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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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How is cho'gath is the jungle? I haven't try it yet.
It's pretty safe with attack speed runes; can clear the bird camp at level 2 while suffering minimal damage thanks to Rupture + Vorpal Spikes on the little ones. Also builds up Feast stacks fairly fast now thanks to the lower cooldown when using it on minions / monsters, which in turn is also valuable for controlling objectives. Not sure how he holds up on the current patch though, but I doubt he's influenced by the price increase that much. Wish the 50% slow on Smite was still around though, made landing Rupture real easy.

How am I making a fool out of myself? Am I calling her op? Nope. Is she broken? Probably not. Is she really annoying to go against? You bet. I pop everything to get to her but she just endlessly kites me. Most immobile melees are already being phased out as is.
By going on another one of your tiresome bitchfest tirades while simultaneously pretending her post-release changes made much of a difference. It's always "this champion sucks to deal with" instead of "I suck and need to get my act together."


Well I was getting matched with D3-D4 people last season even during my promos (went 3-2). I don't know my LP gain right now since I just finished my provisionals. Last season, I don't remember getting +35LP when I did 2 skips in Plat. I think my highest was +30?
You'll get more than 30 per game right now. If your highest was 30 it was probably d4 mmr. It's quite rare to be a full two divisions above your current league in mmr anyways.
You just force twice abusing CDs. There are a lot of factors in lane positioning and the Janna being great with tornados but you have the opportunity to come at them twice. Also having flash up makes a very tough to dodge e.

Janna Q has 14 seconds cd on lvl 1 while Leona E has 13 seconds cd, so if you're lucky and Janna or her adc is out of position during the one second window you might have (assuming the Janna does not have a cdr advantage), then sure. It's kind of unlikely to happen assuming equally skilled players.

Considering 5% cdr advantage on Janna (if you have the common 0/17/13-esque Leona, 0/9/21 Janna) , Leona has a 0.3 second window to engage her while Janna's tornado is down.

You can technically abuse CDs in a 0.3 second window, but that means either Janna or her adc must be out of position while you and your adc are in position during that 0.3 second window. That's tough to fulfill.

A flash play can work, sure.

I'd say the match up pre-6 is mostly dependent on Janna messing up. Post-6 is another beast as Janna can't cancel the Leona ult.

This is helpful, thanks. I actually don't have much experience playing against Janna because she was a rare pick last season. I was first pick so I was open to being countered. What counters Janna? Poke/sustain champs?


This is helpful, thanks. I actually don't have much experience playing against Janna because she was a rare pick last season. I was first pick so I was open to being countered. What counters Janna? Poke/sustain champs?

All sustain supports have at least decent matchups against Janna. Nami, Sona and Soraka all have a simple lane as Janna can't keep up with the sustain. This is the simpler option and will most of the times give you an edge in lane.

Sometimes the more bursty AP supports such as Zyra & Annie can work as they can potentially put out too much damage for Janna to block. This is the more difficult/uncertain option compared to the sustain supports, as the lane can go either way.


New Trist feels greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat

Her new auto is smooth as shit and her new E hurts

I was hoping that she would be terrible, because she still has too much mobility and self peel for an ADC.

ELO boosters are wrecking placements. I ran into some last night, my friend had the displeasure of running into the same one in back to back games. It sucks, because it's painfully obvious (they ward way more than ever, they swapped their summoner spell keys, they have a super high KDA now, and it was awful before, never before played champs). Sure, they'll get banned, but it still screws over everybody trying to promote or place.


Which would you say is better on Panth: Youmuu or Black Cleaver?
Also I find that any Panth build that doesn't prioritize Armor Pen. isn't using Panth to the full of his potential. I've played many games where the best Panths just went straight Armor Pen.


Which would you say is better on Panth: Youmuu or Black Cleaver?
Also I find that any Panth build that doesn't prioritize Armor Pen. isn't using Panth to the full of his potential. I've played many games where the best Panths just went straight Armor Pen.

bc cos he gets ilke a milion procs with his e


Which would you say is better on Panth: Youmuu or Black Cleaver?
Also I find that any Panth build that doesn't prioritize Armor Pen. isn't using Panth to the full of his potential. I've played many games where the best Panths just went straight Armor Pen.

Get the Black Cleaver. You're an executing monster.

I go Stalkers, Mobility boots, Randuin's, LW, Black Cleaver, and then a defensive item based on what they're doing (usually Banshee's or GA).


I dunno if the jungle changes are so bad. I played Sejuani, went Krugs -> Red -> Birds. That's enough for the jungle item upgrade and I only had to use a single pot.

edit: wait, i probably did wolves as well


Get the Black Cleaver. You're an executing monster.

I go Stalkers, Mobility boots, Randuin's, LW, Black Cleaver, and then a defensive item based on what they're doing (usually Banshee's or GA).

Thanks. I don't use Panth, but man do I hate top Panths.
First game with Ahri in this patch (RIP DFG)

I didn't feel I was doing any less damage(I did have two moments where I could previously get close to the enemy team, use r+dfg+e+w+q kill somebody and turn back), but since the enemy team was pretty squishy except Nautilus, it still needs more testing.

I'm pretty sure I'll feel the change when I'm behind. But we will see...

Also it's cool that foxfire no longer cancels my AA. It's kind of cool.
And Ahri with homeward + Q boost is hilarious hahaha.
I dunno if the jungle changes are so bad. I played Sejuani, went Krugs -> Red -> Birds. That's enough for the jungle item upgrade and I only had to use a single pot.

edit: wait, i probably did wolves as well
I think the change hurts lower level people more cause them not have all the runes and masteirs yet.
I am level 18 and usally I can clear gromp blue wolves then I need to back. And I have just barely enough to upgrade.


he still needs new animations and vfx and a new splash but goes to show how close some champions are to not being totally disgusting lol

Yep. It's nice to see Riot's paid a bit more attention to "low hanging fruit" champions in the texture balance. Xin, Blitz, and Zyra look way better for instance.


That normal purple Kennen skin looks like a frog, or E.T. to me. I'm kind of surprised people are saying it looks so good. :p Maybe it's better in comparison though.
Commando Garen is going to be removed from the official Facebook LoL Latinamerican to add Riot Tristana instead.

So if there any LAN players around here better redeem Garen Commando code now bebore feb 11


Janna Q has 14 seconds cd on lvl 1 while Leona E has 13 seconds cd, so if you're lucky and Janna or her adc is out of position during the one second window you might have (assuming the Janna does not have a cdr advantage), then sure. It's kind of unlikely to happen assuming equally skilled players.

Considering 5% cdr advantage on Janna (if you have the common 0/17/13-esque Leona, 0/9/21 Janna) , Leona has a 0.3 second window to engage her while Janna's tornado is down.

You can technically abuse CDs in a 0.3 second window, but that means either Janna or her adc must be out of position while you and your adc are in position during that 0.3 second window. That's tough to fulfill.

A flash play can work, sure.

I'd say the match up pre-6 is mostly dependent on Janna messing up. Post-6 is another beast as Janna can't cancel the Leona ult.
I'm only pointing out that it's a skill matchup not a hard counter. While the Leona can carry kill potential all the Janna can do is survive or maybe punish a stupid engage. An ignite Leona can very well catch a Janna pre 6.
Assuming everyone plays perfect it'll be a boring lane with Leona getting chunked her and there and regen getting her back up along with pots.


Even after placements matchmaking is still a lottery. You just don't know a player's real skill level when people can drop so far on paper.


I'm only pointing out that it's a skill matchup not a hard counter. While the Leona can carry kill potential all the Janna can do is survive or maybe punish a stupid engage. An ignite Leona can very well catch a Janna pre 6.
Assuming everyone plays perfect it'll be a boring lane with Leona getting chunked her and there and regen getting her back up along with pots.

Fair enough.

All* bot lanes are skill match ups though, so personally I think it's more interesting to see how the lanes play out for reasonable, equal skill levels. If someone misplays enough then of course s/he is going to lose.

*reasonable, somewhat viable

edit: that said, there might be some interest in the most common, most serious misplays in the matchups.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Even after placements matchmaking is still a lottery. You just don't know a player's real skill level when people can drop so far on paper.

First few months of the season are always like this. People haven't played for awhile and with all the item and jungle changes more and more games feel out of your control.


There is nothing more frustrating than accepting a random friend request, thinking it is someone I just played with, THEN I got spammed, and the person is no longer in my chat/Friend list, so I cant even report them.

Damn. Like my soul has just been infested.


Hecarim is in a sweet spot right now.

Yeah. I played him in a ranked (it was like my second time jg hec lol) and I got 2 early kills and just steamrolled from there. Unfortunately, the other team had Azir, the burst mobility AOE disengage splitpush tower melt mage and he almost singlehandedly won, but we were too good.


Hecarim is terrifying. Even when you're properly warded, he can still get at you on a gank. Your support simply must hit their stun or else he's on top of you. He doesn't even need to come down the jungle, he can just run right down the lane.
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