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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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Is there some weird bug with Jarvan IV's ult right now? In a bot game, I ulted a bot Alistar, and he walked right through the wall. It was especially weird because on my screen he seemed to become invisible and then I killed him while he was invisible. MAYBE he was inside a bush. MAYBE something weird happened with Alistar's ult.

But then I did the same thing to a bot Kog'Maw, who also immediately walked through the wall. Both times a teammate saw the bots walk through the wall, too.
OKay...not sure how we won that. Lots of terrible team communication in the lobby. Odd ban picks (Karthus? Kassadin? wtf?). Then I got shoved top lane with Vel'Koz. Not sure how, but we utterly destroyed in all lanes.

3 - 0. One more for the night.



i dont know man. kalista constantly getting caught in the worst positions made this game go 20 minutes longer than it needed to. she was so frustrating.


Did 8-2 on Placement... Went from Silver II to...


Happy, though dissapointed I didn't actually move to Gold V.

As far as I can tell, my MMR on Op.gg says that it's above the average. Does that mean if I do good, will I gain good lp?
proceeded to go on a losing streak before winning a match, I'm now back at 27lp.

It sucks, but what can you do? I'm starting to find myself really hating support while in bronze solo queue. It's not bad in duo, but in solo I feel like it's luck if I win most of the time.


Next Tuesday it'll have been 2 weeks since new Tristana landed on PBE, I wonder if she's close to shipping. I think I read she will land on 5.2, so maybe they are finishing up on her splash plus DFG removal/Fizz and Ahri changes?

So far I've heard nothing about the possible changes to Veigar since DFG removal announcement. Would be nice if his stun worked as a damage amplifier, to reward from hitting it?

Had a really good game an a really bad one, both with Amumu. Bad one all lanes lost but I feel I could have also played it better in terms of applying pressure. Enemy Shaco turned out to be Plat something and basically got all kills ahead (I think we were also outmatched in the lanes, after checking op.gg, but that's not really an excuse).

It does feel good when you play versus Plat+ people that are actually trying in normals, because it gives you a reality check about how sucky you are lol. I can still defend myself if I am on support, but on any other role? Nah.


Even though my game ended 3v5, I got to play hecarim in the jungle again. He feels MUCH better. The w sustain is worlds better than it was and I really like chilling smite on him. If I actually had a full team I think that game would have been a win.
Next Tuesday it'll have been 2 weeks since new Tristana landed on PBE, I wonder if she's close to shipping. I think I read she will land on 5.2, so maybe they are finishing up on her splash plus DFG removal/Fizz and Ahri changes?
Once they start shipping splash arts the patch is usually close to done, Riot also said they reverted the Trist splash because they want to ship the patch and it's not ready. It's possible we'll see 5.2 this week because 5.1 took a long time to come out due to the holidays.

Plus besides Trist, it's not that big of a patch, mostly balance changes and skins.
proceeded to go on a losing streak before winning a match, I'm now back at 27lp.

It sucks, but what can you do? I'm starting to find myself really hating support while in bronze solo queue. It's not bad in duo, but in solo I feel like it's luck if I win most of the time.

My personal suggestion would be to play a carry support if support is your main, aka Zyra, or Annie if you're not that confident.

Go support masteries then build full damage (I personally go glass hammer) once you've gotten Sightstone. You won't be focused in team fights until it's too late in the game by which point you'll be out damaging everybody.

This way you've got the damage to make up for the muppits you're paired with but still making sure ward coverage is spot on and dragon control maintained.


How my placements worked out: 7/10 players afk directly from the start. 1 win. The other 2 games premade duo queues didn't get their prefered lanes and went started to flame or afk in the game <3.

Bronze II. And so far every game someone flamed, feeded or afkd in the first 1/3 part of the game. How am I supposed to get out of there again?


Yeah I'm buying Gnat. Did well against a Riven and an Olaf that was constantly ganking me.

I just hope it's awhile before the nerf hammer comes, his escape makes him really easy to kite with.


Is there some weird bug with Jarvan IV's ult right now? In a bot game, I ulted a bot Alistar, and he walked right through the wall. It was especially weird because on my screen he seemed to become invisible and then I killed him while he was invisible. MAYBE he was inside a bush. MAYBE something weird happened with Alistar's ult.

But then I did the same thing to a bot Kog'Maw, who also immediately walked through the wall. Both times a teammate saw the bots walk through the wall, too.

Ive had a few champs just walk out of my ult, Ive had my own flag creep block me and the worst one is when I E>Q over a wall and it shows me moving through it then a second later im back where I was before the E>Q.


Swain is so sleeper it's stupid. Stupidly tanky while dealing massive AOE damage. Came to gank our Ahri (which in hindsight was a bad idea) and the dude straight 2v1'd us.


Went 7-3 placements, dropped to Silver 2 from Gold 5, not that big of a drop, though most of my climb from S4 -> G5 was done with the last week or so before end of the season for the reward.


Swain is so sleeper it's stupid. Stupidly tanky while dealing massive AOE damage. Came to gank our Ahri (which in hindsight was a bad idea) and the dude straight 2v1'd us.

He's not broken, but he's definitely a strong pick if you know his limits.

And yeah, ganking him isn't the best idea, especially if it's post 6. He does great in 2v1s, even more so if it's post 6 and ignite's up.


I still feel like i dont know the rite masteries And runss to use on swain =_=.

I'm no expert, but I usually just go AP quints, hybrid pen marks, armor seals and MR glyphs. At level 1-3, just throwing an e and an auto wins most trades.

As for masteries, it's the standard 21/9. Though if you're greedy (or know the other jungler will give you blue), then 21/0/9 works are well.
I just played new trist a little bit on PBE and her auto animation feels really bad. You can cancel it but still get the noise and a puff of smoke. Doesn't feel good.

also judging by the ziggs on my team she's a lot bigger than the other yordles. very strange.



Holy. Fucking. Shit. This was the best game of League of Legends I have ever played.

Now you may be thinking, "why was it so close? no one on the enemy team was fed". Well, they splitpushed. Really fucking well. We were like 15+ kills, but they were just dominating our side lanes.

Eve camped top so hard and I kinda fed. So I just decided, fuck it. I'm gonna get Kennen huge. He gets super fed then our Cait starts complaining. With my one remaining message, I tell her that she's building runaan's so she has no excuse.

Well fast forward a bit and we're all pushing out. Then I see a little blue circle in the bottom right hand corner right next to our Nexus. It's Eve.. She melted our Nexus because of Lich Bane. I shit you not, she was 1 basic attack from killing it when Janna fucking flash ulted her into our fountain and killed her. I literally got hard from that. God it was so fucking sexy.

Vlad kept getting caught out (even though it took like 3 of us to kill him) and they had a shitty Baron call. With my 3 lives, I TP in, do as much damage as possible, then let my team clean them the fuck up and we push to win. We almost lost because of minion block too, lol

Anyways, how is Sion top?


I'm waiting until tomorrow to do my placement matches. Weekend is too screwy.

I saw a bug last night while I was using Pantheon. I used his W on Azir right as he used his ultimate. I pogo bounced on his wall, unable to do anything but bounce until someone killed me. It was dumb.


Carried my team but we still lost.

I feel crushed. :(

Any Bronze buddies who might want to duo queue? Preferably looking for a fellow bot laner if possible.

I can duo with you. I went 8-2 in provisionals and still went down to Bronze 4. We can make this climb (or decline) together!
I sent you a Private Message with my summoner name. If anyone else reading this wants to play, shoot me a PM.


I went 5 5 went from plat 2 to plat 4. I've been league depressed lately due to my internet problems though. I have comcast highest package Internet but I still get ping spikes and DC because I'm far from my modem and use poor wifi since parents don't want to wire me an ethernet. At least I don't have to climb back to plat from silver like last season.


How do you guys manage to play your "main" 6-7 times out of the 10 placement matches. Is "mid or feed" the key to it? :p
Or "sup or dodge"? :D

Serious question.
I went something like 2-8, ended up in bronze III. These were all nightmare-inducing games.
I am fairly certain that I shall remain here for a LONG time.
"adc please"

Only reason I didn't get ADC on all 7 games I played so far was because I gave the role to a guy in one game - deeply regretted it later.
How do you guys manage to play your "main" 6-7 times out of the 10 placement matches. Is "mid or feed" the key to it? :p
Or "sup or dodge"? :D

Serious question.
I went something like 2-8, ended up in bronze III. These were all nightmare-inducing games.
I am fairly certain that I shall remain here for a LONG time.

honestly if you just say "mid please" you're going to get it like 85% of the time.


How do you guys manage to play your "main" 6-7 times out of the 10 placement matches. Is "mid or feed" the key to it? :p
Or "sup or dodge"? :D

Serious question.
I went something like 2-8, ended up in bronze III. These were all nightmare-inducing games.
I am fairly certain that I shall remain here for a LONG time.

Generally, I don't. I just pick around my teammates if i'm not first pick.


How do you guys manage to play your "main" 6-7 times out of the 10 placement matches. Is "mid or feed" the key to it? :p
Or "sup or dodge"? :D

Serious question.
I went something like 2-8, ended up in bronze III. These were all nightmare-inducing games.
I am fairly certain that I shall remain here for a LONG time.

I just immediately type into chat "pref jungle pls"

If I don't get it whatever but people tend to lean toward letting people have their role unless they are dead set.


How my placements worked out: 7/10 players afk directly from the start. 1 win. The other 2 games premade duo queues didn't get their prefered lanes and went started to flame or afk in the game <3.

Bronze II. And so far every game someone flamed, feeded or afkd in the first 1/3 part of the game. How am I supposed to get out of there again?
The theory is that the other team also have someone flaming, feeding, or AFKing the same (or more if you don't do it yourself) number of times yours does.

The practice is that you may have streaks like this, and it may take something like 50-100 ranked games before the other team has had as many AFKs as your games have.


How do you guys manage to play your "main" 6-7 times out of the 10 placement matches. Is "mid or feed" the key to it? :p
Or "sup or dodge"? :D

Serious question.
I went something like 2-8, ended up in bronze III. These were all nightmare-inducing games.
I am fairly certain that I shall remain here for a LONG time.

"hi pref supp" is my go-to line for ranked games.


How do you guys manage to play your "main" 6-7 times out of the 10 placement matches. Is "mid or feed" the key to it? :p
Or "sup or dodge"? :D

Serious question.
I went something like 2-8, ended up in bronze III. These were all nightmare-inducing games.
I am fairly certain that I shall remain here for a LONG time.

Nobody plays top.
Here's a question for y'all. I know we talk a lot about solo carrying games, but how can you solo-carry the vision war? I feel like if your jungle is super warded up, it's next to impossible to clear everything by yourself and get important wards out as the game evolves.


Everything is moe to me
How do you guys manage to play your "main" 6-7 times out of the 10 placement matches. Is "mid or feed" the key to it? :p
Or "sup or dodge"? :D

Serious question.
I went something like 2-8, ended up in bronze III. These were all nightmare-inducing games.
I am fairly certain that I shall remain here for a LONG time.

i dont say anything, but in my case neither support or zyra are particularly contested.
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