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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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my ideal jungler cares for me

and places wards to keep me safe

and is always by my side when i need help

and even if i don't need him, he's right there, 'just in case'

and if i'm feeling blue, he gets it for me

and if he feels adventurous he takes me by the hand and we go to battle the unknown, together

and he brushes my hair and calls me nice things

and no one can tear us apart


the end


Our Cho starts the game literally 30 seconds in by saying his last team sucked and held him back and we aren't going to show promise either.

Great attitude :)


We almost actually won too. I pulled of a nice ult with Gnar and my buddy playing Kat got a quadra. We took an inhib and probably couldve ended it, but our team scattered right after the inhib. Lost the next fight and the game right after. Lol.


Maybe in that game but the matchup can be a skilled one. You bait the shield and lock up the without it. If Janna is ever below 70% hp and shield is down she is dead.
It is indeed possible to outplay the lane, but pre - 6 Leona simply cannot engage if Janna is smart with her Q. Post 6, Leona can rack up kills quite well.


Oh god. Zkylon why did you make my play blind pick.



Ran into a couple of ELO boosters. It's so obvious when you look at their match history and it's the first time they've played a champ, they carry like crazy, and they go 19-2-5 when their average KDA is pure garbage normally.


I wish I liked to play Varus, because that Heartseeker skin is absolutely hilarious!

Waiting for EUW to be up to try new Tristaner. ;O I woke up at 6:30am because I was anxious about it (what the fuck is wrong with me).


Naut ain't so bad, how should I max out his abilities? Do I max E or W first? Forgot that his W functions like sunfire/Morde's W.


I think Tristana's E damage is absolutely disgusting lol, but I will have to see on a Normal. Really love the VU too!


Think I had someone last night who was elo boosted in season 4 to plat.

He was Zed mid and his 2nd item after botrk was randuin's into which was a tf mid. His cs was bad and well he would run into 4 of them to "try" and get their adc. I think he managed one kill after he died 10 times before hand.

Can't understand why people would do that when in a way they are cheating themselfs.
Man oh man do I love Garen. Just for the reason he can take a beating, but still stay in there.

Last game i played I was vsing a hole team of AP champs and 1 adc. Lux top and man did I screw up. We traded kills early on, but then she get ahead from just bursting our jungler down twice. On top of that the other lanes lost as well and AP Trist got 12 kills by 15 mins. As any other champ I would have gone GG and called for surrender.



They could not kill me. It was just appalling the amount of disrespect I could get away with. At one point I had 300 health being chased by the entire enemy team down from their bot inhib to our bot inihb, just dropping maximum disrespect, dodging all skill shots and twerking my little Garen ass off.

It got to the point where their trist would just all in me at every opportunity and I wouldn’t even fight. I would just twerk wait for my team to turn up, silence and spin. No way for her to run at that point. We turned it around and went from a 13-27 to a 47-57 victory. They had a 6k lead on us when we took their nexus.

Now I for one like to be an honourable player, but my oh my did I have fun twerking my butt off. I also think the disrespect won the game for us. They got so tunnelled vision of just spanking my ass, that they would repeatedly get caught out. In the instance where they chased me, the rest of my team took two centre turrets and drake.

I think disrespect is a legit strategy to winning a game.

EDIT: Worth mentioning I only died 3 times all game.
Guys, I have 5000 IP. Suggest me a champ that's both viable and fun in your opinion. I have mid laner and support already, so I'd like something different.


Stupid, stupid change. And the reasoning given is mind blowingly fucked. So because a jungler might get the kill on the successful invade (which should be rewarded), let's fuck over every single jungler who needs to do Gromp-Blue-Wolves-Back or Krugs-Red-Chickens-Back in order to start their jungle clears off reliably. Talk about missing the forest for the fucking trees. Want to know the real problem? A 20% speed steal on champions who never needed it to gank in the first fucking place.

So we're now in situation where not only has Riot hilariously failed in delivery on their stated goal of making non-meta S4 junglers more viable, they've now managed to make them respectively worse than before. "Levers" my ass. Jungle is fucking mess. I'm at the point where I just want everything to go back to S4 and have Riot try again in S6 pre-season and - most importantly - get Xypherous off the fucking systems team and back to designing champions.

Preach it. 100% right. So many junglers really benefit from that first back after half a jungle clear (hell, I had to back as Nidalee last night after Gromp and Blue buff haha.. still had my 350 gold to get ranger though).

Jungle is just going to jungle. Maybe they'll lower the price of the knife so we can get an extra health pot or something.

Now THIS is interesting

Gonna give nu tristana a whirl later.

I always forget to upgrade my trinket. :(


Oh god. Nightblue playing Nidalee jungle. She'll be everywhere now :(

He's doing it on the PBE. He sucks at Nidalee but man the hunt working on neutral monsters is so awesome. I can't wait until that's live.

There's a real argument for leveling E first or second. That bonus attackspeed and heal helps.

edit: Having AD quints could help a lot too. Hmm.
Have you jungled Trundle yet this season?
It's all I ever really play in the jungle, barring the occasional Cho'gath.

She wasn't gamebreakingly broken like most certainlyt champs are on release, but that doesn't make her any less frustrating to go against.

And besides, they buffed her if my memory serves me right
Oh yeah, her patch notes are such fucking game changers:

Martial Poise
- While Kalista still can't cancel her basic attack, she can now select a different target during the first moments of her basic attack wind up.

- Soul-Marked cooldown per target reduced to 6 seconds from 8.
- Soul-Marked duration increased to 2 seconds from 1.5.

You're making a fool out of yourself. Again.


It's all I ever really play in the jungle, barring the occasional Cho'gath.

Oh yeah, her patch notes are such fucking game changers:

You're making a fool out of yourself. Again.

How am I making a fool out of myself? Am I calling her op? Nope. Is she broken? Probably not. Is she really annoying to go against? You bet. I pop everything to get to her but she just endlessly kites me. Most immobile melees are already being phased out as is.
D5 with D3-4 MMR last season. I'm not so far from where I left off. :D Elise's Elite has an odd ring to it.

VERY cooperative teammates. Kat and Liss always reported their TPs. Liss keeps reporting about Riven's TP. Graves and I were having a REALLY even match at bot. Other lanes were losing (0-2 mid/top each) and J4 was having a hard time ganking. Lost first dragon. Started pulling ahead due to vision control. I built Ruby Sightstone because I needed to move vision so often. I warded very obvious Fidd ult spots. I even binded him during his channel which he flubbed anyway since he just ulted right next to his original position. Everyone laughed.


D5 with D3-4 MMR last season. I'm not so far from where I left off. :D Elise's Elite has an odd ring to it.

VERY cooperative teammates. Kat and Liss always reported their TPs. Liss keeps reporting about Riven's TP. Graves and I were having a REALLY even match at bot. Other lanes were losing (0-2 mid/top each) and J4 was having a hard time ganking. Lost first dragon. Started pulling ahead due to vision control. I built Ruby Sightstone because I needed to move vision so often. I warded very obvious Fidd ult spots. I even binded him during his channel which he flubbed anyway since he just ulted right next to his original position. Everyone laughed.

The worst thing about being chat restricted (I got another 22 game restriction after my 7 game one) is not being able to coordinate tp ganks and tell my team what I'm doing. It's a blessing to be able to talk to your team.


It is indeed possible to outplay the lane, but pre - 6 Leona simply cannot engage if Janna is smart with her Q. Post 6, Leona can rack up kills quite well.
You just force twice abusing CDs. There are a lot of factors in lane positioning and the Janna being great with tornados but you have the opportunity to come at them twice. Also having flash up makes a very tough to dodge e.


You just force twice abusing CDs. There are a lot of factors in lane positioning and the Janna being great with tornados but you have the opportunity to come at them twice. Also having flash up makes a very tough to dodge e.

Janna Q has 14 seconds cd on lvl 1 while Leona E has 13 seconds cd, so if you're lucky and Janna or her adc is out of position during the one second window you might have (assuming the Janna does not have a cdr advantage), then sure. It's kind of unlikely to happen assuming equally skilled players.

Considering 5% cdr advantage on Janna (if you have the common 0/17/13-esque Leona, 0/9/21 Janna) , Leona has a 0.3 second window to engage her while Janna's tornado is down.

You can technically abuse CDs in a 0.3 second window, but that means either Janna or her adc must be out of position while you and your adc are in position during that 0.3 second window. That's tough to fulfill.

A flash play can work, sure.

I'd say the match up pre-6 is mostly dependent on Janna messing up. Post-6 is another beast as Janna can't cancel the Leona ult.


D5 with D3 MMR last season. I'm not so far from where I left off. :D Elise's Elite has an odd ring to it.
No, lol. If you were d5 with d3 mmr last season you would be getting like 35lp per game.
sorry noot and soda/ghost for always being so bad

get too nervous i think

i dunno how you manage to carry me anyways
Nah, those guys were smurfs. At least their botlane was. No pre-30s place that many wards.

Well I was getting matched with D3-D4 people last season even during my promos (went 3-2). I don't know my LP gain right now since I just finished my provisionals. Last season, I don't remember getting +35LP when I did 2 skips in Plat. I think my highest was +30?
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