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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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I just picked teemo into singed. Boy do I feel dirty. Singed kept trying to fight me too. I started feeling bad after I killed him the 4th or 5th time.

I also love how salty the other team gets when they step on all your shrooms. Haven't played teemo since I was pre 30 but man is he hilarious to play with. (NOT hilarious to play against!)
Darn only got 17 LP for this.


Gnar in champ select goes "I can only play top let me top" and our first pick goes GP.... mid. Our ADC is Vayne. I'm tempted to dodge but decide not to.

Game starts, Gnar dies 3 times to Singed and jungle ganks. Starts saying "I'm done", etc. Vayne and I convince him to stay under tower and tell WW to gank once he hits 6.

Long story short we roll them. Once, I pull off a max-range E on TF who flashes over a wall at the same time. I travel with him, the E kills him, and he saves me from Darius.


Totes if your win rate is positive.

You're going to play a LOT though. It'd be easier if you go on winstreaks since you can skip divisions.

If it's relevant, I went from Plat5 to Dia5 in 25 games. Win rate went from 65% to 70% in the process. Skipped Plat4 and Plat2.

I should say I've been stuck in Silver IV for over 2 months and am pretty much a one-trick mid/support Zyra pony at this point. I was in promos last week, but was unlucky in the 3rd game. My win rate is barely positive at ~51% though.


baconbm so bm



Darn only got 17 LP for this.


Gnar in champ select goes "I can only play top let me top" and our first pick goes GP.... mid. Our ADC is Vayne. I'm tempted to dodge but decide not to.

Game starts, Gnar dies 3 times to Singed and jungle ganks. Starts saying "I'm done", etc. Vayne and I convince him to stay under tower and tell WW to gank once he hits 6.

Long story short we roll them. Once, I pull off a max-range E on TF who flashes over a wall at the same time. I travel with him, the E kills him, and he saves me from Darius.

The Runaan's/Berserker's Greaves Gnar. :(

Is Leona your favourite support? I've been neglecting her, in favor of becoming familiar with Nami but I always have a great time when I play her, particularly if we get rolling.

Pd. Also anyone here is "Saber Pendragon"? Got added by this person but didn't accept yet!
I should say I've been stuck in Silver IV for over 2 months and am pretty much a one-trick mid/support Zyra pony at this point. I was in promos last week, but was unlucky in the 3rd game. My win rate is barely positive at ~51% though.

I'll just wait for next season. Use it for practice time. Expand your pool of supports at the very least.


I, drawkcaB, have overcome the latest challenge in my life. I have once again triumphed in the face of adversity, against all odds...I won a game as Gnar.

If you all want to touch me you'll have to form a line.

As a side note I've been having a lot of good luck getting into Team Builder matches. I don't think I've had to wait more than 4 mins.
The Runaan's/Berserker's Greaves Gnar. :(

Is Leona your favourite support? I've been neglecting her, in favor of becoming familiar with Nami but I always have a great time when I play her, particularly if we get rolling.

Pd. Also anyone here is "Saber Pendragon"? Got added by this person but didn't accept yet!

I like Janna and Morg too, but Morg is usually banned and Janna is a pretty passive champ. Going all-in with Leona can be pretty fun if your ADC follows up. In low ELOs if you score an early kill it's free zoning for the rest of laning phase.


Got carried by a plat smurf. The Velkoz was understandably frustrated.


Had to play a terrible bot lane with the worst adc i've ever seen in my life.

A Corki lost to an Ashe and actually blamed me for hitting zyra snares and baiting him.

It was so moronic.

Left his 0/3 ass down at bot lane and started supporting mid and got a shit tonne of kills. Won the game while corki was farming wolves and wight for 20minutes.

The worst thing about it is he ended the game going 5/5/5 in team fights and started trash talking in the after game lobby. My jimmies are rustled.


I like Janna and Morg too, but Morg is usually banned and Janna is a pretty passive champ. Going all-in with Leona can be pretty fun if your ADC follows up. In low ELOs if you score an early kill it's free zoning for the rest of laning phase.


Got carried by a plat smurf. The Velkoz was understandably frustrated.

Oh I love Leona. She was my first "serious" support when I finally understood the game. Best part is when your ADC got fatty with a double kill early and the enemy bot lane tries to get back and you're like "nope!". I just haven't dared to take her to ranked because of her range and how many Soraka/Jannas are currently there. Maybe I've been just overthinking my ranked placements and I should just play them. I want to work on ranked a lot on preseason to use it as a "free" bootcamp.

I haven't actually played Morgana more than once or twice in SR. I just don't feel confident with her. Do you rush Zhonya's after SS/Mobi's/GP10? Same kinda goes with Janna. I can land very decent Tornadoes, I just kinda feel helpless though, idk why.


I will never understand how this shit happens. How does draven even clear a jungle, let alone beat a pantheon?

I feel like Akali neglected farm (or got zoned hard by Orianna). Orianna was probably very pushed towards your mid tower yet never got punished by Pantheon. Poor objective control and all lanes lost. Idk, kinda unfair to blame it on the Pantheon considering you have 1 kill participation (which he helped you with, first blood), and he was at 5 out of the 12 kills of your team.

Had to play a terrible bot lane with the worst adc i've ever seen in my life.

A Corki lost to an Ashe and actually blamed me for hitting zyra snares and baiting him.

It was so moronic.

Left his 0/3 ass down at bot lane and started supporting mid and got a shit tonne of kills. Won the game while corki was farming wolves and wight for 20minutes.

The worst thing about it is he ended the game going 5/5/5 in team fights and started trash talking in the after game lobby. My jimmies are rustled.

Actually had a real friend of mine tell me that. "Why are you hooking if you don't wanna go in?" I'm like, do damage and prevent them to cs cannon... >_>; idk, not all that the support does means an all-in! Sometimes I just want to annoy them >:O


I feel like Akali neglected farm (or got zoned hard by Orianna). Orianna was probably very pushed towards your mid tower yet never got punished by Pantheon. Poor objective control and all lanes lost. Idk, kinda unfair to blame it on the Pantheon considering you have 1 kill participation (which he helped you with, first blood), and he was at 5 out of the 12 kills of your team.

I don't mean he lost as in lost the game, that would be unfair as every lane lost. He lost jungle hard. I'll admit i don't know exactly what happened but draven invaded and counterjungled him all game. I just don't know how he couldn't outduel him. That first blood was actually from a fight in our jungle that I went down and helped with, not in lane. It had to just be that Draven was a way better jungler. Panth didn't get a red buff after his first one as far as I know.

Losing the game in general wasn't surprising at all. Everyone was raging (same with my next game), I was specifically talking about that matchup.

Edit: and here comes the ADC yasuo!

I gotta stop playing at night


I don't mean he lost as in lost the game, that would be unfair as every lane lost. He lost jungle hard. I'll admit i don't know exactly what happened but draven invaded and counterjungled him all game. I just don't know how he couldn't outduel him. That first blood was actually from a fight in our jungle that I went down and helped with, not in lane. It had to just be that Draven was a way better jungler. Panth didn't get a red buff after his first one as far as I know.

Losing the game in general wasn't surprising at all. Everyone was raging (same with my next game), I was specifically talking about that matchup.

Edit: and here comes the ADC yasuo!

I gotta stop playing at night

Yeah I understand what you mean. Idk how the Panth vs Draven matchup is but I guess Draven can kite pretty well Panth? tbh if jungle entrances were warded and had some sort of support from Thresh he could have caught him and shut down Draven.

Yeah saw that the kill was around river entrance of blue, was Draven there? Honestly idk if this game was winnable. Maybe if Akali had farmed a bit more and had gotten rolling and all their team is so squishy that it sounds like a comeback could be possible!


Yeah I understand what you mean. Idk how the Panth vs Draven matchup is but I guess Draven can kite pretty well Panth? tbh if jungle entrances were warded and had some sort of support from Thresh he could have caught him and shut down Draven.

Yeah saw that the kill was around river entrance of blue, was Draven there? Honestly idk if this game was winnable. Maybe if Akali had farmed a bit more and had gotten rolling and all their team is so squishy that it sounds like a comeback could be possible!

Eh I'm a firm believer in attitude effecting the game and it just wasn't there from champ select. Got worse when things got out of control. Tbh I generally don't even like pointing out lanes losing because obviously I wasn't watching so I don't know what happened but this was an especially baffling one for me.


What is it with people not wanting to dodge games where there is an obvious troll? We had a Shen who took teleport and revive saying he would feed as he didn't get support (I'd dodge myself but I was in a series.) You'd think that losing 3LP would be preferable to 20...

The funny thing is that he spent six minutes taxing my lane and feeding the opp. mid because I politely asked someone to dodge. Poor chap was on a six game losing streak and probably lost his mind. The dedication was somewhat admirable, though.


Promos are definitely cursed.


My last game:

8 players at mid dancing and flashing around. Danced until 2 minutes. Everyone was late to lane except for my shaco jungle and the enemy Irelia.

Scumbag Shaco didn't come so he did the jungle normally and wrecked the game.


Eh I'm a firm believer in attitude effecting the game and it just wasn't there from champ select. Got worse when things got out of control. Tbh I generally don't even like pointing out lanes losing because obviously I wasn't watching so I don't know what happened but this was an especially baffling one for me.

Yeah, totally agree on that, champ select absolutely sets the tone of the game sometimes. I remember one day on a normal someone was absolutely begging to get mid and someone who called it first conceded and was very nice about it. The person asking for it was absolutely childish, being all like:

OMG PLS PLS MID >.<<<<!!! and spamming stuff like that until he/she got it.

And shit like that, and checking later I saw he was on the premade with my rager/childish Twitch (rager towards enemy botlane), the kind of guy to say "gg more luck pls".

It's the kind of shit you don't want to deal with at 8am on a weekend. ;o


I discovered a new love for the game

Champs who scale insanely on items.

I got to somehow make ori work with my ping.

Report team for ksing everything. Zzzzz



At work and various sites are blocked, so please do excuse my question
1- For Sona, what's the recommended Runes if I'm going AP?
2- Are Mobility Boots useful on Sona? Or should I go for Defensive/White Boots?
3- What is the best Sona skin?
At work and various sites are blocked, so please do excuse my question
1- For Sona, what's the recommended Runes if I'm going AP?
2- Are Mobility Boots useful on Sona? Or should I go for Defensive/White Boots?
3- What is the best Sona skin?

1. Mpen reds, AP quints
2. Mobi / Ionian, nothing else. Your positioning needs work if you have to opt for defensive boots on Sona.
3. Arcade definitely.


1. Mpen reds, AP quints
2. Mobi / Ionian, nothing else. Your positioning needs work if you have to opt for defensive boots on Sona.
3. Arcade definitely.

I'll go Ionia then. I'd end up with 35% CDR if my build is proper and my team aren't idiots.


Holy crap is Zyra fun! Just had a normal with a couple of friends and I just had a blast. It's a bit of button mashing but it was absolutely tons of fun. I kinda fucked up on some skill shots and laning was a bit iffy (Blitz kept pulling Graves and we got heavily ganked by Lee Sin - I checked and was premade with Jinx).


It was a lot of fun to root people whenever Zed or Lee Sin focused me. I died many times setting up good ults but I was a bit silly about it. I'm still not that great with her range so that didn't help!

I'm fairly satisifed with my damage but I feel I could have contributed to more kills. Sometimes we got split and such and then Zed or Lee would get away (I know I know...). Also I died once or twice to Jinx ult -_-; at one point it wouldn't have hit me but it hit Leblanc and the area of effect hit me lol. I was like ungggghhh.

Tips or comments on my skills leveled/build are much appreciated!


I feel we won not because we did particularly well but because enemy Blitzcrank had a bizarre build and built no Sighstone, which made it really easy to set up picks which we needed to get back the game. I also feel we did some right calls around Dragon/Baron which helped us get back into the game, so I'm glad about that.
I can't stomach last hitting with Relic Shield with Ashe. Thresh at least has his E which comes up fast enough. I'd rather auto the enemy. Talisman active let my teammates catch up to enemies I ulted. The mana regen helps sustain, and the +20MS is great for kiting/chasing.

Spellthief probably works too.

Can't say anything about laning since Lucian was DC'd.


Can't say anything about laning since Lucian was DC'd.

Oh whoops, you're right, you mentioned that!

I don't think I could bear myself to try that (Ashe support). @_@

Can you imagine what was going through the enemy team's heads? "We just got beat by a fucking Ashe jungle and AD TF. isthisreallife.jpg"

Jinx is so immobile to ganks too, must have been a fun game for him/her lol...


I can't stomach last hitting with Relic Shield with Ashe. Thresh at least has his E which comes up fast enough. I'd rather auto the enemy. Talisman active let my teammates catch up to enemies I ulted. The mana regen helps sustain, and the +20MS is great for kiting/chasing.

Spellthief probably works too.

Can't say anything about laning since Lucian was DC'd.

AP only benefits her Ult, although one wonders if the extra damage from Spellthief can crit.


Atma's Impaler is just adding insult to injury. It's one of those items that is so rare, I might not even remember the last time I saw it.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Kalista can't split push well at all so it's not really an interesting interaction.


Sorry if this has been asked before or if there is a better thread for it (I havne't find a general MOBA type thread).

I'm pretty much brand new to MOBAs. I've played around with the tutorial in LoL, DOTA 2 and Smite, but that's about it. I always got scared off by the vast amount of builds, champions, items to buy, roles, and out of the game build type stuff you do (forgot what it's called). Plus, the toxic environment doesn't help either.

In any case, it's always been a goal of mine to learn MOBAs one day. So I'm curious, is LoL the best place for that? I've heard about Smite, Strife, Infinite Crisis and various other MOBAs but I'm not sure if there one that is a good place for a new player to really get their feet wet and start learning the game.

If LoL is a good place to learn, any tips/suggestions on guides or websites to use? I've found a ton of random stuff online and on Youtube but I'm not sure if there is one specific site or location that is highly recommended for new players.

Sorry if this has been asked before or if there is a better thread for it (I havne't find a general MOBA type thread).

I'm pretty much brand new to MOBAs. I've played around with the tutorial in LoL, DOTA 2 and Smite, but that's about it. I always got scared off by the vast amount of builds, champions, items to buy, roles, and out of the game build type stuff you do (forgot what it's called). Plus, the toxic environment doesn't help either.

In any case, it's always been a goal of mine to learn MOBAs one day. So I'm curious, is LoL the best place for that? I've heard about Smite, Strife, Infinite Crisis and various other MOBAs but I'm not sure if there one that is a good place for a new player to really get their feet wet and start learning the game.

If LoL is a good place to learn, any tips/suggestions on guides or websites to use? I've found a ton of random stuff online and on Youtube but I'm not sure if there is one specific site or location that is highly recommended for new players.

I can't answer your other Qs at the moment as I'm playing but yes LoL is the best. Easiest to get into and just a better and more fun game than DotA overall.

Blizzard's Heroes of the Storm is fun too (need an alpha invite on your bnet account), it's even easier to get into than LoL. Try that one as well, but yeah LoL #1.


Use lolking.net for guides. If you end up playing for a while and have learned some champs, you can go to probuilds.com to see what higher ranked players are doing for item/rune/mastery builds in each game.


Sorry if this has been asked before or if there is a better thread for it (I havne't find a general MOBA type thread).

I'm pretty much brand new to MOBAs. I've played around with the tutorial in LoL, DOTA 2 and Smite, but that's about it. I always got scared off by the vast amount of builds, champions, items to buy, roles, and out of the game build type stuff you do (forgot what it's called). Plus, the toxic environment doesn't help either.

In any case, it's always been a goal of mine to learn MOBAs one day. So I'm curious, is LoL the best place for that? I've heard about Smite, Strife, Infinite Crisis and various other MOBAs but I'm not sure if there one that is a good place for a new player to really get their feet wet and start learning the game.

If LoL is a good place to learn, any tips/suggestions on guides or websites to use? I've found a ton of random stuff online and on Youtube but I'm not sure if there is one specific site or location that is highly recommended for new players.

League is a decent starting place, yes. Most mechanics in the game are straight forward and intuitive.

This is a decent introduction to the game,
and then it is possible to find most other things you need here. There are links to sites with information to just about anything there. The sites with champion-specific guides are often the most interesting in the beginning.
Sorry if this has been asked before or if there is a better thread for it (I havne't find a general MOBA type thread).

I'm pretty much brand new to MOBAs. I've played around with the tutorial in LoL, DOTA 2 and Smite, but that's about it. I always got scared off by the vast amount of builds, champions, items to buy, roles, and out of the game build type stuff you do (forgot what it's called). Plus, the toxic environment doesn't help either.

In any case, it's always been a goal of mine to learn MOBAs one day. So I'm curious, is LoL the best place for that? I've heard about Smite, Strife, Infinite Crisis and various other MOBAs but I'm not sure if there one that is a good place for a new player to really get their feet wet and start learning the game.

If LoL is a good place to learn, any tips/suggestions on guides or websites to use? I've found a ton of random stuff online and on Youtube but I'm not sure if there is one specific site or location that is highly recommended for new players.


Do you have any friends who play MOBAs? You should play with them.

For LoL, just stick to playing with bots. (Play > Coop vs AI > Classic > Beginner)

If you're not comfortable playing with other human players, you can play with strictly bots only. (Play > Custom > Normal > Create Game > Summoner's Rift). Just put a password so that no one else can join.

If anyone's giving you a hard time in chat, just mute them via Tab in-game. Do not bother listening or talking to them.

For items, the game lists recommended items for you in the shop. They're generally fine.

For champion builds (eg order of abilities to learn), here are two resources:
- ProBuilds: Lists items and skill orders that pros and popular people do in their recent matches.
- LoLKing: Written guides, and lists the rank of the author. Unlike ProBuilds, they usually answer the question "why?" when it comes to builds.

Just pick a random champ and get a feel for the controls and the interface.

Personally, I think Dota 2 does a better job at easing players in. It's just that there's a lot more you need to learn, and some people don't like how unresponsive the game feels compared to LoL.
League is probably the best "starter" MOBA around. The skill floor is pretty low, you won't have to worry about what to play early (though this is technically a flaw, I think not having all champions unlocked from the get go is pretty beneficial for new players, trying to figure out what to play in a 120+ character pool can be really overwhelming). You can go to sites like Lolpro and read some guides on specific champions, but don't worry too much about builds, just build the recommended stuff and try to have fun.

Community-wise there's not much you can do about, it's a team-based competitve game with text chat, people will just write whatever the hell they feel like and be dicks, the mute feature is your best friend.
League is probably the best "starter" MOBA around. The skill floor is pretty low, you won't have to worry about what to play early (though this is technically a flaw, I think not having all champions unlocked from the get go is pretty beneficial for new players, trying to figure out what to play in a 120+ character pool can be really overwhelming). You can go to sites like Lolpro and read some guides on specific champions, but don't worry too much about builds, just try to have fun.

Community-wise there's not much you can do about, it's a team-based competitve game with text chat, people will just write whatever the hell they feel like and be dicks, the mute feature is your best friend.

I agree. Better starter moba. Less mechanics to learn, less meta to learn.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Sorry if this has been asked before or if there is a better thread for it (I havne't find a general MOBA type thread).

I'm pretty much brand new to MOBAs. I've played around with the tutorial in LoL, DOTA 2 and Smite, but that's about it. I always got scared off by the vast amount of builds, champions, items to buy, roles, and out of the game build type stuff you do (forgot what it's called). Plus, the toxic environment doesn't help either.
You've already got the name to call mid lane.
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