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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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I think the skill order is W->E-> Max Q

If you hit a Q spear into a hunt pounce in a gank, the enemy is basically dead if your lane has any follow up.

The base damage+red buff will take off 3/4 of their life within a second.

We're practically the same account
Oops I wasn't clear. For the vi dragon stuff is it w dependent?
Won all my ranked games since then, back to promos!


On my way to lose them again! ):


4v5 since the very beginning. We tried so hard. Even the enemy team said we would have won if it wasn't because of the afk. So sad.

This kind of thing should be prevented by Riot, the game shouldn't start and it should count as a dodge for the leaver, or worse.
I just...don't know how we keep winning. 6 wins, 1 loss in placements. I swear there must be a God, and a Devil. We keep getting a team more toxic and/or dumb each game than the previous, and when we think it can't get worse it does. And yet we manage to win. Can I please, for the love of God, just win 1 game stress-free?

Also, in the middle of the last match, I got this random text from a number I don't recognize:

"So far I've only been able to take care of your heart and treat it right. Now I'll get the opportunity to take care of your body and treat it right. I desire to make you feel the best ever. Being able to be that close, I feel makes our love even stronger. I'm going to try to sleep now. My eyelids are heavy. I love you katelyn. Sweet dreams."

Sooo. Not sure if I should reply back with a goofy response, or go with a straight-faced "Who the fuck is this?" I also want to know if that was written to Katelyn, or for Katelyn?
So the enemy Draven of the last game, the one who said we would have won if it wasn't because of the afk, is in a facebook group I'm in.

I don't know how to feel about it, haha.
(I hate him now)
Back at 77lp after going on a loss spree and decreasing it down to 9.

My duo partner wanted to me to play Leona again, so we went Leona - Cait bot, went on a two win streak.

Fun fact: the Yorick mid was actually in our team the match before. He did pretty well then.


riot realllllly needs to fix syndra's stun

I don't have a link right now but I think a rioter recognized that the nerf on Syndra's E was overtuned and that along with the "phantom skillshot" bug that has been going on was a bit too much, so I am hopeful that there'll be a change or fix soon.


Anyways, how is Sion top?

I sometimes go Top Sion, if the enemy champ can't harass you, then you can just farm safely.
I once went top against a Diana and at one point pushed towards the top turret but had low mana, by then I got maybe 1 kill against that player.
For whatever reason, they started CHASING me all the way back to my turret...and I kill the poor sap who ignited and ulted me but I used my W shield to absorb the damage and waste the poor guy for a free kill, I had like 10 HP left lol.

As Sion i'd like to start Randuin or Spirit Visage, then get either another tank item or BoRK, AND JUST tank the fuck up from there. BoRK is more than enough, but if you wanna mess with the more get Frozen Mallet :p
checked our fantasy LCS league and expected to have lost my week one match cos
C9 suck

Turns out I was like 50-100 points higher than everyone else



Sion top is pretty much a free lane if you're against melee.

Max E and shout at minions all lane to chunk the enemy when they're farming.

Just need to hit ults late game or else people can just ignore you.


Sion top is pretty much a free lane if you're against melee.

Max E and shout at minions all lane to chunk the enemy when they're farming.

Just need to hit ults late game or else people can just ignore you.

Hmm I must not be using his E all that effectively then. I'll try him out again tonight.


Just had a really fun normal Tristana game. Man, it's fucking awesome when you can get fed! At first it was really annoying because Ezreal could land his Qs most of the time and it involved a bit more juking than I would like (though it was nice practice). I checked now and he was Platinum last season, same as the Malz, and the Maokai was Diamond but tbh, all lanes won (I think Alistar is not a great pick when so susceptible to pokes, and his W Q combo was terrible).

Once Ezreal got his Sheen things got a bit rough but once I learned to play safe and avoid trading with his procs, it got a better. We had absolute control of Dragon and we got 4 of them as well as 2? Barons.

I played a bit reckless at the end but I wasn't punished for it, so it felt really nice. Also they didn't have much armor at first if at all and that allowed me to get Bloodthirster before Last Whisper (it's usually the opposite), which made Ezreal's poke unimportant.

Anyway, absolutely loving PD 2nd item. I was a strong denier but now I have seen the light. It's such an amazing teamfighting item and despite the cost, it is really worth it.


Pd. Would Banshee's have been a good defensive item? I was thinking of getting it to counter Malzahar's ult but I am unsure if it would have been enough. To be honest the Health it gives already kept me alive a couple of times (when we were finishing I was left at 10HP!).
Malzahar means QSS as your defensive item, no exceptions. As Trist you don't have to worry about the rest of their team, Malz flash ult on the other hand could instantly erase you, you need to be able to fight back or at the very least knock him back / run away.


Malzahar means QSS as your defensive item, no exceptions. As Trist you don't have to worry about the rest of their team, Malz flash ult on the other hand could instantly erase you, you need to be able to fight back or at the very least knock him back / run away.

Doh, you are so right! I guess I forgot in the game? lol. My bad!

To be honest, and in hindsight I was very lucky because most of the times I flanked the enemy team and deleted Malz/Ezreal with some very lucky crits and I generally appeared after Malzahar had used his ult on Sion, too!

Is Triforce a bad item on Draven?

I haven't done the hard numbers crunch but I think Spellblade + his Q scaling makes it a boon for him. The extra mana from it helps too if you're going full retard with W. On top of this you've got the Phage and Zeal stats too.



Is Triforce a bad item on Draven?

I haven't done the hard numbers crunch but I think Spellblade + his Q scaling makes it a boon for him. The extra mana from it helps too if you're going full retard with W. On top of this you've got the Phage and Zeal stats too.


Draven scales hard with flat ad and crit. You dont need anything else.


I think the skill order is W->E-> Max Q

If you hit a Q spear into a hunt pounce in a gank, the enemy is basically dead if your lane has any follow up.

The base damage+red buff will take off 3/4 of their life within a second.

We're practically the same account

If I get a chance to play tonight I'm definitely going jungle Nidalee.


From Surrender@20
To recap, Tristana's updated splash art was pulled from the PBE while they continue to work on it. Tristana's visual and gameplay updates are still going out in patch 5.2.

So Tristana splash-art coming later? o; I'm ok with that.

We're considering Azir nerfs for 5.3, he's stronger in some situations than he should be. Range is one of the possible nerf points (it was while looking at his ranges we realized the indicator was off)."

I think my biggest complain about Azir is that once he can have 2/3 soldiers together, the range of the soldier themselves become really oppresive, if layed out right or in tight spots.


Played one game last night as Ezreal. We we're doing alright in lane, but Hecarim wouldn't leave us alone. Our Rek'Sai was trying to help elsewhere on the map since their Morde was destroying Cho. It didn't help that Jayce was a rager and had something to say every time Cho would mess up. We didn't get a dragon until 25 minutes into the game, but that was around the time we started making a comeback. My cs was pretty bad, but I was snagging kills, so that made up for it a bit. Always nice to have a comeback game, especially against a Morde that could 1v4 our team for a while. Jayce kept telling everyone good job and things like that, which I'm sure helped morale. At the end of the game our Cho apologized to us about how bad he was playing and thanked us for not having a meltdown, lol.


If I get a chance to play tonight I'm definitely going jungle Nidalee.

Let me know how it goes. I'm looking for different junglers to play or try out. This season i'm only comfortable with Vi, Rengar, Yi, and Fiddle so far. Maybe Kha'Zix and Lee Sin too.


Let me know how it goes. I'm looking for different junglers to play or try out. This season i'm only comfortable with Vi, Rengar, Yi, and Fiddle so far. Maybe Kha'Zix and Lee Sin too.

Even from the little I've played this season, I'm definitely feeling:

Vi - top tier for sure
Rek'sai - I still chuckle at how many people said she'd be bad because poor CC.
Sejuani - Always my favorite boar rider. Really benefited from the mana changes. CC tanky monster. I like building a haunting guise to get a little extra early damage though.
Hecarim - W buff helped him a lot. His sustain is a lot better than it used to and he's still a scary fast pony that mows down people. I wasn't even using a good runepage for him and it still felt great.
Pantheon - Still great
Elise - she needs a small buff and I'll REALLY do well with her. I still have a personal great winrate with her. My most played champ so I know it's more of a niche thing for me.
Kha'zix - he's kind of second tier in the new jungle imo. But I'm still personally pretty good with him. Kind of in the same boat as Elise.

I'm looking to try/give more time to:



Vi is a monster right now. Not broken but fun as hell to play with solid clears and excellent ganks.

I'm still trying to figure out the right balance of runes/masteries/build/jungle pathing though.


Triforce isn't really great on Draven because it doesn't give flat AD. If you're rich it's better on him than PD, but not great.

Also yesterday I realized I'm somewhat biased. I've been playing so much Sivir I forgot Vi is a threat for other ADCs. If you're playing Sivir Vi kinda turns into a worse Udyr, lol.


Ya Vi is good. I was playing her a bunch, but I get bored playing the same champ too much so I need to expand my horizons.

What elo are you in? I like playing Voli in silver, but I imagine he gets super kited the higher you go.

edit: Trick's CDR Jax build isn't bad either. Early game is weak as expected, but you scale pretty hard.
Triforce isn't really great on Draven because it doesn't give flat AD. If you're rich it's better on him than PD, but not great.

Also yesterday I realized I'm somewhat biased. I've been playing so much Sivir I forgot Vi is a threat for other ADCs. If you're playing Sivir Vi kinda turns into a worse Udyr, lol.
Sivir has been my get out of jail free card lately. See a Vi? Sivir. See Morg? Sivir. See Thresh, Blitz? Sivert. Anything with annoying spells I don't feel like dealing with? Blood or gold time.


What elo are you in? I like playing Voli in silver, but I imagine he gets super kited the higher you go.

edit: Trick's CDR Jax build isn't bad either. Early game is weak as expected, but you scale pretty hard.

I'm in Silver. Voli is cool, dunno if I would buy him though.
Triforce isn't really great on Draven because it doesn't give flat AD. If you're rich it's better on him than PD, but not great.

Also yesterday I realized I'm somewhat biased. I've been playing so much Sivir I forgot Vi is a threat for other ADCs. If you're playing Sivir Vi kinda turns into a worse Udyr, lol.

she;s not quite as bad as Udyr cos she can still get on you kind of. Udyr just runs at you flapping his arms without being able to actually catch you.


Triforce isn't really great on Draven because it doesn't give flat AD. If you're rich it's better on him than PD, but not great.

Also yesterday I realized I'm somewhat biased. I've been playing so much Sivir I forgot Vi is a threat for other ADCs. If you're playing Sivir Vi kinda turns into a worse Udyr, lol.

I haven't dared to get her on Normals as I am pretty bad on low-range ADCs (I still need to polish positioning and such). What I really like, and is something I had never appreciated enough, is her AA reset on her W.

Maybe I'll give her a spin soon, I do need something different from Tristana and Jinx (and soon buying Caitlyn).

Does Sivir's E work with Assault & Battery? I have been seeing a lot of Vi's lately (even in Normals) and it gets really annoying when their teamcomp is really "dive-y". Kiting with Tristaner helps and then I can just W out, but on Jinx it's kinda ugh.
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