boots and gold item.

Now I admit, I didn't play for a good chunk of last season, so maybe the route to playing support has changed, but it seems like a bad idea for your support to try and be a carry. In a lot of these games I out warded my support pretty heavily, and in some of the games it felt like the opposing teams mid was nuking us all down and maybe a little extra MR would've helped. Am I crazy? Is this the "right" way to play support now or is this just low tier support play?
Nah, that's the wrong way to play support. It happens in low tier support play since they do not know how to play it properly, or they don't actually want to play support.


If I am a jungler and I see bot has no Sighstone and the typical Doran's support, you bet your ass I'm gonna make my camp there.


Wth, is that a Bronze 5 stream? Gross tbh.


Speaking of which I once went top against a Diana, crazy player CHASED me all the way to my turret to try and kill me. I kill the poor sap with only 10 HP left on me at my turret XD.


Gragas used to be one of the strongest ap mage champions in the game that was nearly 100% picked or banned. Then he got reworked and turned into an oppressive ap bruiser that was also nearly 100% picked or banned. Then the nerf bat came.
What's the problem with devourer? I play Udyr jungle and I find myself winning a lot of games where I just rush it, got boots of mobi and just build Armour. I would have thought an item that will let you scale into late game is a good thing?
I love Gragas. He is incredibly fun when you build him tanky. Boots, RoA, Frozen Fist and you are ready to fuck everyone up.

Also, new Tristana splash. Yikes. I thought her pre-''rework'' splash was probably the best in the game, but now... don't know, not enjoying it.


Supp. Tanky Brand
Well tnaky in the sense he has high HP lol.

Gragas used to be one of the strongest ap mage champions in the game that was nearly 100% picked or banned. Then he got reworked and turned into an oppressive ap bruiser that was also nearly 100% picked or banned. Then the nerf bat came.

Yeah I've read about how he was getting nerfed during last season hah.


4-2. Was doing pretty well till I had those 2 last matches supporting a Caitlyn.
I hate that adc = (

I think I dont have enough patience to support such a passive champ : /


4-2. Was doing pretty well till I had those 2 last matches supporting a Caitlyn.
I hate that adc = (

I think I dont have enough patience to support such a passive champ : /

Depending on how you define aggression Cait should probably be the most active and aggressive adc in the game. That falls more on the person you were supporting, not the champ.


Really actually enjoyed building IE > PD > BT btw (didn't get to finish it, they surrendered). Damn it feels such a good item, although I might be wrong!

Btw, two times Caitlyn's ult went through my Sona (like, literally) and hit me? wtf.


If you enjoy playing support, I'd say some armor marks, mp regen blues/yellows to be able to use some of the more obscure support rune pages.

Regen yellows look like they're the most efficient, but then you also have to sacrifice armor yellows for them. What would a standard page with regen look like? When I support I generally just use a page with I think pen reds, armor yellows, mr blues, and AP quints.

Someone teach me how to Elise successfully.

End the game within 15 minutes.


Regen yellows look like they're the most efficient, but then you also have to sacrifice armor yellows for them. What would a standard page with regen look like? When I support I generally just use a page with I think pen reds, armor yellows, mr blues, and AP quints.

End the game within 15 minutes.
The easiest way is to remove a couple (3-5) of blue mr runes and replace them with mana regen. If you want to replace some armor yellows with mana regen, you might need armor reds and/or one or two armor quints to make up for it.

Personally I use a page like this for Nami, but not for others like Sona. It comes down a lot to play style.
On Sona, you probably just want to replace a couple of mr blues.


This is pretty much how I play jungle Yi:
Smite Frog, Activate W>Get Blue, activate W>Keep going around camps and W-ing in between. Once I've exhausted the camps or reach lvl. 6, I return to base and get my item and start ganking.

For that matter, frog+Blue get me to lvl 3, but what's the fastet route to get to lvl. 4 if possible?
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